Chapter 96

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Andrew- I had to take Breshay over my moms.

You- oh, okay.

Andrew- I would've said bye but Twist was being childish and I couldn't find you.

You- how?

Andrew- saying some dumb stuff. Where's Leah?

You- with one of Diggy's sisters.

Andrew- he knows you're over here without Chris?

You-, I didn't tell him because I didn't want to hear him throw 100 questions at me. He's at the studio with Chris, I'm going there after.

Andrew- *laughs* what if India was here?

You- I don't care. You're my friend right? She shouldn't be bothered by it because we aren't doing anything but talking.

Andrew- the only reason she would be bothered by it is because Chris and Bre ain't here. You know Diggy would be bothered by it too.

You- yeah but we aren't doing anything but talking.

Andrew-*laughs* alright (YN). Do you want something to drink?

You- no I'm okay, what time are you getting Breshay?

Andrew- I don't know, whenever my mom calls.

You- oh.

Andrew- what happened to Isaiah?

You- huh?

Andrew- that guy you were seeing, what happened to him?

You- I told you about Isaiah?

Andrew- no, twist told me.

You- what did he say?

Andrew- nah, why didn't you tell me? Everyone else knew, but me.

You- the only reason everyone knew is because Spin met him, and Diggy came over one morning..Isaiah just happened to be there too.

Andrew- yeah, but even after that you didn't tell me.

You- Because I didn't know how too. I didn't want anyone knowing, not until I knew if things were gonna be serious

Andrew- wait, what do you mean you didn't know how to tell me?

You- I didn't know how to tell you.

Andrew- yeah I heard you. Don't repeat it, explain it.

You- *sighs* because of what happened between us, I didn't know how to tell you. You were with India, so I didn't think it mattered if you knew or not. Plus, I don't know if you would even break up with her for me. Even if you did, there was that chance of me getting back with Diggy. I like you and I don't want our friendship to be fucked up because I don't know what I want. If it bothered you, why didn't you talk to me earlier?

Andrew- what the hell was I supposed to say? Hey, (YN) how come you decided to date this Isaiah guy instead of me? Nah, I just left it alone. I saw you at Issa's party.

You- you went?

Andrew- yes.

You- why didn't you come talk to me then? You didn't have to say you wanted me but you could've just said how you felt. I didn't mean to make you upset.

Andrew- you were with him, it's not my place for that. You didn't make upset, I just wanted to know why you didn't tell me about him.

You- your not even supposed to care, Andrew..what did you say when twist told you?

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