Chapter 61

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Prince- you want to talk about it?

You- do I look like I want to talk about it?

Prince- chill, (YN). You wouldn't have came with me if you didn't want too.

You- *sighs* she really pissed me off, and Diggy.

Prince- I get the Heather shit, she was damn right out of line. But what in the hell did Diggy do? He didn't do anything wrong, from what I saw..

You- exactly! That's just it, he didn't do shit when he dogged my name and his "sons" name. *does air quotes*. Then outside after I left I told him he said what was I supposed to say, Christian isn't my biological son! I wanted to slap him Jacob..I came back here for him to actually spend time with Christian and that's what I get? That's not okay..

Prince-*sighs* I don't know what to say..

You- *lays your head on his shoulder* just don't say anything, give me a hour and then take me back.

Prince-*wraps his arm around you* alright..


Diggy- would you stop and just listen to me?

You-*faces him* for what? That shit wasn't okay, you tell me he's your son and shit but when another bitch ask or say it you say it's true? *shakes head* that's not fair to Christian nor myself. I could've let Jake have full custody of Christian, I don't have to do any of this shit. But I'm doing it, and for me to bring him all the way down here and for you not to even claim him that's bull shit! You're full of shit, and I'm cursing myself out for even having the thought of moving back in my mind.. I can't and I won't.

You grabbed your suitcase and walked out, quickly placing it in the trunk of your car then pulling off before Diggy had the opportunity to change my mind. You pull into Adrian's drive way, and knock on the front door. He answered half alseep, with just boxxers on.

You- can I come in?

He stepped aside to let you in, and closed the door afterwards.

Adrian- what are you doing here? It's 2 in the morning.

You- I know, I'm sorry, I just need to stay for a day. Okay?

Adrian- where's Christian at?

You- he's over Diggy's sister house, I'm going to get him in the morning then we're leaving.

Adrian- what are you talking about?

You- I'll tell you tomorrow, go upstairs before Lexi starts to worry.

Adrian- are you alright though?

You- *sighs* I'm fine..

Adrian- you know where you can sleep, excuse the toys though.

You-*laughs* okay..thanks.

He kissed your head then went back upstairs, you went back outside to get your bag then back in to change. As soon as you laid down your phone went off, Diggy was calling. You put your phone on silent and let it just ring. The next morning you got up around 5:30, to shower and get dressed. Suprisingly, when you came out to make you some coffee Adrian was already up, trying to straighten up.

Adrian- are you hungry?

You- nah, I'm fine. *walks in kitchen* y'all got coffee?

Adrian- nah, no good for you.

You-*sighs* why are you up?

Adrian- *walks into kitchen* the only quiet time I get. Are you going to talk to me now? I barely get to see you two, and you're ready to leave?

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