Chapter 8

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U- Hey Adrian, I gotta question.

Adrian- What is it? * sits on the chair across from you*

U- Are you and Chloe' like a thing?

Adrian- Why? 

U- Adrian just tell me yes or no.  

Adrian- I'm making it official tomorrow night, why do you care all of a sudden about who I'm seeing?

U- Adrian please don't do it.

Adrian- And why is that?

U- Because there' s a small she is seeing someone else/

Adrian- What? That's bullshit. *stands up* see, that's that shit I thought you wouldn't do. Goodnight (YN), I don't have time for it.

U- Adrian!

Adrian- what? who is this nigga? no fuck that, do you have proof?

U- When i went to the studio after we left mom's Roger was there..Chloe's is his assitant..I  was talking to Diggy about Chloe', Roger over heard and asked how did I know her, I told him he was being nosey and he was just like, yeah cause that's my girl.

Adrian- *his face is red by now * Lemme call this Roger nigga set him straight. 

U- Adrian stop no..Roger has BEEN with this girl. He knows nothing about y'all going out. So the problem is between you and her, not you and Roger. She's playing you two, he isn't doing shit but believing that her ass is faithful.

Adrian-(YN), thank you for telling me and shit, but maybe you should just go home. I'm sorry but I can-

U- I get it, call me tomorrow okay? 

You hugged him goodbye, then grabbed your stuff before walking out and getting in the car to call Diggy.

U- hey, Diggy?

Diggy- What's up? Everything good?

U- Can I come over tonight? I'll tell you when I get there..if I can come?

Diggy- Yeah, come on..I'll be waiting just text me when you're in the driveway, don't ring the doorbell because everyone is asleep.

U- okay, I'm about to leave Adrian's now.

Diggy- Alright, be careful driving.

You pulled out of Adrian's driveway and headed towards Diggy's house. Once you got there you sent him atext before getting out the car, the two of you walked queitly up to his room. Once he shut the door you two sat down on his bed.


U- hey..

Diggy- what happened? I'm guessing you told him, how did he take it?

U- not good, he was pissed..but once he calmed down he asked me to leave so I called you.

Diggy- What did he say up to him getting pissed?

U- He was about to call roger when i told him not too, that's when he really started freaking out on me.. I don't get why, they weren't official.

Diggy- He probably really liked her, how long have they been seeing each other?

U- I have no clue, I  just heard about her today.

Diggy - Damn..that's fucked up.

U- Did you call Roger yet?

Diggy- No, I was going to call him after I called you.

U- but now I'm call..

Diggy grabbed his phone, and dialed Roger's number then placed it up to his ear. You mouthed out "put it on speaker" so he did.

Rogger - Yo?

Diggy- wassup, you busy?

Roger - Naw, man I'm just at Chloe's chilling..Wassup?

You and Diggy exchanged looks so you shook your head no, telling him not to do it right now. 

Diggy- Oh, well I'll see you tomorrow.

Roger- *laugsh* you called me to tell me that?

Diggy- Aye, i gotta go (YN) just came over, see you.

Roger- *laughs* aight, just use protection.

Diggy hurrys up takes roger off speaker. 

Diggy- *laughs* whatever man, Yea i'll be there...aiight....bye.

Diggy hung up the phone then placed it back on the charger.

U- I'm gonna go shower.. *gets up*

Diggy- no, take one in the morning, I don't want you to wake anyone..You don't stink so you'll be okay.

U- *laughs* it doesn't matter,I prefer taking one everyday.

Diggy- just take one tomorrow, I don't want my mom to wake up tripping.

U- okay, I'm going to just change then.

Diggy- change in here.

U- no.

Diggy-*laughs* why not? I'm not going to watch you, plus I've seen you naked before.

U- so what.

You grabbed your bag and walked into the bathroom that was in his room and closed the door. You threw your hair in a messy ponytail, beofre changing into shorts and a tank top. You walked out and placed your bag down before climbing in next to him, he placed his arm around you after cutting off the light.

U- if you get up before me can you wake me at 8?

Diggy- why?

U- because I'm still going to meet up with Chloe'

Diggy- you aren't going to say anything right?

U- no, not tomorrow at least.

Diggy- don't say anything at all, until Adrian and Roger says its okay. Alright?

U- I guess..


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