Chapter 18

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Guys , sorry if the last chapter was short. I wasn't feeling the best when i wrote it . So i didn't proof read it . SORRRYYYYY!!!. Please rate comment guys. Inbox me if you would like to be in it . Or have any ideas !!! Kay here it goes. ENJOY!(:


Diggy and Brittany are now outside of Starbucks . Spin is inside keeping a close watch on us...

Diggy- uh , so whats up?

Brittany - What the fuck is your problem?  You said you had to piss , but you ditched me .. did i do something-

Diggy- no , you didn't.. and i apologize for that . I should have told you i had to leave..

Brittany- Where did you go?

Diggy- Back to my mom's she was sick so my dad had uh called me .

Brittany- Oh you should have told me .. i could have took you there.

U- Nah , its coo.. i gotta go. See you around.

Brittany- Wait , hold up . That night you acted like you liked me , flirting back and shit . and now its see you around?

U- i know ...... and i shouldn't have ...

Brittany - So all that shit i said meant nothing to you . I poured my fucking heart out and you do this shit? 

u- Look i'm terribly sorry . but i just don't see us dating. or it being an US.

Brittany- You didn't give me a chance so you wouldn't know.

U- look i have to go. I don't mean to be rude or nothing but i really gotta goo* scratches back of head*

Brittany - *walks closer and kisses you passionately but you quickly push her off*

U- look , i have a girlfriend alright .. so you - no i need to go *turns around nods head for spin to come out he does*

Spin- Everything coo?

Brittany- Wait . You have a fucking girl?!

Spin- Well , yeahhh!

Diggy- Yes , I do. And i shouldn't have been flirting with you . I was told it was just a friendly get together . Your friend Lexi should have told you that.

Brittany- Actually the bitch told me that you have seen a picture of me , and that you called me beautiful and shit . that's the ONLY- Well SECOND reason i came with her.. I'm soooo sorrry!

Spin- The second was....?

Brittany - Uh hello its diggy ,and DJSPINKING........

Diggy- ahhh , well i have to go like i was saying.

Spin- Yea.. uh see you later.

Brittany- Sorry about earlier Like i didn't know. .

U- Don't even bring it up. Nice meeting you tho. *hugs her walks to car then spin comes seconds later he's driving*

Spin starts car pulls off

Spin - Dude you have to tell (YN) before she finds out.

U- And how will she find out?

Spin- Are you fucking kidding me?! Called paparazi man.

U- Ugh. 

Spin- You didn't kiss back so she can't be pissed. Well she can at Brittany ..

U- *sighs* i guess i'll tell her tonight..


Hours go by and Kimora finally comes back at 4:59

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