Chapter 31

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Hollaaa guys(: I'm taking Spanish this year i know how to say the time(: Lmfao , anywhoo hoped you liked last chapter ! I skipping a couple months , when i say couple i mean alot lol legooo!


Its been 8 and 1/2 months since we last heard Adrian's voice, you and Lexi would never leave. You have 2 more months before you go into labor, you and Diggy fnally moved into that condo. You have been talking to Jake about this whole thing but Diiggy doesn't really know everything and you don't plan on telling him. Lexi prays everyday- we all do hoping he would wake up. Lexi could be due any day now and she wants to give birth at this hospital even if he is on life support she wants him to hear the baby first cry. You haven't heard from your mom in the past months and you don't really give a fuck since she acted like a bitch and you don't regret fighting her because she deserved it. She can go to hell for all you care. You're at the house with Diggy chilling. you have your head against his chest and he's laying on the back board of the bed.

U- I have a doctors appointment today, after seeing Adrian..

Diggy- What time?

U- 4.

Diggy- Damn.

U- *looks at him* what?

Diggy- remember, I have that meet and greet at 3:30...I'm going to go with you at 4 then go.

U- Oh, no do your meet and greet. I'll see if Lexi wants to come.

Diggy- You sure?

U- I'm not letting you blow of your fans because of yes.

Diggy- I'm not blowing them off, I'll just be late. I'm going to be doing something more important.

U- You go, they miss you. I know how it feels when you go MIA for a while now you go and i'll stop by the hospital.

Diggy- *kisses your cheek* You know I would come, I didn't mean to agree to it if I'd known it was the same day as your appointment..thank you.

U- *smiles* its okay Diggy..I have a couple more before its time..*sits up* just make sure you come to those with me okay?

You try to get up but its taking you a while so Diggy gets up and helps you. You walk over to get a shirt some jeans and undergarments you go into the bathroom to shower. Once you finish you put on your undergarments and this outfit. You walk out of the bathroom to put on some flats to match, you grab your purse and phone walk back towards Diggy.

U- I'll see you later?

Diggy- Yeah, i should be back by 8 or ten i'll text you when i finish.

U- Kay'. I have that court day tomorrow afternoon..

Diggy- *stands back up* I don't get why he's still lying..

U- I get the DNA results tomorrow morning.

Diggy- Don't tell me the results.

U- Diggy, come on.. I thought we got passed this stage.

Diggy- We did, and I don't want to be reminded how you might be carrying his child.

U- I thought you were gonna treat this like i'm carrying yours?

Diggy- (YN) I am, but its hard trying to act like I put that inside of you..

U- *sighs* i guess..

Diggy- I have to meet up with Spin in a few, I'm going to walk you down then come back up here to get dressed..

U- *looks at the time on your phone* yeah..okay. 

Diggy-  i'll stop by the hospital if i can before the meet and greet.

A Diggy Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora