Chaoter 108

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Adrian- why would you do that?

You- because I didn't know what else to say, I couldn't tell him I told prodigy and not you.

Adrian- *shakes head* so what do you want from me?

You- to lie for me..only if he happens to ask about it. If he doesn't ever mention it you don't need to bring it up.

Adrian- why didn't you tell him the truth (YN)?

You- because he would be pissed I told somebody who isn't family about it.

Adrian- you and prodigy are fucking close, he is family.

You- to Diggy he isn't anybody but a friend who's been around for a long time. Can you just do it for me?

Adrian- I guess (YN), but if you gotta come to my job and tell me this shit maybe you shouldn't have lied in the first place.

You-*stands* I don't need a lecture..bye Adrian.

Adrian- no, sit back down. We gotta talk now.

You- about what?

Adrian- you. Did you clear this shit with your obgyn?

You- yes Adrian, he's the one who referred me.

Adrian- why are you doing this?

You- because I don't wAnt to get pregnant again, I can't handle it.

Adrian- yeah you can (YN), you did it once I'm sure you can do it again.

You- no I can't Adrian. My body can't handle anything anymore, getting pregnant will either kill me or the baby. I just want to prevent it Adrian...

Adrian-*sighs stands* alright..when is it?

You- in a week.

Adrian- Diggy's taking you right?

You- yes, hopefully.

Adrian- good, I'll walk you out.

You- Lexi at your house?

Adrian- nah, her and Milan went out somewhere. Why?

You- I wanted to take her some things.

Adrian- baby stuff? That can wait until her shower.

You- no I'm getting new things then, but right now it's just old clothes.

Adrian- you don't even know the sex.

You- that's why I packed girls and boys.

Adrian-*laughs* alright, but she's not there you'll have to bring it later. Come on.

Diggy- I just took Chris to see Breshay.

You- where's Leah?

Diggy- she's with Nessa still, I told her I'll get her when I get Chris.

You- oh okay.

Diggy- where are you?

You- I'm still in the car, I'm gonna get me something to eat.

Diggy- from where?

You- I don't know.. I think a sandwich from potbelly's. You want something?

Diggy- nah, I'll get me something else. You're going home after that right?

You- yeah.

Diggy- alright, I'll see you there then.

You- okay, bye.

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