Chapter 14

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Spin's still at the house in the guest room getting dressed you and diggy are upstairs getting ready 

you curl your hair and put the dress on with a pink beeded necklace with a black flower on it with pink black clutch and pink hills and diamond stud earrings ( ) 

U- You like ? *spins around*

when you turn back around to face diggy his jaw dropped staring tooooo hard.

You walk over playfully hit diggy.

U- babe...

Diggy- Oh my bad . You look beautiful . *kisses you *

U- Thanks *blushes* you look good too ..

Diggy- come on its 8:15 

U- ughhhh. 

Diggy- I knoww. we could skipp the dinner y'know...

U- too late....*walks out the room down stairs* Damn spin looking good *laughs*

Spin- Thanks you too 

U- I'm readdddyyyyy. 

Diggy- me too come on .

you guys get into the limo you text your brother and tell him we on the way we you guys pull up th driver hunks and opens the door for them  you let go of diggy's hand and move over by spin thats when adrian and lexi gets in . then the girl has on this short ass dress . in the color purple does her well . it look liked she went natural her hair was curly she was light skin looked mixed with mexican or porta rican or some shit like that Spin must have felt me tense up because he whispered in my ear      "relax" i just shooked my head okay.

Lexi- Digg . This is my friend Brittany or Britt. 

Diggy- Hi . Nice to meet yo u *shakes her hand*

Britt- Nice to meet yo too.  by the way love your music *laughs*

Diggy- Thanks* smiles*

U/ Spin - Uhem .

Adrian- Lexi thats Spin .


Spin / diggy * laughing*

Britt- Hi i'm brittany nice to meet you spin *shakes his hand*

U- For the love of god . Am i like invisible or something???? 

Spin- *laughing* excuse her thats (YN) my date for tonight .

U- Hi.

Britt - Hi , I'm britt-

U-Brittany yeah i heard bout 3 times *laughs*

Britt- *laughs* so are you and spin boyfriend and girlfriend ?

Lexi - Yeah are you guys?

U / Spin exchange a look

U- uhh actually we aren't official yet. We just started dating not too long ago ..uh but thats personal so if guys don't mind just you know keep it to your selves...

Lexi/ Britt - sure.

Diggy- Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .

Adrian and Lexi start making out you roll your eyes diggy laughs then awkward silence AGAIN.

Britt- Oh gosh . They've been going for a while now *laughs*

U- Adrian ain't came up for air yet ..


U- *put you're head on his shoulder * 

Britt- You guys are soo cute together .

That makes you sit up fast . 

Spin - uh thanks...

Britt turns her attention to diggy

they start talking you glare at the two of them

Spin- (YN) chilllll. Diggy ain't gone do nothing while you're here...

U- look at them spin...

Spin- Just relax and have fun . If they do something . Just cut the hoe *laughs*

U-*laughs* truee.

the driver stop the car because yall there all that shit yall get out go to the table you sit in the middle of adrian and spin and diggy sits across from you and britt sits across from spin and lexi sits on the other side of  adrian waiter comes over and we order something to drink and appetizers britt and diggy have been talkin non stop and adrian and lexi too leaving you and spin to talk 

U- i cant do this anymore . 

Spin- what ?

U- come with me *grabs his hand you guys walk in the front of the resteraunt and diggy sees you 2 get up* 

Spin- Whats the problem?

U- i can't watch another girl flirt with diggy . while i'm sitting there . and he's flirting back...

Spin- You guys have to pretend right....?

U- yep.

S- so who says you can't flirt with me?

U- spin i don't know-

S- it don't mean nothing so whats the worst it could do?

U- *smiles * come on *intwines your hand with his walk back to the table sits down*

Diggy- Everything okay?

U- Yeah. 

Adrian- The waiter came back so i just ordered for you 

Diggy- and i ordered for you spin.

Spin- Wings?!

Diggy - Yessir 

Spin- Thanks man

D- No prob. *pulls out his phone texts you *


D- babe.

U- Yeah?

D- she asked me out :l

U- And you said.....

D- i can't because i have to go to the studio

U- oh k.

D- but she wants to come with me..

U- UGH. Tell her no.

D- i did.

U- oh O.O lol

D- But she said what about icecream after this.

U- the fuucccccccckkkk. So you either choose ice cream with her or sex with me......

D- I said sure....................


The fuck did diggy just do?! sorry if its short lol hoped you liked !!! Chapter coming up in couple hours !!!!!!!!!!

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