Chapter 45

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The next morning you wake up around 9:30. You get up walk to the bathroom to pee you brush your teeth and wash face then you walk out to christian's room diggy's still sleeping. Once inside of christian's room you you pick him up and you prepare yourself to feed him you sit on the chair in the room and start to feed him. Christian actually didn't cry as much durning the night. I had to wake up just few times to feed and change him or to rock him back to sleep. After a good ten minutes of feeding him and burping him you pick out some clothes for him to wear today and you grab this little bath thing that would fit inside of the sink in your bathroom that diggy's parents had bought as a gift. you grab that and put the clothes in it you walk back to your too see diggy in the bathroom with the door shut you groan. you put the tub thing back on the floor and knock on the door still holding christian. Diggy opens the door rubbing the crust out of his eyes with his morning breathe still there so you back up a few steps.

U- what are you doing? Can i give him a bath real quick?

Diggy- hol' up i gotta pee. *walks to the toliet pulls it out and starts peeing*

You walk away and grab the tub thing and put it in the sink properly you put chris on the bed and pillows on his sides , you walk back into the bathroom and remove the clothes out the tub and put them in the bed you test the water on your wrist and you put it on cool warm water but mostly cool but not too cool. you but some of the sesitive baby bath soap in the tub you walk back to the bed and began to take christian's clothes off. once done diggy walks back out and lays back in the bed you start to take off chris's diaper when out of nowhere he starts peeing and you start screaming and pressing the diaper back on to cover it up.


Diggy- What??! *sits up looks at you* uh why is your shirt wet,,?

U- He just pissed on me. That's disgusting.

Diggy- *laughing* haha.

U- *wipes it off* that's not funny. *you pick christian up and you walk to the bathroom you turn the water off and take the diaper off slowly to make sure he still isn't peeing you throw it away you sit him in his tub and begin to wash him up once you finish you wrap him up in his towel. and put him back on the bed.*

Diggy- his pee stong asl.

U- Can you dress him?? I'm about to shower.

Diggy- *fake snores*

U- Digggyyy! Pleassee. His clothes is right here . Come on. Oh and put some baby lotion on him. 

Diggy- *sits up groans* 

You walk over to reach for a hug but he gently pushes you away. 

Diggy- Hell no.

U- Whaaa?

Diggy- not until you shower.

U- Fuck youu.

Diggy- *stands up* love you but not while you soaked with pee. *starts putting lotion on christian*

You laugh and shakes head. and walks to bathroom to shower you close the door and undress turn the water on and undress you get in and wash up and you wet your hair. you get out and wrap a towel around your body you walk out to see diggy putting christians footies on you smile to yourself and walk to your drawer you grab a bra and a tank top you walk to your closet and grab some grey jogging pants and a mickey mouse hoodie to match you walk to the bathroom and you get dressed and you throw you hair in a low tight ponytail to the back since it was wet. once you done dressing you grab you dirty clothes and put them in the hamper. you  put some socks on and grab you black grey cement jordans put them on.( )

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