Chapter 28

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Your awoken by diggy talking to who you guess the doctor so you just keep you're eyes closed to listen to the convo .

Diggy- (pacing back in forth) 

Doctor- do you want to wait until she wakes up or ?

Diggy- tell me first , and i'll take the test and tell her myself and show it to her .

Doctor- I can't let you take the test i have to show her myself but i can tell you.

Diggy- (sighs) alright , (looks at you) come with me to the hallway don't want to wake her 

Doctor - Alright (diggy and the doctor walk out)

Thoughts: Fuck, why couldn't he just say it in here? What am i going to do ? Take care of a baby? Its all to much, I'm scared out of mind. Abortion and adoption is way out of the options. Abortion is not something I would ever turn too.. If I am pregnant God gave me this baby for a reason right? So who am I to decide when its time to send it back. And Adoption is something I won't be able to handle i'll get attached to he/her then not wan-(thoughts caught off by diggy walking into the room)

You sit up, diggy looks up slightly smiles at you

U- hey...

Diggy- How you feeling?

U- better, i guess..

Diggy- I um talked to th-(GCO by the doctor walking in)

Doctor- Oh good, you're up. How are you?

U- can you just tell me the results ?

The doctor opens the folder and begans reading off the paper, the two words you never wished to hear this soon..

Doctor- you're pregnant..

U- I uh wan't a DNA test.

Doctor- Its way too early..

Diggy- Its fine, it doesn't matter if its his or mines alright? Its OUR child I don't give damn if its his he won't be raising him or her

U- but wouldn't you want to know...(looks at him as one tear falls down)

Diggy- i don't care (YN) it doesn't matter to me..

U- (wipes it looks at the doctor)

Doctor- (YN) you're free to go whenever.

U- Thanks...

Doctor walks out 

U- Is adrian at that hotel you guys were at?

Diggy- yeah .

U- When does he leave?

Diggy- Later on tonight. 

U- okay.. 

Diggy - i uh brought you some sweats (hands them to you)

U- thanks..(gets up) i'll be back.

Diggy- I'll go sign the discharge papers.

U- K. (walks into the bathroom diggy walks out you wash up put on the grey sweats grey hollister hoodie to match and some niki's . you walk back out and out of the room to the waiting room where you see diggy there)

Diggy- (stands up) ready?

U- yea. 

Diggy- here (hands you sunglasses) 

U- Uh ..?

Diggy- cameras..

U- Oh right  (puts them on diggy grabs your hand you two walk out of the hospital camera's go off people are asking questions , and there's a live news channel there that runs over to you two asking questions about that night , you and diggy just hold your head down and make it to the car you get in the passanger side diggy driver pulls off) how did they find out?

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