Chapter 86

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You- *sighs* remember? Saturday, and he was saying how he was going to tell her when she got older.. I was thinking.

Diggy- about what exactly?

You- should we ever tell Christian about Jake?

Diggy- What? No. Hell no. Fuc-

You- okay..I don't know what I was thinking.

Diggy- *looks at you* (YN), there's no good way to explain what happened to you. If you tell Christian, he's not gonna understand, it don't matter what age you tell him. There's three things that are gonna pop up in his head. 1. We've been lying to him. 2. His real dad is a monster. 3. He's a mistake, or he could be in denial. Either way, we don't need to tell him because that shit doesn't need to be brought up anytime soon. I'm his dad, not that stupid mother fucker called Jake. Alright? So can we just agree not to tell him?

You- okay..I get it.

Diggy- *sighs* I understand why you're thinking about it but it's completely different. Her mom passed away, Jake forced you to do something he hurt you physically and emotionally. I don't want to put Christian through that, I just want to push that shit in the back of my mind.

You- I said I get it okay? Just forget that I brought it up.

Diggy- see, why are you getting defensive? You don't need to get defensive to me, chill..I'm not the one that hurt you so don't come at me.

You- okay Diggy! Shut the fuck up, because I'm not coming at you! What the fuck are you talking about? I just asked a fucking question, it was a yes or no. Throwing it in my face wasn't and still isn't a fucking option.

Diggy- quit yelling at me, I'm not yelling at you nor am I throwing shit in your face so calm all that down. You're being defensive for no fucking reason.

You- I'm fucking being defensive? Are you kidding me?

Diggy- no I'm serious as hell. Calm the fuck down or go somewhere else with that shit. I don't want to hear it. You asked me a question so I answered it, shut up.

You- no you go somewhere, you're not going to fucking attack me because I said okay. I'm only getting fucking defensive because you won't shut up about the shit! I didn't ask for you to understand what I was saying not fucking explain. I asked you a fucking yes or no question! Leave me the fuck alone. *stands up* no fuck this I'm going to get Christian from school.

Diggy- yeah go do that, calm yourself down.

You flicked him off before walking downstairs and leaving to get Christian. You were there a couple minutes early but you could care less, you decided to wait by the front sitting at the picnic table. You had your phone so you decided to check some emails to get your mind off everything when you were joined at the table by Andrew.

Andrew- early too huh?

You-*laughs* for the first, yes. I'm off, so I rather be here on time to at least look like a good mom.

Andrew- somebody said you weren't?

You- not to my face no, but y'know them prissy ass moms be talking..I don't mind it though. If it's not about me it's about Diggy.

Andrew- it ain't nothing but rumors, you're a good parent. Don't let nobody tell you otherwise.

You-*laughs* I hope I am. I can't fuck up raising him..I can't have him turn out like his dad.

Andrew looked at you confused. He was about to speak when both Breshay and Christian came running over along with all the other kids who were happy to go to their parents. Thankfully, they came in time for you to avoid his next question. You don't know what you were thinking even saying that.

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