Chapter 58

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I woke up and was about to see if diggy was awake but i didnt even care. So i got up and hopped into the shower and wet my hair once i finishee i got out and wrapped myself 

In a towel throw my hair into a ponytail and dressed into work out clothes. More like a tank and some yoga pants that stopped at the knee.I throw on some nike's diggy was still sleep thank god. So i grabbed my headphones and towel and made my way to the gym that they had. Once i got there i put my headphones on blasting my music and went on the treadmell. I was on there for a while so i got off and went to get a bottle of water once i finished that i made my way to the stairs treadmill. After working out for two and a half hours i went back up to the room. Diggy was in the shower so i picked out my clothes for the day leaving my headphones in. When diggy was out i didnt pay him any attention until he pulled my headphones out.

Diggy- so were not talking?

You- i never said that.

You put your headphones back in diggy pulled them back out

Diggy- but you also said you wasnt mad. And you seem mad to me.

You- diggy. Im not mad.

Diggy- so why are you acting like this?

You- acting like what?!

Diggy- like that! Youre short tempered and ignoring me!

You- if im ignoring you . I wouldnt be talking to you.

Diggy doesnt respond but starts getting dressed

You-owhat i thought *puts headphones back in*

Diggy- *takes them back out* what is your problem?? What the hell did i do to you??

You- *puts phone down* diggy. . Dont start.

Diggy-you started it lastnight!! I told you what i was doing ! And you still dont fuckin believe me!!

You- who said i didnt believe you diggy! Please tell me.

Diggy- your fucking actions told me!

You- dont curse at me.

Diggy- no! Because its always something with you! Maybe you should have left yesterday

You- but you told me to fucking stay!

Diggy- and youlistened!

You- fuck this. Okay.

You grabbed your phone and you went to go ger Christian you never told Ms. Justine what happened you just got christian dressed and took a cab to breakfast and icecream

Christian- mommy. How come daddy didnt come?

You- he was alseep and i missed my baby.

Christian- why didnt you wake him up.

You-you ask way too many questions.

you and christian took a cab back to the hotel.

Christian- can i go see daddy?

You- um.

Christian- please mommy.

You-*sighs* fine

You took him back to your room diggy was sitting there on his phone texting. Christian ran to him diggy dropped his phone and picked him and hugged hin tightly.

Christian- daddy.

Diggy- yes?

Christian- to tight

Diggy- oh sorry. . *Puts him down* Here watch tv. I need to talk to mommy. Outside for a second.

Chrisian- okay.

Diggy turned on the tv spongebob was on i sighed and the two of us walked out

You- what?

Diggy- why did you take him from my mom not even telling her where you were going.

You- i didnt know i had to tell you and her my every step.

Diggy- its not that. You were gone for fucking four hours. Nobody knew where you two were

You- i told you to leave me alone didnt i.

Diggy- im not about to leave you alone. And you know that.

You-you did the most this morning. So im not in the mood to talk to you right now. Sorry.

Diggy- (YN) cut the bull shit. I dont wsnt to hear that

You- there is always something with me. I realized that. But if you fucking love me! You wouldnt have saif what you said . And if youre fucking tired of me. Me and christian csn go back to califronia.

Diggy- babe . Im not tired of you nor christian. Its the fact that you were thinking i was with her.

You- what do you expect! You didnt tell me from the begining so what was i suppose think? I had to make you tell me. And when it takes you all day to tell me what you were doing. No. Im not going to believe what you said. And thats it. Eveb if you are telling me the truth.

Diggy- and i was wrong for not telling you.


Diggy- and for cussing at you.

You- i dont care if you cuss at me. Just know next time you do, dont be in my face.

Diggy-*laughs* does that mean im forgiven?

You-*shrugs* i guess.

Diggy- i need yes or yes answer

You- i'll think about it.

Diggy- *sighs scratches back of head* alright..

You- mmhm..

You start to walk back in but diggy grabs you by your wrist before you get the chance to say something he presses his lips agaisnt yours. You try to pull away but diggy just tightens his grip and deepens the kiss. He lets you go.

Diggy- you can go now.

You-*you rolled your eys and walked back in to see christian knocked out diggy walked in* well , i'm gonna go shower..

Diggy- i'll take him back to my mom.

You- no.

Diggy- Why not?

You- because your mom needs to enjoy the last day here. I'll watch him.

Diggy- you sure?

You- yeah.

Diggy- alright. Well i'll call her and let her know.

You- okay.

Ugh! I know. it sucked! I just put something together .Ugh FML. Lol. But i please be patient with me! I know this one was short asl. And i'm not proud of myself. I was being extremely lazy <.< But stay tuned for updating chapters for BOTH stories ! R.I.P Hadiya . Sad story. Girl was extremely beautiful SMFH. But i'm praying for her family , and hope they get closure and Justice ! The world is so cruel. But they say she was a true angel. So i guess God wanted her back ! Its always a reason as to why he takes them! Just sad it was early for her! Just keep them in your prayers! South Side Chicago crazy ! 

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