Chapter 95

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Prodigy- you fucked him! Are you stupid (YN)?

You- Prodigy, shut up..the whole fucking world doesn't need to know.

Prodigy- what do you expect from me, to be quiet? Sorry, not gonna happen.

You- okay but Isaiah's in the other room along with other Alicia, Diggy, Vanessa, her date, and Lisa..I actually like you with her, and with her as my friend I don't want her thinking I'm a hoe..

Prodigy- *sighs* you're not a hoe, you just don't know what you want.

You- exactly why she'll think I'm one.

Prodigy- we're not finished here you know that right?

You- I really don't want a lecture.

Prodigy- oh fucking well, *grabs salad bowl* you going to hear it from me, I don't care if you going to listen or not.

You- *sighs* when?

Prodigy- don't worry about, just be ready when I do.

Prodigy looked at you before walking back into the living room. You were all over Vanessa's for dinner, you insisted on inviting Prodigy just because you really did like his girlfriend Lisa. She was pretty, and respectful, even though you cuss a lot she however manages not too. You would've preferred if Diggy found somebody like Lisa instead of Alicia. Vanessa's boyfriend was cute, but seemed a little too uptight for you. His name is Lucas.

You grabbed the salad dressings and walked back to the table, somehow the seating was changed and Diggy was now sitting closer to you, but still next to Alicia. You were still sitting next to Isaiah though.

Alicia- I'm happy to finally be able to meet one of Diggy's siblings, well family member. *laughs* your the first.

Vanessa- no, you've met (YN).

Alicia- yes, but she isn't family in any way. So technically you're the first.

You ignored her and looked at Isaiah, who placed his hand on your knee. You smiled at him before paying attention back onto the conversation that was filling the room.

Lisa- *laughs* no, I'm actually a photographer. That's how we met, but I think yours is cuter Vanessa.

Vanessa- *laughs* wouldn't count on it..well how did you and Isaiah meet (YN)?

You- at a beach, I was with Star. *laughs* it wasn't anything special about it, I mean I thought it was sweet that he had the guts to even come over.

Isaiah- *laughs* I thought it was special.

Alicia- *laughs* well you're a guy so it really doesn't count.

Diggy shifted in his seat before grabbing his glass of water and drinking it.

Vanessa- Lucas can you help me bring the food out? It should be ready?

Lucas- I'll do it, you stay here.

Isaiah- I can help?

Lucas- follow me to the kitchen.

Vanessa- thank you Isaiah.

Both Lucas and Isaiah walked into the kitchen.

Lisa- so um (YN) how's Leah? And Christian? I miss them.

Alicia- you've met them?

Prodigy- well yeah, she's my girlfriend and (YN's) friend.

You- right..but they're good. They're over my brothers for the night, I'll bring them over tomorrow.

A Diggy Love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon