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U-*in shock* ummm....I...I dont know what  say..

Prince-That you feel the same..

U-Its ..its not that easy anymore..I fall in love to fast. Maybe you think you still do. After we get closure im sure they just go away..

Prince- Please [Y/N] I need you back. Please just give me another chance . Ill make it up to you. All the years that have went by and everything. Pease..

prince doesn't even know about you and diggy..I want to tell him but i don't like hurting people. Even though i seem to get her all the time.. so i should tell him before any one else does right? right..

U-Prince. I'm not available at the moment. I'm kinda with somebody.

Prince-Well , who ever it is must be lucky because i was dumb af to let you get away that easily. I should have ran after you...but instead i let you walk out the door...

U-Prince *puts your hand over his* I'm sorry. But i mean we can still be friends right?

Prince-Yeah i guess..

U-I have a question though..


U-if you love me like you really say you do then why? 

Prince- I have no clue..Thats the question i still ask myself till this very day . I guess i was caught in the moment.

U- Every fucking time somebody cheats there fucking caught up in the moment . *a tear rolls down her cheek* Its more then that. *looks in his eyes* i can tell. So either you tell me now or this wont be closure . *crys* umm i should just go...

Prince- Wait. Your right. There is something else . 

U- Should i hear it . Or is it just going to make everything worse?

Prince- For closure should hear it.

U-*waits for him to continue wipe the left over tears that have fallen*

Prince- That day i had read something in the paper / it was also on E! NEWS. So of course i thought it was true. You had walked out. No later then 15minuters Jordyn came over ( your ex-bestfriend ) i was highly upset because the tv , paper said that you were seen out with another guy holding hands on a beach with a swim suit that even myself have seen you in . So i jealous also curious what had went down that day. So when Jordyn came in she asked where were you then she sat next to me . and we had some drinks. . next thing i know she was kissing me. I was shocked but i kept replaying what the news had said. So i kissed back. After about 10 minutes i still didn't push her off. And then you walked in..

*By then your crying extremely hard*

U- The person I was at the beach was with diggy...He's was one my bestfriends. Well Boyfriend now-

Prince- Wait ..what?!

U-Were dating now..*looks away* I was going to tell you i swear  was it was just that i didnt want you a diggy's friendship to fuck up because of me. They never showed his face in the paper or E! News because i payed them not too. Thats not how i wanted you to find out. Nothing went on with me a diggy there . we just went to hang out..

Prince- the shit i did and she did was for noth--

u-wait you kissed jordyn back because u thought i was cheating you with some dude?

Prince-Pretty much...

U-.........I need to go...i hope you and diggy are still friends. dont fuck it up because im with him now. oh by the way pleaseee dont tell him i was with you today. he knows i had a meeting but not with WHO. ll tell him on my own. Just Please don't say anything.

A Diggy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now