Chapter Fourteen

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A few Moments Ago,

Ranvijay, Parth and Rishabh, all reached the venue where the meeting was going to be held.

They were going towards the lift when suddenly Ranvijay's PA came and said something to him and after hearing that he glared at him and started to go with him.

"Where are you going Ranvijay," Parth Asked him seeing that he was going somewhere.

"You both go, I am coming in some time, actually there is some emergency which I have to take care of," RV replied to them.

"What happened RV," Rishabh asked him hearing about an emergency.

"Nothing yaar, there are some papers which I need to sign and this useless person forgot to take my sign yesterday and that was an important paper," Ranvijay said glaring at his PA which was shivering from his glare.

"Okay, you go we will meet you in the conference room," Parth said and they both went from there and RV went to his car with his PA to sign the papers.

"If this happens again then it will be better to forget about this job and never show me your face otherwise I will throw you out from my company," After signing the papers he gave a warning to his PA and went towards the lift to go to the conference hall.

He entered the lift and started to check his phone, he did not notice that someone also entered the lift and the lift closed but after some time, it stopped in the middle and that person held his hand tightly due to fear.

( So yes, the person who was with Myra in the lift was none other than our hero RV, lets see what will happen next. )


When the light went off, Myra shouted and hugged him fisting his jacket.

Ranvijay did not do anything, he was just standing and looking at her, he was not able to see her face clearly but he was aware that she was scared of the dark.

After some time RV tried to push her but Myra was not letting him go and hugged him more tightly.

After some time he realized that he was shivering and sweating.

"Hey are you okay, what happened to you," He asked looking at her condition which was not looking good.

"Please just stay like that for some time, I am scared of the dark," Myra said taking a deep breath to calm herself down.

"Okay, calm down, no need to panic, it will start working in some time," Ranvijay tried to console her and tried to divert her mind.

"Let's do one thing let's sit down," RV said while releasing from her grip but Myra was not ready to leave him and she started to panic.

"No please do not move, what if I was not able to find you, it is dark here," Myra said in a panic.

Ranvijay chuckled at her statement and sit down on the floor holding her hand tightly and Myra also set down holding his hand tightly.

"now you okay," Ranvijay asked again.

She hummed at him still closing her eyes.

they both were strangers but somehow they both were feeling peaceful with each other.

This was the first time for Ranvijay when he was feeling comfortable with a girl, he never likes to be around girls, although he was handsome and hot and come into the most eligible bachelors but he still liked to stay away from females.

He was very well aware that girls were ready to throw themselves to him but he did not like that, he knew very well that they all were not interested in him but in his good looks and his money, ones the good looks and the money will end then there love will also end with that and that was the reason he never likes to be around any female.

But at this moment, he was not feeling any of such feeling, he was feeling comfortable with her.

When she hugged him suddenly, his heart skipped a beat and his heart started to beat fast, he was feeling to hold her tightly in his arms but he controlled himself, he did not know and what was happening with him at that time but he was feeling amazing with this feeling.

Seeing the darkness Ranvijay and her getting scared Ranvijay, turn on the flashlight of his phone, he forgot that they both had phones with them and they could turn on the flashlight.

When the light turned on, he saw the most beautiful girl in front of him. Her innocent face came into his view, her eyes were closed and her res chubby pouty lips were looking like rose petals.

He has never seen such a beautiful girl in his whole life.

Feeling some light Myra open her eyes and looked at the source to see that Ranvijay was holding his phone with the flashlight on.

She saw his handsome face and his beautiful eyes which were looking at her only and got lost in his eyes.

They both were starring at each other and were lost in some different world.

"Are you okay now?" Ranvijay asked her with concern.

Hearing his voice she came out of her thoughts and looked at the other side.

"Yes, Thank you," Myra said in a slow voice.

"You're most welcome," Ranvijay replied.

In the awkward moment, they both forgot that they were still holding hands with each other.

Myra's POV

Oh God, what the hell happened with this lift, Bhai where are you I am really scared, please do something.

When the lift suddenly stopped and the light went off, my heart was also stopped beating with the sudden happing and I did not know when I hugged a stranger who was standing beside me.

I know that it is not the right thing to hold the stranger but what could you expect from me, I am afraid of the dark from childhood and it got worst when I was in college because of those people.

Right now I am sitting on the floor holding a stranger's hand and just praying to God to open this fucking lift soon so that I can get out from it.

I knew that Karan Bhai and Kia will be here in some time but that time was unbearable for me.

I did not know but when I hold his hand I was started to calm down a little.

I do not know what was happening to me but I was feeling comfortable and calm with him.

I never like to be with any strangers, I do not feel comfortable with strangers but with I was feeling something different, we both were silent but it was peaceful.

End of Myra's POV.

they both were sitting calmly holding each other's hand and on the other side, Karan was getting hell worried after know that Myra was in the lift and it was stopped in the middle.

He very well knew that she was scared of the dark and that was the reason he was more worried.

After hearing the news that the lift was stuck and Myra was inside it, Yash and Vihaan also came there.

They all were really worried about their little sister.

"What are you waiting for, get it fixed quickly, or else I will bury you inside this lift," Karan shouted at the workers who were trying to fix it quickly.

They all got scared hearing Karan's shout.

When Parth and Rishabh saw that Ranvijay was still not there and the conference will start in half an hour, they both went to find Ranvijay and that was the same time when he saw that Karan was shouting at some workers and Yash and Vihaan was also present there.

They went to find out and got to know that the lift got stopped in the middle and someone was stuck inside it.

"Come on, do it quickly," Yash shouted at them.

He was yelling at the workers who were fixing the lift and they nodded scarcely.

After some minutes, the lift working and the lights were also turned on and they all sign in relief.

Myra and Ranvijay were also feeling relief seeing that the lift started working.

Seeing that they both were still sitting on the floor, they both stand up and that was the time when they saw each other.

"Thank you for your help," Myra said to him

"it's okay," Ranvijay replied to her

After some time the lift open and all looked at them.

Myra saw her brothers were standing outside and she runs towards them and hugged Karan tightly.

He also hugged her knowing well that how much she was scared of the dark.

Yash and Vihaan also hugged her.

"Are you okay munchkin," Karan asked looking at her from head to toe.

"I was scared Bhai," Myra said and again hugged him.

"It is okay, everything is fine now," Karan said caressing her head.

"It's okay Angel, do not be scared now, your bhais are here," Yash said caressing her hair when she was still hugging Karan.

She wanted some peace which she could get from her brother.

On the other side, Ranvijay saw her hugging Karan and was not feeling good.

He did not head their conversation and just saw her hugging the boys.

His friends came towards him and saw him looking at Myra.

"What happened dude," Rishabh asked raising his eyebrow feeling something fishy with his friend's behavior and Parth was feeling the same.

"Nothing, let's go, we are already getting late," Ranvijay said and went from there towards the conference hall.

Myra also went to the washroom to fix herself and look presentable.

Soon she entered the hall with his brother Karan and Kia and took their seat.

Ranvijay saw her coming with Karan and talking to him with a sweet smile and Karan was patting her head to which she gave a wide smile.

Seeing her smile placed a smile on his face too but seeing that she was smiling with another boy he was not feeling good.

"Dude, she is the newly appointed COO of SGC," Parth said indicating towards Myra.

"They must be very close to each other, see how he was smiling at her and she was also doing the same, I have never seen Karan smile like that, He was always like an arrogant man, maybe that is the reason they appointed her as their COO, I mean how much she could know such a young age," Parth said.

"Shut up Parth, what are you saying, we can not judge someone just because she was close to Karan," Rishabh said glaring at Parth.

"Yeah you are right, let see in this meeting, she is eligible or not," Parth said still looking at Myra.

Parth and Rishabh started to talk about the presentation.

Meanwhile, Ranvijay heard his comment and frowned, he did not like the way he was saying about her but then shook his hand like he understands something.

Ranvijay's POV

I do not know what was happening to me when I saw her with Karan and that too that closed, I was not feeling good, I was like just go to her and pulled her from the hug and warn her that not to be too close with other boys.

But why do I want to do that, what was that feeling, it was very confusing.

I was just looking at her when I hear Parth saying that she was the newly appointed COO of SGC and then I understand something which was making me sadder.

She was looking so innocent but everything which we saw was not true, maybe I was thinking wrong about her and I can not judge her but looking at their closeness, they must be very close and maybe that was the reason that she was appointed as the COO in such a young age.

I just really hate these types of girls. who got everything without any hard work.

I just hope that whatever I was thinking will be wrong but what is her relation with him? this was the question whose answer he really wanted to know.

End of Ranvijay's POV

They all were sitting in their place, There were lots of companies his present who were competing for this project which was really important for them and it can take their companies on new hights.

If they got the project, they will get profit, as well as their company, will become famous all around the world.

It was a project of the government, Government has decided to build an Orphanage & Old age home and a Child Hospital and whoever got this project will also sign a contract with Government for 5 Years and in those years every project of the government will to the same company.

That was the reason that each and every one company want this project and was working really hard to get this project.

Ranvijay and Myra were also worked really hard to prepare the design for that and they both were very confident about their work.

Let's see who will be got this project at the end.........

To be continued..........

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