Chapter 90

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Andrew- so you're just going to be pissed at me then leave? Cool.

You- it's not like I'm moving.

Andrew- it doesn't matter.

You- what do you want me to do Andrew? I'm highly confused, you're with India, you kissed me yesterday. You promised me you wouldn't act on anything, I'm pissed because I'm in a position that I never wanted to be put in. I love Diggy and you know that, I like you and you know that. We can't be together and you know that, why would you do that to me?

Andrew- alright I fucked up. I know that, but you did too. You're not the only one being put in a position you don't want to be put in. Can we just forget the kiss? I need to figure out a way to at least make Breshay try to like India..maybe you leaving for this week is best.

You- i guess Andrew..

Andrew- see why do you do that? You make it harder for the both of us.

You- what did I do? I said I guess.

Andrew- you don't seem sure.

You-*sighs* I am sure.. I'm sure this week away from you will make things better..

Andrew- this is what you want right? You want him not me, *laughs* or you do want me but you can't have me.

You- it's not funny Andrew, nothing about this is funny.

Andrew- maybe you should go..

You- so your kicking me out, cool.

Andrew- I'm not kicking you out, you want to fix shit right? Well, let's start now..

You- now?

Andrew-*sighs sits back* now.

You-*stands up* I guess I'll leave then..bye.

Andrew- (YN).

You- no you're right.

Andrew- *stands up* stop making the shit so sad..*laughs* isn't he the one you want to be with? Go have fun, be happy, I can't hold you back and you won't hold me back. I'll be here when you get back, a week right?

You- yeah, only a week.

Andrew- we'll talk more when you get back alright? As far as now, let's just act like I never tasted your lips before.

You- *slight laughs* okay..

Andrew- don't moop around..*smirks* you too pretty for that.

You- *looks at him* I'll see you in a week?

Andrew- *smiles* yeah..

You gave him a slight smile before leaving out to stop over Adrian's. Lexi, and Milan was there eating lunch, Adrian was still sleep.

You- I'm going to go wake him, he's dressed right?

Lexi-*laughs* yes, he has on shorts. He worked late lastnight, that's all.

You- okay, I'll be back.

You walked upstairs going straight into Adrian's room. He was laying on his stomach snoring, you groaned walking over pushing him off his bed. He got up instantly rubbing his eyes.

Adrian- (YN), what the hell.

You- oh shut up, you lucky I didn't pour water on you.

Adrian- *lays down* what do you want?

You- I came over to let you know that me and Diggy are going out of town for the week, we leave tomorrow morning.

Adrian- where y'all going?

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