Chapter 29

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When you woke up you saw diggy still asleep , you look at your clock and it reads 7 , so you decide to go get the girls up to get ready for breakfast you quietly got out of the bed without waking diggy , and go straight into beauty's room , where you see her and issa alseep "awh how cute" you thought but you walk over to beauty's side of the bed and shake her lightly her eyes open

U- get up , breakfast date remember?

Beauty- What time is it?

U- 7:06

Beauty-(YN) what the fuck.

U- Bitch get up i leave today remember?

Beauty- Finnnneeeeeeeeeee.

U- Get up what you waiting for.


U- y'all did it didn't you ?

Beauty- (giggles blushes) yeaaaaa.

U- (shakes head) aight i'm about to get star , and baby.

Beauty- alright.

You walk out into babydoll's room you sigh of relief because ray's not in there you walk in go to her side

U- Get up babydoll

Babydoll-(still sleeping)

U- Get up !

Babydoll- (sleepy talk rubbing eyes) what time is it?

U- 7, now get ya ass up we're going to breakfast remember?

Babydoll- (groans) alright i'm up. (gets up walks to bathroom to shower and stuff)

You walk out and into star's room to see her already up . shocking..

U- Morningg.

She turns around with red eyes.

U- Star are you alright?? (walks to her but she stands up and you back up)

Star- (rubs eyes) tell you and the rest at breakfast... i'm gonna go shower. (wipes dried tears goes in the bathroom to shower)

U- odd....

Diggy- what is ?

U- (jumps) you scared me ..

Diggy- (chuckles) why are you up anyways?

U- Because i-(runs to your bathroom lifts up toilet seat throws up diggy ran after you know holding your hair back)

Diggy- You okay???

U- (stops stands up rinses mouth brushes teeth) morning sickness i guess..

Diggy- You feel okay?

U- Yeah , i'm gonna shower (turns on water)

Diggy- where you going?

U- to breakfast (pushes diggy out of the bathroom closes door undresses)

Diggy- withhh...? And i love how you pushed me instead of asking me to walk out.

U- with star , beauty and babydoll. (laughs) love you too.

Diggy- Can i come?

U- Eh , no .

Diggy- Are you going to bring me back something?

U- did you bring me something lastnight?

Diggy- I asked if you wanted room service tho.

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