Chapter 11

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Hours pass . Its 5:30 you getting ready for dinner Adrian is still over chilling with Diggy. 

Adrian- *walks upstairs to where you at*  Aye (YN).

U- Yes? *you turn around with flat irons in your hair*

Adrian- Me and diggy gone order pizza and be up in threatre room if you need us.

U- kay. Order it now . NO interruptions tonight !!!

Adrian- I got you... I ain't gone interrupt you.

U- I'm serious . go get diggy tell him to come here.

Adrian - iight.

U- Thanks .

Adrian left out to do what you said, while he was doing that you were getting dressed.

Diggy- Wassup?

U- i look okay?

Diggy- Yes. Babe. You look amazing .

U- Are you sure *nervous voice* *runs fingers thru hair*

Diggy- Yes I'm positive *walks towards you puts hands around your waist* *laughs looks i your eyes * wait , you're nervous??

U- Yessssss. *looks away*

Diggy- Babe , just relax . Kimora is gonna go easy on you because you're basically part of the family.

U- Thats not I want ! 

Diggy- What . So you want her yelling at you like crazy?

U- No , and you know what i mean . I don't want the people i know / dating will make her treat me different from some regular person like .. someone who doesn't know you and Kimora would treat them equally . And I want her to talk to me like I'm a regular 19 year old who just is looking for a job..

Diggy- *kisses you* (YN) I understand. Just tell her that...and i'm sure this meeting will go fine.

U- *Calms down a bit*

Diggy- There you go- * door bells rings* 

You check your phone its 7:50  

U- must be the pizza. But babe . No interruptions. I know you and her are family but still. Just stay out of the living room?

Diggy- I gotchu. Lemme go eat come downstairs . Well be out of your way.

U- Thanks *smiles pecks his lips grabs your resmae walks down stairs with diggy *

Diggy , Adrian are in the theatre room then 8:00 door bell rings. You answer it and notices a note there . then your phone rings you pick up the note close the door answers phone with out looking at caller ID.

U- Hello???

Kimora- Hey ,(YN) I'm soo sorry the meeting got extended so i won't make it tonight . I'll text you tomorrow and you can just come to my house around 12 . and we could do the meeting there.

U- oh . its okay.

K- Alright . Talk to you tomorrow , ask Diggy for the adress.

U- Okay. Bye

Ya'll hang up you read the note  * You try anything all three of you are dead. that plan . not gonna work . hahahahhahahha watch your back 


You notice the handwritting but you think twice about it . You go find diggy and adrian

Adrian - Whats up?

Diggy- The meeting over already? Its like 8:05

U- She wants me to talk to her about it tomorrow . like 12 her house her meeting got extended . but look at this *hands them note*

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