Chapter 7

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You and Prod are in his car, he was on his way to drop you off back at the hotel. You sent Diggy a text to let him know you were on your way back, once he responded saying alright, you locked your phone.

U- Sooo, are you guys going back to the studio that you guys just came from?

Prod- Yeah. We're working on a song with Diggy at the moment. Kind of a surprise for the fans. (A/N i just made that up) 

U-Oh, cool thats sounds fun.

Prod- You stopping by right? You know, to see Prince.

U- No, especially not while Diggy there. But if i do please don't bring it up?

Prod- I won't. Just make sure Prince doesn't..

U- I'll just spend the day somewhere else then.

Prod- Alright.

U- I need to look for a job anyways so I guess i could be doing that.

Prod- True, hell yeah. Can't be broke around me.

U- *laughs* whatever.

Prod- If you need help, I do have connections..

U- Diggy does too, but I don't want help from the people who have connections.. I'm an independent woman, thank you though.

Prod- I forgot you loved doing things for your self. Even if you really needed help you just ain't admit it,*laughs* but its all good. Just call me if you need anything, you know I got you.

He pulled up to the front of the hotel, you gave him a hug in the car because he wasn't getting out. 

Prod- Tell him I'll see him later. 

U- okay.

You got off the car and he pulled off once you were inside, you walked over to the elevator and took it up to his floor. You knocked on the door and waited for him to open it.

U- *walks in* Hey.

Diggy- Wassup? *kisses you then closes door*

U- Nothing, I was with Prodigy.

Diggy- Everything okay?

U- Yeah. When are you going back to the studio? Like before can you get somebody to drop me off by your house so i can get my car?

Diggy- I go in at like 12.

U- Oh okay. What time do you wanna check out?

Diggy- What time do you have to be where you're going?

U- Well its 10 now, I just need to get home get some clothes. I'm gonna see if I can meet up with my brother later on.

Diggy-  Ah, alright. So i guess we should leave soon.

U- Okay.

You placed your clothes from lastnight into the empty bag you had from going to get an outfit.

Diggy- You went shopping this morning?

U- Oh yeah, I needed some clothes for this morning. So i just got some pants.. I already had my jordans.

Diggy - Alright. Well im ready the car is outside already.

U- okay. *he grabs your hand you guys walk out check out get into the car*

Diggy- What are you going to do with your brother today?

U- Nothing probally just catch up on things and chill.. Oh and I'm gonna look for a job after that.

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