Chapter 110

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You- *sits* I wanted you to come too.

Diggy- but it's up to us mom, and I don't want your opinions mucking up what we want.

You- Diggy.

Justine- yeah, I get that Daniel. It's fine, I don't care. I'm nothing but your mom, so I won't get involved.

Leah- daddy you hurt grandmas feelings!

Justine- no he didn't, let's go get your brother.

She picked Leah up and walked upstairs.

Rev- why would you say that? Your mom doesn't muck anything up, that was unnecessary. You know she would've enjoyed going, she loves you and (YN) and her going with you two would've made her day. Smarten up son.

Diggy- I didn't mean it like that dad, she took it the wrong way.

Rev- how did you expect it to be taken? You said she was going to muck up everything just by adding in her opinions, which isn't true. She wouldn't ever do anything if it wasn't in you guys' best interest. You understand that?

Diggy- yes sir.

Rev- when you two are gone and I try and talk to my wife, she better be in a hell of a good mood.

Diggy- she will.

Rev- I'll be in there watching a movie. I'll see you guys later. *walks over to hug you*

You- *hugs him* bye.

Once rev walked away Diggy came over and sat next to you.

You- I get what you were trynna do, but your dad is right. You can't exclude her from anything, especially something like this.

Diggy- I know..

You- so what are you gonna do?

Diggy- I'm going to apologize to her, and invite her to help us. I don't know what I was thinking, I do want her apart of this because I know this is something she's been waiting for. I'm stupid for thinking she was going to fuck everything up.

You- well she's not...I rather have her with us than my mom. She'll be the one to fuck everything up. Go tell Chris and Leah to come down then talk to her.

Diggy- *stands* I'll be back, don't bother going to talk to my dad alright? He's just going to bad mouth my decisions.

You- *laughs* okay.

Diggy looked at you before walking upstairs. After a few minutes Diggy came back without Chris a Leah.

You- that was quick.

Diggy- no, I didn't talk to her yet. I'm going to take you home then drop Chris and Le over Nessa's. I'm going to take her to dinner, and talk to her there.

You- well why can't they come home with me?

Diggy- they didn't want too, they both asked to just go over Nessa's.

You-*stands up* wow, okay.

Diggy- don't even take it personal.

You- I'm not..

Diggy- if you don't want them to go, I'll call Nessa and let her know.

You- no, it's fine.

Diggy- what's fine?

You- them choos- going over to her house. That's fine.

Diggy- *laughs* you are taking it personal babe. Nobody's choosing anybody, no matter what you're still their mom.

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