Chapter 115

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You- I'm okay but I don't know if I'm okay with sharing things with this lady..

Diggy- *sits next to you* yeah, I know. Tell me what you don't want to talk about, and we'll try to avoid it until we both are comfortable enough.

You- *looks at him* I'm not sure the first day we should talk about Jake, I don't want too..I know it's what got us to this point but when's the last time I had to explain that?

Diggy- I don't want you talking about him today either, we'll ease into that.

You- I'm not going to look at you and promise that I'll be hundred percent for talking about it, or him in a week or month...

Diggy- we do have to talk about it sometime, you know that it's apart of our issues today so you need to try and have an open mind.

You- I do have an open mind Diggy, I just don't want to sit in there telling another person about it..and then how am I supposed to feel comfortable when hella people threw that it back in my face?

Diggy- she's not going to fucking sit in there and ask you to talk about the shit only to make it out to be your fault (YN). I don't want you talking about it today, but eventually we have to discuss this shit.

You- you don't fucking know that Daniel. You don't know shit but that she's your moms friend. If all you need for me to do is talk about it and we can move on, then let's fucking talk about it without somebody in the room listening. I'll tell you how you make me feel when you aren't there, I'll tell you all of that shit, but I don't want anyone else in our fucking business.

Diggy- last week you were all for it and now you're pissed off and trying to back out? If we could actually communicate we wouldn't fucking be here (YN), so chill out.

You- no, if you just would've been there for me all those time I needed you we wouldn't be here...

You moved over a little, after turning your head away from him. He sighed heavily before looking at the lady coming into the room with a clip board. She shook your hand and then Diggy's before sitting across from him. She gave a short but long introduction of who she was, and how all of this would work. Her name is Dean, short for Geraldine. After hearing it out her mouth and not Diggy's, it made you feel a little more comfortable but still made you kind of nervous.

Dean- at the end of the this first session, I'll let you two know how many days I think you guys should come a week, or month, *laughs* or if I think you guys don't even need to come back, then I'll let you know. Okay?

Diggy- fine with me.

Dean- (YN)?

You- *looks at her* I'm fine with that too..

Dean- okay, how about you two start off by telling me why you guys are here, and what you hope to soon accomplish?

Diggy looked at you to see if you would speak up, but you refused so he adjusted the way he was sitting before speaking.

Diggy- we have to work on our communication..and hopefully after it gets better, her and I can move on and get married.

Dean- so you two don't plan on fully committing to each other until it's certain you guys can fully communicate?

Diggy- well yea-

Dean- I would like to hear from (YN), I don't want Daniel talking the entire time.

You- he's saying everything that I would say, so just let him talk.

Dean- *laughs* if he's going to say the same thing you would say, let's hear it from you not him.

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