Chapter 114

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Prod- I called you (YN), so for you to say you didn't have anywhere else to go is a fucking lie.

You- I wasn't going to lay up in the same house as you and your girl.

Prod- one minute you act like family then the next you want to act like I just fucking met you a month ago. I'm always real with you and you know that so don't try and make it seem like I haven't been.

You- I didn't say that.

Prod- you know coming over here and telling me where you decided to stay was gonna bug me.

You- he stayed on the couch, I swear he did.

Pod- does Diggy know that?

You- yes, I made that clear.

Prod- yeah? What did he say to you when he saw you?

You- what do you think he said? He apologized, told me he was more afraid then I was..

Prod- Adrian isn't, and I don't fucking blame him.

You- how do you know that?

Prod- Adrian tells me shit, I've known y'all too long for him to try and not include me in anything. He treats me like family more then you.

You- *laughs* because you were his friend before me!

Prod- don't I talk to you more than him now though? I've always been there for you, and I plan on always being there for you because I don't think I would be comfortable not having you in my life. I love Lisa, you know that and so does she. You also know that she knows our friendship isn't shit but a friendship, she also knows that by you running your mouth to her. If you're going through some shit she's fine with me helping you out (YN). I never tried to make you feel like I was done being there for you.

You- but you told me that I couldn't tell you anything because you're afraid that people are gonna start questioning us.

Prod- no, that's not what I said. I said don't tell me anything before Diggy because he's gonna start getting bothered by not being the first to know about shit that deals with his girl.

You- yes but if I'm tryin-

Prod- do not tell me anything personal before you tell him alright? I don't mind giving you advice but as far as anything else, I don't want to hear it until you've talked to Diggy about whatever first. Agree to it or don't, either way I won't allow you to tell me anything before him anymore.

You- okay, fine. I won't tell you anything if it hasn't already been discussed with Diggy.

Prod- thank you, that's all I ask.

I rolled my eyes playfully before standing up and grabbing my purse.

You- when Lisa gets back you can bring them to my house okay?

Prod- *stands* cook something up.

You- I'm not even supposed to be on my feet right now.

Prod- Oh right, alright I'll tell Ray to order some stuff.

You- I don't want a house full of y'all.

Prod- I'll call Adrian up too, I mean he is family.

You- *laughs* bye, bring my babies home safely. I'll see you later.

Prod- text me when you get home alright?

You- okay.

Once you were in your car you decided to call Adrian, when he didn't answer you just hung up the phone and made your way back home. You knew that Diggy went over Adrian's to talk to him so you knew he wasn't going to answer but it wouldn't hurt to try. When you got home you decided to just lay down for a few minutes before anyone tried coming over. Just as you got comfortable enough there was a knock on the door followed by the door bell. You sighed to yourself before getting out of bed to answer the door, Ray walked in so you didn't waste any time in going into the family room to sit down.

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