Chapter 34

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The following morning you woke up to a empty bed , so you got up went to use the bathroom washed face , brushed teeth and walked out to see diggy getting dressed

U- Morning.

Diggy- Morning.

U- Where are you going?

Diggy- studio.

U- How long?

Diggy- I don't know.(puts on wife beater)

U- Uh , can we talk about the court now?

Diggy- I have to go.(puts on a polo shirt)

U- But you said you wanted to talk about it , and i need to tell you. 

Diggy- (stands up fix shirt) i can't now , just text me.

U- Diggy i'm not gonna text you what happened.

Diggy- Then wait till i get home.

U- You know what , fuck it. I don't know what your problem is , but once you figure the shit out , and you cut the bull , come talk to me. 

Diggy- (YN) don't start.

U- What the fuck do you mean don't start !? You started it when you fucking giving me the cold shoulder and shit , you said you wanted to be apart of this shit but you're not . I knew you wasn't about to man up , about this shit. Like i said before what the fuck is gonna happen when the baby comes? You just gonna ignore it , and me??

Diggy- Look I gotta . This we can discuss when i get back.

U- And when will that be??

Diggy- I just said i don't know!

U- so when ever you get back , i probably won't be here.

Diggy- (turns to face you) and where are you going?

U- a place where people actually give two fucks. 

Diggy- there you go running from problems.

U- Daniel i'm not running away from shit , YOU ARE . I'm trying to sit here and talk to you about the court and you acting like you don't care , i'll be better off with Jake helping me!

Diggy- That ass isn't gonna help you!

U- Here , let me tell you this . HE'S gonna be there for the Birth , for birhtdays , and just to see him on weekends . That tells you something. Otherwise he wouldn't have asked!

Diggy- So you're gonna let that bitch ass see the baby?

U- Its his child !!

Diggy- And that pisses me off.

U- go to the studio , i'll be somewhere , you just pissed me OFF.

Diggy- How (YN) HOW

U- DANIEL You don't give a shit , and i don't need to be around somebody who doesn't give a fuck .

Diggy- I do care!! You push me away !

U- YOU PUSH ME AWAY ! I have done NOTHING to YOU , but try and talk , and you kept saying later . Daniel , yes i did put hold onto the conversation yesterday but that's because we had fucking company i want to talk about the shit Now. you said you were going man up , and support me . But you haven't !!!!!!!!! Daniel . I'm tired. .

Diggy- of what??

U- My fucking LIFE . You know what Brenton asked me.. Prince's girl.

Diggy- What...

U- She asked me do i have a fucking family , i have lost everyone , alright . And i need YOU . Okay. You're family is my family but its different from having your own brothers and sisters , birthmom , and dad. I just need you to be here for me. And if you can't do that i can go.

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