Chapter 3

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???- Really. Babe . Last time i checked we were in love. Well STILL in love *smirks walks towards your window since its all the way down*

U- First off i'm Not your babe. Second why dont you go back inside and fuck bre for all i care. 3rd Jake if you haven't noticed i've been ignoring your calls. and EVEN with thru the process to get my number change . Why don't you just fuck off. *starts car*

Jake- Obvisouly you do care because 1. your still here . 2. you havent pulled up nor rolled up window.

U- Fuck Off *Pulls out of the driveway runs over his foot*

Jake- You dumb BITCH you shoudn't have done that. I'll find you and you'll be begging for me to leave yo ass alone. You'll SEE. *holds his foot in pain while bre came out to see what happend*

Your thoughts --

Once Jake said that i knew he was serious. Jake has a backround for threatening people and actually going thru with all of it. But i mean should i worry . Jake has only hit me once . . i mean i shouldnt have pissed him off that night especially since he was drunk.. But just to be safe i called up Diggy to see if i could stay the night . i'll told him i explain to him later when i got there.

*You pull up to diggy's house its about 12am. Considering the fact i had to drive to the other side of town . I called diggy just in case his family was sleeping and didnt want to wake them up by me knocking on the door. he opens it and welcomes you in . And y'all go up to his room and close the door. you sit on his bed while he's sitting in his chair *

U-Thanks again . I just couldn't stay with Bre.

Diggy- Sooooo, What happened ? Is everything okay?

U- *tells him everything up to the part with Jake . Your hesitant but you tell him* *crys*

Diggy- *is highly pissed at this point but comforting you * babe. he wont do anything to you . and if he does hell never see the sun again . and i MEAN that.

u-Babe , no . please dont do anything . you dont know wat he's cabable off..and i dont want to be the one to see YOU in a hospital bed.

Diggy- I wont be n a hospital bed , you not either . Ill wont let that nigga get near you at sooo sorry about bre tho. she's been you bestfriend for the longest bae. *kisses your forehead* but dont worry about that punk ass nigga for now. Youre safe with me

U- Thanks..I just want to sleep right now . *kisses him* Sleep in here orrr...?

Diggy- Of course you can sleep in here bae.

U-*goes into bathroom changes into basektball shorts tank top puts your hair into a ponytail brushes teeth gets into bed you notice diggy comes from out the bathroom in his room with his boxers and no shirt you try so hard not to stare at diggy*

Diggy- *laughs*

U-*you finally look up* Whaaaa?

Diggy- *still laughing * you liking what you see huh? *gets into bed next to you*

U- Whatever*blushes*

Diggy- You know its truue *turns off light kisses you*

U- Riighht *turns off light cuddles up close to diggy he puts his arms around you and you fall asleep*


U- *you notice diggy is not in the bed so you get up and go to the bathroom wash face brush your teeth all that * you come back out notice diggy walked in**

Diggy- After noon beautiful *walks towards you smiles isses you*

U- Afternoon? *kisses back*

Diggy- Yeah Its 12:30 . you must have been tired. But do you wannna come to the studio with me?

U- Uh Suree. What time you gotta go in?

Digg - 1:30. So go get ready ill wait for you downstairs .

U- Kay . *gets bag goes to bathroom showers puts this on ( ) with masacra lipgloss walks downstairs its 1:00*

Diggy- You ready ?

U- Yup . Is your mom here? I wanted to say hi .

Diggy - Naw , her and my dad just left to drop russy over his friends. Maybe you'll see them later on. You can come for dinner maybee.?

U- Sounds good to me . Lets goo.

Diggy- Aiight * He get in car *

U- *Gets in car *

Diggy Pulls off .



Bre- I should really call [Y/N] to apoligize

Jake- you shouldnt apoligize to that hoe . she deserves what she got *mumbles *and what has coming

Bre- What was that?

Jake- Nothing babe. just chill she desreved it

Bre- No she didn't it she been my BFF forever. And i shouldn't ruin it because of your punk ass.

Jake- The fuck thats suppose to mean. Excuse me but yo hoe ass came to ME.

Bre- Nigga stfu nobody told you to put yo dumb ass mark me.

Jake- BUt yo ass was moaning last night tho. So You enjoyed the shit dont fucking lie.


Back to your POV

You guys make it to the studio to see spin roger and jerimiah there. You say hey and hugs everybody and sits on the couch while diggy was recording

Diggy and walked out with spin roger to go to the next room to work on some other songs leaving you and jermihah there.

J-So what's up with you and Diggy?

U- He's my boyfriend now..

J-Ahhh Okay. Well I'm about to go . So tell digg and them ill catch them later. But first i need y number.

U- And why is that?

J-You fine as hell.

U- Didn't i tell you im WITH diggy. and Thanks *blushes*

J- Sooo. I can't just have your number for us to be cool and chill ?

U-Uhhh fine ...*y'all exchange numbers he walks out you go out too looking for diggy spin roger when you run into someone*

U-Oops sorry . *you look up and notices who you just bumped into but you play it cool*

???-You good .

U--*walks away but they grab your arm * ummm yes?

???-I think we should talk now its been what 6 years now...

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