Chapter 30

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You wake up to your phone ringing , you groan but pick it up .

U- (sleepy voice) hello?

Diggy- Hey , did i wake you?

U- yea , but its fine i'm gonna get ready to stop by your parents..

Diggy- Oh alright. We made it , i have a show at 8.

U- Good luck . 

Diggy- thanks , ill face time you before the show. 

U- Sounds like a plan , hold on(drops phone runs to bathroom throws up when you're done you brush your teeth flush the toliet walk back to the phone) hello

Diggy- are you alright??

U- yea (GCO by Adrian busting thru the door)

Adrian- you okay , ?

U- yes , now get out i'm on the phone , morning sickness ! 

Adrian- aight (walks out closes door)

Diggy- I have to get ready for rehearsals . tell my parents i said hey for me?

U- of course , have fun , love you bye.

Digy- love you too bye 

You both hang up and you walk to the bathroom grab a face towel and body towel you turn the water on you undress and get in you let the water hit your body and you close you eyes for a few minutes but you open them and start crying because all it did was bring back those memories you turn off the water you air dry , you put on some undergarments a love pink shirt black jeans and white and black vans you grab your phone , and purse you put your hair in a messy bun , you don't feel like covering up the scars since your just going to diggy's parents house , you walk out of the room to see lexi making breakfast.

Lexi- Hey (YN) morning ! (smiles)

U- Morning(smiles)

Lexi- can you stay for breakfast?

U- Nah , i have to visit Mr & Ms simmons today.

Lexi- Oh kay. 

U- (grabs apple takes a bite) wanna go out later?

Lexi- (looks up with shocked but happy/excited face) yeah , sure (smiles)

U- I'll be back by 7 , i'm gonna stop by my parents too .

Lexi- See you then ! I'll tell Adrian.

U- don't mention the thing about my parents house.

Lexi- Kay. 

You wave bye grab your lap top and car keys and you walk out get into the car and pull off towards diggys parents house when you get there you park get out grab laptop purse and phone   knock on the door and Nessa answers .

Nessa- (smiles) oh my gosh (YN) i haven't seen you in the longest !! I missed you !

U- (smiles hugs her she hugs back) missed you too !

(she lets you walk in)

Nessa- i thought you were on tour ?

U- I had to come home

Nessa- What why?

U- you haven't heard??

Nessa- no?

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