Chapter 118

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You- What's going on? Where is Adrian?

Prod- he's in there with Lexi.

Diggy- how is she doing?

Prod- Adrian kept coming out here but wouldn't say anything. I think he's looking for you.

You- you don't even know if Lexi and the baby are okay?

Diggy- well what happened?

Prodigy- *stands up* I stopped by their house cause I was in the area and shit. When I got there Milan and Adrian were gone, and I was getting ready to leave but Lexi started screaming and shit. I didn't know what to do, and blood was everywhere so I brought her here. I called Adrian, he came after dropping Milan off somewhere so now he's back there with Lexi.

You- well I have to go back there, I can't just sit out here and wait.

Prodigy- *sits down* it's your best option because they aren't letting anyone go back there. I lied saying I was her brother and they still wouldn't let me go back.

Diggy- no doctor or nurse came out to update you?

Prodigy- *shakes head* not a single one.

You- that's bullshit, somebody should've been out here to speak with you.

Diggy- how long has it been?

Prodigy- 2-3 hours at the most.

You- I'm going to go find a doctor, I'll be back.

Diggy- is that a good idea (YN)?

You- what do you mean is it a good idea? He's my fucking brother and that's his family in there. Us sitting here won't do shit for them, I need to find out what's going on before it's too late.

Diggy- I'll come with you.

You nodded your head and headed down the hallway, you kept going until one of the nurses actually took the time to stop you.

Nurse- you two can't be back here.

You- we- we're looking for someone, and nobody's came out to update us so I refuse to wait any longer.

Nurse- if you come to the desk with me I don't mind looking up the patients name.

You- we don't care what room she's in, we need to know if her and her baby are okay.

Nurse- well are you guys family?

You- Diggy, she's wasting time.

Diggy- *steps up* it's been 4 hours and not a single doctor has came out to explain what is going on. We don't mind going through every damn room until we find her ourselves to see how she's doing.

Nurse- I get your frustration sir, but if you two aren't immediate family there's no way I can let out any information.

Diggy- this is my wife, and that's her sister in there, so yes we are immediate family. We want answers now, because this shit is ridiculous.

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