Chapter 66

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*8 weeks later*

You- i have one more week here Diggy, you don't think we should discuss it?

Diggy- its not something I like to talk about.

You- its not about you liking to talk about it, its about us figuring out what's going to happen with us.

Diggy- I don't want to talk about that bullshit (YN).

You- so our relationship is bullshit?

Diggy- can you stop talking to me?

You- what is your problem? No, if you don't care neither do I. *stands up*

Diggy- we both care, but I just don't want to talk about that shit (YN) so chill the hell out.

You- what don't you understand about me and Chris having 1 more week here?

Diggy- I heard you, how many times are you going to say it?

You- until you fucking understand me! All of a sudden it's a fuck out relationship?

Diggy-*stands up* that's not what I said, so don't say that shit.

You- whatever Diggy, you might as well!

Diggy- why are you yelling?

You- you get on my nerves, that's why. Fucking dick man, I swear.

You tried to walk out but he grabbed your wrist and put you on the bed getting on top of you. You tried to push him off you, but he wouldn't budge so you started to hit his chest. He grabbed your hands and held them until you calmed down.

Diggy- stop (YN)..

You- no, get the fuck off me.

Diggy- you're not leaving out.

You- so now you care? I fucking hate you, you do this shit purposely to piss me off. Get off me Diggy!

Diggy- I'm not moving, not until you chill.

You- why should I? I was trying to talk about us but you wanted to act like you didn't give two shits! Don't tell me what to do. Get the fuck off me Diggy I'm serious, I'm not playing.

Diggy-don't tell me what to do. I'm serious too.

You- why are you doing that? Stop, and get off me. I'm pissed, and at the moment I don't care what we end up doing when me and Chris leave.

Diggy- you don't mean that.

You- so why were you acting like that!

Diggy- stop yelling (YN), before the neighbors here you and call the cops.

You- let them call, I don't fucking care. If it makes you get off me, I don't give a damn.

Diggy- *laughs* chill.

You- it's not funny, I'm really hurt and pissed at you.

Diggy- babe, I'm sorry..I am.

He put you hands over your head and held them down so he could kiss you without you trying to push him off. At first, you didn't want to kiss back because he was acting like a ass, but then you started to feel affection in it and started kissing back. He let your hand go so he could unbutton your pants but you pushed him off and sat up. He laughed then wiped his mouth, you pushed him again.

You- I swear I hate you.

Diggy- *laughs* for kissing my girl?

You- no for being a dick THEN think it was okay to kiss me like that.

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