Chapter 111

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You- mom, Adrian told me.

Mom- he's nice, I promise.

You- how old is he? What's his name? Does he have kids? Is he married?

Mom- *gasps* he's not married! You will meet him tomorrow, okay? Adrian is having dinner, so I look forward to seeing you and Diggy.

You- mo-

Mom- goodbye (YN). I have to go, I love you.

You- *sighs* love you too..

You hung up the phone and decided to call Prod. Diggy was still out with Justine, so you needed to blow off time.

Prod- surprise to see you calling

You- whatever! A phone works both ways you know?

Prod- *laughs* what's going on? Where are you?

You- nothing..I'm at my house. Diggy took Justine out for dinner so I stayed behind.

Prod- where my niece and nephew?

You- they're staying with Nessa for the night.

Prod- why didn't you go?

You- Diggy just wanted it to be them, he upset her earlier so he wanted to make it up to her. Where's Lisa?

Prod- she's at her parents..

You- speaking of parents.

Prod- what happened?

You- she's coming out here tomorrow, with a guy. She wants us to sit down and meet him.

Prod- us as in you and Adrian?

You- yes..Diggy, and Lexi.

Prod- Adrian is fine with that?

You- neither one of us are excited to meet him..just for the fact being our moms dating history isn't the best..

Prod- he has to be good enough if she's bringing his ass all the way out here?

You- that doesn't mean anything, she has a blind spot when it comes to a good man.

Prod- so you keep your eyes open when you're meeting this dude. I would hope that she knows better, and I would hope that it won't be a repeat of anything that has happened in the past.

You- *sighs* yeah..I guess.

Prod- so look..what is Diggy saying about this?

You- I haven't had the chance to tell him. Adrian came over telling me, right after Diggy left.

Prod- you can't keep telling me things before him (YN). He's your nigga, not me.

You- but who else was I gonna talk too? I know he's my nigga but you're easy to talk too plus it's not that deep.

Prod- alright..if it's not a big deal to you, I won't make it a big deal.

You- thank you.. Oh..I told Adrian about how I felt.

Prod- felt about what?

You- him freaking out because of Lexis' pregnancy.

Prod- how did he take it?

You- I noticed that he wouldn't talk to me about her pregnancy so I told him that I was okay with it and how I felt months ago. He didn't take it bad..

Prod- oh that's good right?

You- *laughs* yes.

Prod- so you're straight? You and Diggy took care of that, like you said?

A Diggy Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن