Chapter 38

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Doing this on my ohone , don't feeel like using the desk top , enjoy(:

Adrian POV

I'm in the shower doing my hygiene routine , Lexi's watching tv in our room she should go into birth today or tomorrow , her bag is already packed and we figured we'll go to Holland Emergency , its like ten minutes away , once i finished i stepped out of the shower wrapped a towel around my waist . Lexi's still pissed at me , but what else can i do? Get over it , (YN) will never fucking forgive me , even if i was on my death bed , i hear a loud ass scream , so i ran into my room to see Lexi stood up and arched over holding her belly so i ran over to her side.

Adrian- babe what's wrong???

Lexi- (heavy breathing) my water broke! We need to go now!

Adrian- shit . Uh , go downstairs get in the car i'll be down , doors are open just buckle up 

Lexi- (pancing) i need you to help me down the steps!

Adrian- (runs over grabs tee , boxers , jeans he trhows that on real fast grabs his phone) lets gooo.

Adrian helps lexi down the steps , into the car once he does that he lock the house up and gets in the car and pulls off.

Lexi- call my mom , now!

Adrian- We have to wait , babe i don't want to do it while were driving we're almost there , i'll call everyone when we get there.

Lexi- (looks at you) (YN) too..

Adrian- yes.. 

the rest of the ride was silent , well besides Lexi's heavy breathing and screams of contractions , we finally made it there once we did i immediately helped lexi out of the car , i let her sit while i went to talk to the nurse.

Nurse- how may i help you ? and you do realize this is the emergency room not a hang out.

Adrian- my girlfriend is in birth , (points to her) and we need a room 

Nurse - (walks from behind desk gets a wheelchair for lexi) help  me help her into this chair

Adrian and the nurse help lexi into the chair lexi is holding adrian's hand still having breathing.

Nurse- How long ago did her water brake.(pushing iher into a room for birth)

Adrian- about ten fifteen minutes ago.

Nurse- You're gonna have a looooonnng time in pain sweetie ,

Adrian- you're not helping here/

Lexi- I - i want drugs!

Nurse- first i need you to put this gown on (you guys are already in the room trying to help lexi sit on the bed thingy .(puts y'all in room 134)

Nurse- and i'll be back with a doctor shortly alright , just put this gown on and lay down and call your family memebers or who ever you need , 

Adrian- thanks.

Lexi- i can put the gown on j-just go call my mom.



Me , diggy on our way to a emergency room in the back seat, while prince came along and decided he'll go back to get the oothers once he drove us to the nearest one , well it wasn't really near more like 40 minute ride , some place called Holland Emergency .

U- fuck , digg ca-call your dad and tell him what's (stops talking because of a contraction)

Diggy- I got it . just relax okay. (rubs your hair that fell outta place to the back because of the fight) 

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