Chapter 107

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Andrew- can you talk?

You- yeah..I'm in the car, Diggy took them inside my brothers'.

Andrew- should I call you later?

You- no, I'll tell him it was my mom.

Andrew- oh alright.

You- where's India? What are you doing?

Andrew- *laughs* do you really care where she is?

You- no, but it's polite.

Andrew- *laughs* right...but she's still asleep. She was tripping yesterday so she went home, Breshay is getting dressed then I'm taking her shopping.

You-*laughs* no I don't think she was.

Andrew- you don't know what happened.

You- how did it start?

Andrew- because I was with you.

You- and where was she?

Andrew- I don't know (YN), somewhere.

You-*laughs* that's what I'm saying. You were with me when you should've been with her.

Andrew- but did I touch you?

You- no but-

Andrew- did I kiss you?

You- no it do-

Andrew- I didn't do anything to you, I was with you for five minutes. We were standing there by our kids talking. I don't care but I won't ever show affection to another woman around my daughter who isn't the same one I've been taking home. I don't want her thinking when she gets older that her boyfriend is supposed to do that. So for her to even show out like that, at a kids party is her fucking tripping. You can't justify it isn't either, so stop trynna be on her side when she doesn't give two shits about you.

You- that's not what I was even trying to do Andrew, but you're absolutely right.

Andrew- *sighs* I'll call you later alright?

You- ...okay. Bye.

Andrew didn't respond he just hung up. You sat in the car for a minute before getting out to go into Adrian's. Diggy was in the living room, the kids were up in Milan's room playing. You went into the living room and sat next to him.

You- where is Lexi and Adrian?

Diggy- Lexi's upstairs, Adrian is making her something to eat.

You- oh okay.

Diggy- what were you out there doing?

You- nothing, I was checking my voicemail. Do you want to leave?

Diggy- we just got here, I don't mind chilling for a minute or so.

You- you don't have anything to do today?

Diggy- no, everything's done. So I'm on "break".

You- for how long?

Diggy- long enough (YN). *laughs* I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Alright? So just relax.

You- okay, I just wanted to be sure that's all..*looks at him* I have another question though.

Diggy- if it's about me working don't ask because I told you I'm on a break.

You- *laughs* it's not I promise.

Diggy- oh well then what is it?

You- it's about us getting married.

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