Chapter 10

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You spent the night over diggy's you wake up still in is arms . but then your phones goes off you quickly pick it up and realize the number is restricted so you don't answer. They call back . Then finally text you.

Unknown- Bitch if you don't fucking play . And tell you little pussy ass boyfriend to reply to me . Or shit will happen to you BOTH! Wait . . Even if he does reply ill still hurt you both ! Byeeeeeee. Enjoy you day :)

U- Okay , i don't know who you are . so please just leave us the both alone.

Unknown-Sorry i can't do that . Next time think twice about your desicions.

you look at the message stare at it hard until you feel diggy sit up in bed .

Diggy- Morning *pecks your lips*

He realized you hesitated 

Diggy- Umm is everything alright?

U-Oh yeah . Sorry I was just thinking about something ..

Diggy- Who are you texting this early in the morning ? 

You realize its like 8:30

Diggy- And why are YOU up . *laughs*

U- My mom kept calling me . She was wondering where is at .

Diggy- Ohhhh. *gets up goes to the bathroom *

Your phone goes off again.

Unknown- Dumb bitch !!!! Tell him . HE deserves to know . How badly i'm going to ruin you guys. LMFAO. This should be very very very fun.

U- Please just leave us alone ! i'm sorry to whatever i did you too . please. just stop.

Unknown- I'll stop if you kept that shit between Chloe' , Roger , And Your Brother , Diggy. you diggy and Adrian say anything you all wil regret it.

U- Chloe'?!?!?! Is this you ?!!!!!!

Unknown- Of course babe. I wouldn't lie to you . So you open your mouth to roger you're DEAD. And better tell that lil boyfriend to stfu and your dumb ass little dick of a brother!!

you stare in schock at the phone when diggy sees your face

Diggy- (YN). Whats wrong? And I know thats not your mom. So just tell me whats up *walks over to sit next to you*

U- *tosses her phone on the bed stands up goes to bathroom closes door* diggy


U- Diggy is the code to my phone . Just read the messages...

Diggy- Okay?

U-Just open the fucking phone and read the damn texts!

Diggy- Chill . Sorry.

U- Don't tell me to chill. You read the texts see what the fuck you reaction is about to be.

Diggy unlocks the phone sees the messages. then goes to his phone sees the same things except chloe' forwarded them.

Diggy- Babe...


Diggy- What are we going to do?

U- I have no fucking clue . But I'm not taking a chance with that hoe. *opens door*

Diggy- Roger is my homie. I can't just not tell him..

U-.....wait i have a plan.....can you like just call my brother while i get ready for this meeting with Kimora ? Something i really don't wanna go too.

Diggy- Iight . But please don't go out too long!

U- Shit wait pass me my phone i forgot i have to call her!

Diggy tosses you your phone you call her 

Kimora- Hello?

U- Hi , Kimora this is (YN) the one who wanted to try to be your assistant..

Kimora- Oh yes thats right. I forgot I told you to call me . Umm. I'm actually at my own meeting . Can we meet up say your house? Like 8?

U- Um actually I'm at a friends. So i will have to ask them if its alright..

Kimora- Can you like ask now?

U- Sure hold on *you mute the phone * *to diggy* she wants to meet up with me at like 8 ? Like .. here..?

Diggy- Its coo. I'll make sure everybody out the house .

U- Thanks *unmutes phone* they said its fine . I'm sure you know were its at . Diggy's simmons?

Kimora- Oh yes ! Ill see you then! Bye i have to Go!

U-Okay Bye!

Hangs up

U- Yesssss no morning meeting *giggles*

Diggy- now back to what you were saying whats the plan?

U- call my brother tell him what the fuck went down. Ask him if he got the same texts and tell him to meet us here in like 30 minutes.

Diggy- Iight *calls up your brother*


Diggy- Hey Adrian its me Diggy.

Adrian- Oh yeah , whats up man? Everything good with my sis?

Diggy - Yes everything is fine . But dude i know you know about the shit with Chloe' , Roger . And I'm sorry about that . But right now we got some bigger problems (YN)-

Adrian- She got the same threats I got from some damn restricted number?!

Diggy- Yes . All three of us do. Now She wants you too meet us up at my house in 30.

Adrian - On my way ! 

Diggy- She say she got a plan so hurry.

Adrian - ight man . on my way 

they hang up


U- Sooooo?

Diggy- He got the same texts and he just walked out the house he should be here in ess then 20 minutes. Go get dressed .

U- Fine. * goes to bathroom showers puts on on jordans crop top hair in high ponytail shorts.walks out * digggy!

DIggy *yells from downstairs we're down here !*

you walk downstairs Sees diggy adrian on the couch*

U- hey *hugs adrian he hugs back* i'm so sorry for the way i told you. I shouldn't have told you like that..

Adrian- Its all good. But we need to get that hoe from Roger. Ion even know him like that but i wanna see some nigga hurt over that hoe.

U- Okay . We need to get that hoe FIRED, from being rogers' assistant. 

Diggy- But how?

U- Listen *you tell them your plan*

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