Chapter 119

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You- where did you go?

Diggy- you didn't have shit to eat in there so I went to McDonald's.

You- *laughs* I have stuff to eat.

Diggy- I didn't see nothing but cereal.

You- you didn't look hard enough.

Diggy- nah, you don't even have pancake mix.

You- well did you bring me something?

Diggy- why would I do that? You got stuff in there to eat right?

You- seriously?

Diggy- *laughs* nah, here.

Diggy took his food out the bag before handing it to you. It was a sausage McGriddle and he had 3 pancakes and a sausage.

Diggy- you good with that?

You- yes, thank you.

Diggy- you talked to Adrian?

You- he sent me a text this morning asking me to wait to bring Milan a little later.

Diggy- why?

You- Lexi's family is town...guessing they're upset there's no need for Milan to be near that.

Diggy- upset for what?

You- they're always upset, nothing new.

Diggy- shouldn't you be there to make sure he doesn't loose his shit?

You- Her family is gonna be here for a week or two so I'll let him get some of it out his system then I'll step in.

Diggy- nobody said why they don't like him?

You- *shrugs* I've tried talking to them but there's no point. Adrian only puts up with them because of Lexi, other than that it's fuck them.

Diggy- damn.

You- *stands up* it is what it is, he doesn't care.

Diggy- what are you about to do?

You- I'm going to get ready, we'll have to go by Adrian's so he can have some clothes.

Diggy- oh, alright.

You went into the bathroom to start the shower, you were going to get in but you didn't want Diggy in the room when you were to get out. So instead of undressing right away, you went back into your room and looked at him. Diggy stopped eating and looked back at you.

Diggy- what?

You- you have to wait downstairs.

Diggy- for what?

You- because I'm about to shower and when I get out my clothes are in here.

Diggy- we have kids together, I've seen it all before.

You- if you stare I'm kicking you out.

Diggy- I'm eating, you the last thing stimulating my mind right now.

You slightly laughed before playfully rolling your eyes and heading towards the bathroom. You shut the door and then undressed yourself to shower. At first you aren't going to wash your hair but you weren't in any rush so you washed it, twice. After that you placed your hair into a bun, turned the water off, and then wrapped a dry off towel around you. You sat on your side of the bed with your back facing Diggy so you could put on lotion.

Diggy- you need help?

You- *laughs* no I'm okay, thanks for asking.

Diggy- *sighs* I miss us..

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