Chapter 104

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You- because it's my birthday and you go back soon and you haven't touched me since you've been here. Not even a kiss, are you seeing someone else? Am I ugly now? I can't get you excited anymore?

Diggy- I've kissed you multiple times, what are you talking about?

You-*walks toward door* i think I would remember.

Diggy- *grabs your wrist* you think I wouldn't kiss you? I show you affection everyday so you can't stand here and tell me that bullshit.

You- if that was the case we would've been had sex by now!

Diggy-*laughs* stop yelling (YN).

You- let me go before they start thinking we're doing something and we really aren't.

Diggy- are you gonna chill?

You- I was chill, I was perfectly fine, you were the one who dragged me in here.

Diggy- no more drinks?

You- I'm done for the night.

Diggy- good, and you gotta stop touching me below my waist.

You-*laughs* why?

Diggy- because you do get me excited and I can't do anything here. So stop.

You- I guess..okay.

He let go of your wrist and interlocked his hand with yours before unlocking the men's bathroom and walking out. You and him spoke to a few more people before walking back over to the empty booth you and him were sitting at. You sat down next to Diggy and he placed his arm around you.

You- this is what you wanted right?

Diggy- what do you mean?

You- you wanted me to have a party?

Diggy- I want you to enjoy your birthday.

You- but I'm not.

Diggy- why not?

You- because I wanted to just be with you, do you not get that?

Diggy- *chuckles* I do.

You- *rolls eyes* why do you find that funny? I want something but you're acting like this, and I hate you right now.

Diggy- *laughs* you don't hate me so don't say that.

You- i don't hate you..but you're making me hate you. I don't like that I'm begging for you to touch me right now. You should want too. I'm frustrated, and you're being an ass about it.

Diggy- that's not true. I do want to touch you but I'm not going to do it here. You have to chill, you told me you were gonna chill.

You- so let's leave Diggy. It sucks that I want you more then you want me but it's whatever.

Diggy- you don't want me more then I want you.

You- so why can't we go home?

Diggy- if we leave now we aren't going home, if we leave now that'll ruin what I have planned. Being here is just to kill off time, not because I don't want to have sex. I do want you, I do want to touch you but I refuse to finger my fiancé in a club downtown, I don't care how high star it is I'm not doing it. Alright?

You- where are we going if we aren't going home?

Diggy- *laughs* now that one thing is settled we're going to trip over this?

You- no..I'm just curious.

Diggy- it's your birthday, we aren't going back home for your birthday.

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