Chapter 56

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Christian- but mommy i don't want to go.

U- we can visit another time.

Diggy was packing up Christians bag and you were packing yours. You guys went and got him at 9 this morning. He was happy to get out if there as much i was happy to get him out. I told him we were going to leave Hawaii and go back to Adrians he didn't take it so well.

Christian- but mommy i feel fine. I don't want to go

Diggy- maybe you guysdon't have to go.

U- i don't want anyone catching the cold he has especially with the jobs you guys have.

Christian-can't i just take some medicine

U- put on your shoes Christian.

Diggy- can i talk to you for a second?

U- *zips up suitcase* yeah. Christian do like i told you.

You and diggy walk in the bathroom he closes the door


Diggy-why do you want to leave so bad?

U- because he's sick and i don't want anyone catching it.

Diggy- (YN) nobody cares if they catch a little cold. Our immune system is stong enough to handle it better than his.

U- I'm just trying to be cautious.

Diggy- well relax a little we have three more days here we can spend it as a family.

U-amd if you get sick.

Diggy-ill just be sick. Just stay the lady three days.

U- *sighs* fine..

Diggy-thank you.


Christian opens the door with his swim trunks no shirt with his swim shoes.

U- um who told you to change into that?

Christian- please can we stay*coughs*

Diggy-yeah you guys are staying.

U-but put your clothes back you are not going swimming.

Christian-mommy why??

U-what did i just say.

Diggy- do like she said.

Christian- ugh.. *walks off*

You make your way out but diggy slightly grabs your wrist pulling you back inU- yes?

U- Yes?

Diggy- nothing. Nevermind. *lets your wrist go*

U- you okay?

Diggy- Yeah. Um*scracthes back of head* get Christian ready and we'll go eat something.

U- sure you okay?

Diggy- Yeah.

U- Okay.

You shrug it off and walk to help christian put something else on once he's dressed you hop in the shower and put on some jeans and a tank you leave your hair curly and you spray some more spritz on it. And eye liner masacra lipgloss you and christian watch T.V until diggy was ready once he was ready you grabbed your phone and balck ray bands and the three of you walk out and get into a cab

Christian- where are we going?

Diggy- to eat.

Christian- and then swimming?

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