Chapter 9

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Chloe'- are you (YN)?

U- Yes ..Chloe'?

Chloe'- yes..follow me please.

You two walk down a hall, and a couple doors down and into a medium sized office. You sat in front of her desk while she sat behind it.

Chloe'- So [Y/N] What is that you like to do? Or what is it that you don't like to do?

U- I don't like it when people tell me what to do, its something I have to work on. But at the moment I haven't worked on it..

Chloe'- you rather be the person in charge? Have you thought about havung your own business?

U- No, even if I did I wouldn't know what to go into..

Chloe'- Hm, okay.. I see.

U- Yea..

Chloe'- Do you have an assitant?

U- um no? I don't have anything for them to do, so it would be useless to have one. I don't have a job, I'm not lazy, I can do certain things on my own..

Chloe'- Okay.

U- just saying..

Chloe'- Hmm. What if you worked for Kimora? She might have you start off small but work your way up to the top. Do you like fashion?

U- I guess..and yes of course.

Chloe'- It depends, if you're her assistant that pays 450 a month. If you become her business partner you and her would invest in something and get paid off of what you guys have invested in you'll get paid off of how much you have made. Then the two of you would discuss a way to split the payment.

U- To be her assistant what are the work hours for her ? How many days a week? And All that?

Chloe'- 7, to whenever she needs you, Monday- Fridays. You wouldn't be her personal assistant so she wouldn't need you for like house work but just for business things.. So i'm sure it won't last longer then 8 or 9.

U- Okay, I guess I can try that for now.

Chloe'- Okay great, so I'm gonna call her while you're still here so we can get through all this. 

U- Sounds great.

Chloe' dials Kimora 's phone she answer on the fifth ring. 

Chloe'- Hi, Kimora. Its me Chloe' and I'm with [Y/N] . She wants to see if she can be your next assistant?

Kimora- Finally I've got somebody interested its been like 2 months and i need all the help i could get ! *laughs* but tell her that if she gives me a call tomorrow. We could meet up and I could check her out . Makes sure she has a resmae ( sorry i don't know if i spelt it right lol ) and everything .

Chloe'- okay got it . Talk to you later . Bye

Kimora- Okay. Bye

She hangs up

Chloe'- sooo , here's her number *hands it to you after she wrote it down* you have a resmae right?

U- Yeah , i have one . i just have to print it off. 

Chloe'- Great. now Kimora is awesome to work with. Just stay professional at all times. Don't complain or anything. Kimora hates it when people complain. So just takes what she says and do it with out a problem.

U- Alright.

Chloe'- Always wear professional clothes unless she gives you permision do dress down

U- Got it. Thanks . Im gonna head out now. 

Chloe'- Okay. Bye * she walks you out*

You get in your car and you call diggy .

U- Hey 

Diggy- Hey , so how did it go?

U- Well , i kinda flipped out . And the ambulance just left. I tried i really did babe.

Diggy-(YN) Are fucking serious?! Babe shit. she could press chargers against you !!!!!

U- *laughs* are you done?

Diggy- Why are you laughing? I'm serious as hell.

U- *still laughing but eventually stop* I'm just kidding i didn't hurt her ....YET...

Diggy- *sighs of relief * thank goooodd.

U- Yeah i think i got a job

Diggy- COngrats babe. As what?

U- Kimora's assistant . MAYBE. I have a meeting with her tomorrow.

Diggy- Well damn. You had a whole lot of meetings this week *laughs*

U- I know right. Well , did you tell Roger to come over or something?

Diggy- Uhh....

U- Diggggyyyy. You have tell him !

Diggy- Okay fine . I will

U- great because i'm pulling up to the house so come open the door.

Diggy- Aiight *hangs up Walks to door opens it*

U-*gets up walks to door walks in *

You hug kiss diggy take off your shoes

U- Babe. . you should like give me a massage i deserve it *walks up to his room*

he follows you upstairs 

Diggy- uh no thanks. 

U- Ohh well i just go to the spa. And get naked for some man to rub my body . when my boyfriend could do that.

Diggy- Uhh they'll probably give you a girl anyways. 

U- They have a place where its all guys at one . Ya know..

Diggy- Wellllllll..... you're not going sorry

U- And why is that?

Diggy - Because i have something that is very very pleasure able . *laughs*

U- Ahhh. Well when can you make me appt with it?

Diggy- Its available now *smirks* *kisses you and deepens it*

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