Chapter 40!!!

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16 hours later , in the middle of me giving birth in the room with me besides the doctor , nurses , diggy standing right by my side holding my hand and enciuraging me with his words i layed my head back it was hot asl , and i was in so much pain it was worse then the contractions, pushing a big head ass out of my small ass , well you know...vagina hurts its un-describable. But all worth it in the end...

Hayes-(YN) push for me , i need you two push three more times. I see the head i need you to push on the count of five. Alright? head) i-i can't..

Diggy- babe come on. Sit up you're almost there . Lets just get him out and you can rest after.

U- it hurts ...really bad...

Hayes- told you to get the shot. Daniel push her head up , and i'm gonna count push when i say five.

U-(sighs but sits your head up)

Hayes-thanks. Two...four...

U-start from on-


U-(pushes for as long as you can you squeeze diggy's hand he yells in pain)

Diggy-ouch, damn...(shakes hand)

U- give me your hand!!! Stop acting like a whuss , say ouch when your feeling the pain I'm in. (takes his hand back)

Hayes-(laughs) okay two more times . On five.


Hayes-one...three....five ....PUSHHHHHH

U-(Pushes wirh all your might squeezes diggy's hand)

Hayes-one more time i see his head its basically in my hands.

U-can't you pull him out then??

Hayes- three...

U-what the hell happenedto one....


U-(you push just like the last time anf you feel the baby getting pulled out they quickly wrap him in a towel)

Hayes-who's gonna cut the cord?

Diggy-(looks at you) can i?

U-yes (smiles)

Diggy walks over to where he's laying in the bed thingy and the nurse hands him siccors he vuts it then the nurse slaps his butt and he starts crying this makes you cry of happiness , the nurse brings him over to you so you can hold hin have a healty baby boy..

U-(slightly laughs) hey there...

Diggy-(rubs your back kisses your head) you did good..

U- (rubs the baby's hair then holds his hand) I'm youre mommy...

Nurse- have you two thought of names?

U-(looks at diggy) uh , Christian?

Diggy- Christian Dwayne Simmons?

U- (to baby) Christian. Dwayne. Simmons.

baby slightly smiles/squirms. Causing you and diggy to laugh

Nurse- that's your baby's name born July 28 at 1:11

U-oh , diggy can you see what's up with lexi?

Nurse-next door?

U-yeah , is everything good?

Nurse- actually Lexi was extremely dehyrdrated so we had to get extra IV for her she passed out durning birth so we had to do emergency C-section I'm sure she's resting now.

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