Chapter 87

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Prodigy- so you told this nigga everything?

You- I mean..I didn't go into detail.

Prodigy- still, who the fuck is he? Why is you telling him that? You don't know what he could do with that information.

You- it ain't shit he can do cause that shit was on the news.

Prodigy- yeah but they don't know about Jake being the father, everybody thinks Diggy is.

You- well, he didn't even know who I was so I don't think he'll do it. Even if he does that means his daughter can't have anything to do with Chris.

Prodigy- ok and?

You- which means she'll be hurt, his daughter is his main priority so I doubt he'll do dumb shit. Plus, I trust him..he's nice, and a good father.

Prodigy- does Diggy know you told him?

You- no, then he'll trip. I don't have time for it..what's done is done.

Prodigy- *laughs* alright (YN).

You- did you go over Ace's last night?

Prodigy- nah.

You- why?

Prodigy- cause he had weed, alcohol and bitches. I ain't trynna get caught up, I got a girl.

You- oh so it was females there?

Prodigy- ah shit..Diggy went?

You- you know he did, I'll see you later.

Prodigy- I'm sure he ain't fuck up.

You- whatever.

Prodigy-*laughs* call me.

You- okay, bye.

You stood up walking out of his house. You got in the car but before pulling off you called Diggy, once he answered you put him on speaker then left.

Diggy- wassup?

You- are you still at home?

Diggy- nah I just left, why? What's wrong?

You- where are you going?

Diggy- to the studio, no you can't come.

You- how come?

Diggy-*laughs* I gotta finish this shit up. I can't have you there with me everyday when I'm supposed to be working.

You- fine.

Diggy- what's up? Where are you?

You- I'm going home now, but I just needed to talk to you.

Diggy- to hear my voice or you actually needa talk?

You-*laughs* actually need to talk.

Diggy- about what?

You- you.

Diggy- what did I do? I thought we were good?

You- yeah but I heard it was girls at ace's house last night.

Diggy- well yeah..Bahja and them.

You- that's it?

Diggy-*laughs* you think I fucked somebody?

You-'s just you didn't tell me it was girls there.

Diggy- it was a few other girls there but I didn't touch them. I don't know them nor know what they got. I smoked, let it fade then I left.

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