Chapter 81

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You-*pushes him* why the fuck would you tell her!

Chris- I didn't tell her until she pissed me off. She smelled some perfume that wasn't hers and flipped out. She wouldn't shut up. I was ignoring her until she hit me, I told her without hesitation.

You- how? I wasn't even in your car rhat long.

Chris- it don't take that long for no smell to settle in. It was in my car and it was on my shirt. I was trying to have sex and she smelled it, way to kill a vibe.

You- bye Chris.

You grabbed your purse but he stopped you by holding onto your wrist.

Chris- ok wait.

You- no, because I don't like the fact that you're giving the I don't car attitude. That's bullshit, you should be pissed that your bitch face looks a mess.

Chris- you want me to yell at you for handling your business?

You- my business was your girl! So I'm not understanding why you're not upset with me like I am with you.

Chris- she came to your house I ain't tell her to do that shit. She chose to hit you first that ain't my problem. She not my girl so quit saying that shit.

You- she doesn't know that because she's treating you like she has you!

Chris- I don't fucking care! Y'all fought, what do you want me to do (YN) damn.. I'm sorry that she attacked you but I can't control her. She lost her mind when she hit me, I'm not here for this shit.

You- whatever I'll see you later.

Chris- why are you mad at me?

You- because you're pissing me off.

Chris-*laughs* how! I didn't do anything.

You- exactly! That's the problem, you do shit to start everything but after it you don't want to be fucking bothered.

Chris- that's not true, I didn't start anything.

You- you asked for a hug, we wouldn't be in this position if you didn't ask for a hug.

Chris-*laughs* wow. A hug. A fucking hug. *laughs* see this shit would be a whole lot fucking relevant if we fucked.

You- well it's not relevant because of that, it's relevant because the bitch you fuck around with is a cunt who trips over any fucking thing. So don't act like a dick to me beca-

You stopped talking because your phone rang. You groaned getting out his grip, you stuck your hand in your purse to find it. Once you did you saw it was Diggy.

You- don't say anything.

Chris threw his hands up in defense then walked away. Once he was out of sight you answered.

You- hey, Christian okay?

Diggy- you know he is, where are you?

You- Adrian isn't home so I'm coming back now.

Diggy- we're at the studio.

You- you're going to meet me at home?

Diggy- no, come here.

You- Spin there?

Diggy- yeah.

You- no, I don't want to hear his mouth about yesterday.

Diggy- he's chill, he knows what happened and he's not going to say shit.

You- okay, I'm coming.

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