Chapter 117

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Diggy- *shrugs* I don't care.

You- I just wanted to tell you just in case it got to you before I could..

Diggy- *sits on your bed* I'm not tripping (YN).

You- *looks at him* and it's weird.

Diggy- you're single, single people do whatever they want.

You- you can't say that to me, I'm not accepting that.

Diggy- you aren't accepting the truth.

You- you're acting as if everything has failed. We still have time to get our shit together so at least act like it Daniel. You don't get to just give up on us so easily.

Diggy- so what? Do you want me to yell and cuss you out for hanging with this nigga?

You- it's what you would've done had we not been in this predicament.

Diggy- *laughs* (YN), just go back and finish getting ready alright?

You sat your comb down before walking over to stand in front of him.

You- you really don't care?

Diggy- *rubs face* did he touch you (YN)?

You- no, he didn't do anything to me.

Diggy- I do care, but I'm not gonna cuss you out for not doing anything wrong.

You- yes, okay I get that but it hasn't ever stopped you before.

Diggy- (YN).

You- you don't get to be over me..

Diggy- *stands up* I'm nowhere near over you, but I'm not gonna give you the satisfaction of bitching over nothing. I'll wait for you downstairs, alright?

You- *sighs* okay, fine.

He looked at you a little longer before walking past you, out the room and down the steps. You headed back in the bathroom to finish your hair, and then placed on your shoes. After changing purses you went downstairs and saw him eating some brownies you and Leah made yesterday evening.

Diggy- you all set?

You- yeah..I'm ready.

Diggy nodded his head before throwing away his crumbs and reaching in his pants pocket for the keys. Once he had them, you followed him out to his car and got in on the passenger side. It took about a hour or so for us to get there, the loft was on a hill, and it was crowded but there was a place for everyone to park which wasn't too far. The music was loud as ever, you could hear it clearly outside, and inside. Diggy grabbed onto your hand so we could get out of the "dancing" crowd and into this room with a lot more space. You saw he was leading you to everyone else, and in this particular room the music volume was lower.

Ray- y'all always late to some shit.

You- *laughs* are we late?

Diggy- this started at 9 right? We just on time.

Ray- *laughs* but it's damn near 11.

Diggy- *laughs* y'all straight. Where Twist at?

Spin- he out there hosting and shit.

You- you aren't the DJ tonight?

Spin- *laughs* I told Twist I wasn't doing it. I deserve to be able to chill tonight, I need to enjoy myself.

You- where's Prodigy and Lisa?

Ray- damn, you just gonna ask for them like you sick of us?

You- *laughs* just a little.

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