Chapter Sixteen

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Everyone was waiting for the result.

Soon after some time, the representative came back with his co-people.

He went to the stage.

"Thank your everyone, all the presentation, and the design were really very good, but we all know that we can not give this project to everyone, and we can only provide this to one company, but we have decided that we are offering this project to two companies will work together in this project because their designs were excellent and we really like that so we have decided it after discussing with our higher authorities as well, so the companies who will we be working together in this project are SGC and Rawat Groups. So congratulation, guys. I also knew that you must be thinking that we selected two instead of one because the presentation given by them was all according to our requirements and kids' requirements.

I want to ask both the companies if they both would like to work together because we have already decided it, either you have to work together, or we look after any other companies," the representation said and looked at them.

After hearing him, everyone in the hall was stunned for some time then started to clap for them.

Myra, Karan, and Kia were looking at them, and the same was for Ranvijay, Parth, and Rishabh.

They thought that if they wanted this deal, they would have to work together, which was almost impossible, mostly for Myra. She felt that now she have to work with the people whom she heated the most.

"What the hell is this? I am not going to work with them at anyhow," Myra said with frustration after hearing the representative.

"What will we do now? If we rejected them, then we will not get this deal, and this deal is really important for our company," Kia said, looking at Karan, who was also lost in some thoughts.

"We are giving you both half an hour, and you people can discuss and tell us your decision we will meet in here after lunch," The representative said and went from there, leaving them.

Soon after, everyone left from there. As a result, it was already announced.

Now only, Myra, Kia, Karan, Ranvijay, Parth, and Rishabh was present there.

"I am not going to work with them, Bhai," Myra said with irritation.

She did not know what to do at that time because that deal was really important for them, and she also did not want to work with them because she knew very well that if she comes across with her enemies, then it will be difficult for her to control herself from killing them.

"Do not worry, and let me talk to Aahil Bhai. You wait here for me," Karan said and went to call Aahil to discuss it and to take the suggestion from him.

On the other side, Ranvijay, Parth, and Rishabh were also discussing the same thing.

"Now, what to do? Do we have to work with them? I mean, seriously, I know that her designs and presentation were really. Excellent, but still, how can they expect two business rivals to work together and sign a contract of five years," Parth said, looking at Ranvijay, who was lost in his thoughts.

"I do not have any problem working with them, and now it is up to them what they decided because if any of us decide to deny, then the other one was also will not get the project," Ranvijay said to Parth and Rishabh.

They both thought about what Ranvijay said and agreed with it because they also knew how important it is for their company.

"So let's talk to them," Ranvijay said, and they both nodded in agreement.

They went towards the place where Myra and Kia were standing.

Kia saw that they were coming towards them, and she nudged Myra, who gave a 'What' look.

"They are coming here, and I think to want to talk to us about our decision," Kia said to Myra.

Karan was not there at that moment because he went to call Aahil, and he was still on call with him.

"Hey, can we talk," Ranvijay said to them with an attitude, and that was when Myra saw him after the lift incident?

She looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows; the confusion was written all over her face.

"What do you want to talk about," Myra asked him.

"See, I do not have any problem working with your company, so I just want to know what your company has decided," Ranvijay said straightforwardly.

"Excuse me," She asked in confusion.

"Myra, he is Ranvijay, the CEO of Rawat Groups, of which Karan talked about," Kia tell her in a whisper.

Myra looked at him in shock because she never expected him to be the brother of Sameer, and soon, her surprise was replaced with anger thinking about her past.

Kia noticed the changes in Myra's face and she held her hand tightly.

"Calm down, babe," she said to make her.

Myra looked at her and nodded her head in agreement.

"I have not think about it till now," Myra said, and at the same time, Karan came to them.

"Munchkin, Aahil Bhai wants to talk to you," Karan said and gave his phone to Myra, and Ranvijay narrowed his eyebrows hearing Karan calling her Munchkin, which he did not like at all.

Myra nodded and took the phone, and went to talk to Aahil.

"Yes, Bhai," Myra said.

"Princess, what do you decide about the project? Do you want to work with them or not, See It depends on you, and I am not forcing you because your comfort is more important than any deal for us, so if you are not comfortable working with them, then just told them directly. Your Brothers are always with you," Aahil assured her, and she calms down a little and thinks about it carefully.

"Okay, Bhai, I have decided. that I am ready to work with them," Myra said

"Are you sure Princess," Aahil asked again to confirm

"Yes, Bhai, I am sure I have issues with Sameer, not with his brother and his company, and this project is very important for us, and I do not want to mix my personal and professional life and grudges," Myra explained to him.

"Okay, as my Princess says, okay, so you go and tell your decision to Karan.

After cutting the call she went towards them, she gave the phone back to Karan.

"What did he say," Karan asked.

"I ready to work with them," Myra said to Karan, ignoring Ranvijay, Parth, and Rishabh.

"Is she ignoring us or showing us the attitude," Rishabh asked in a whisper to Ranvijay, who was looking at Myra.

"Ranvijay, we are ready to work with you," Karan informed them.

"Okay, so let's go and informed them and sign the contract, and we will talk about how we should start to work," Ranvijay said.

Soon the representative came and asked them about their decision.

"We are ready to work together," Karan informed them.

"Great, then let's go and sign the contract," the representative said, to which they all nodded and went to sign the contract.

Soon both of the companies sign the contract of the deal as well as the contract of five years.

In which, it is mentioned that they will be working together on each and every project provided by the government for five years.

"Okay, so all the formalities are done, and you can contact me for any query related to this project, and I want each and every detail associated with this project," the representative said went from there after shaking his hands with them.

"So when we can meet and discuss about the designs and other things," Ranvijay asked them as now they need to work together, so their suggestions also matter in the project.

"The meeting will be in SGC tomorrow at 11 AM in the morning, and we will discuss about it," Myra said.

"Why in SGC and why not in our company?"Ranvijay restored.

"Because I said so," Myra said again.

"and why do you think that I will listen to you," Ranvijay asked with irritation.

"it is up to you whether you want to listen to me or not, but I will never go to Rawat Groups, so the decision is yours," Myra said, glaring at him for irritating her. She was already pissed with the idea of working with them, and now he wants her to come to Rawat Group, not in the hell.

"I am going home," She said and went from there without giving any more glance at Ranvijay. Meanwhile, Parth and Rishabh just silently watched all of it, and Karan and Kia were worried about Myra because they knew why she did not want to go there.

"Ranvijay, please try to understand, she will never come there, so it will be better to hold this meeting in SGC," Karan tried to make him understand.

"And why is that? What is the problem in coming Rawat Groups?" Ranvijay asked in confusion after hearing that she will never come to Rawat Groups.

"I can not tell you anything, and it is just that if we want to work together, then you have to come to SGC; otherwise, she will not work on this project even if she has to face the loss," Karan explained.

"We will wait for you at 11 AM tomorrow at SGC, Goodbye," Karan said and went from there to catch Myra.

Karan and Kia also went from there, leaving Ranvijay, Parth, and Rishabh thinking about the happening just before some time.

"What the hell, who the hell did they think to order me, and why would I listen to her? what does she think of herself? If she did not want to come to my office, then it is her problem, not mine, why would I have to go to their office for the meeting, am I that much free for them and how can they just order me went from here,"

"Relax, Ranvijay, and It is just a meeting, just calm down and do not worry now she will be working with us, and we will show her place to her," Parth said with a mischievous smile.

"Do not worry, Bro, we will surely show her who will take orders from whom," Rishabh also agree with Parth.

"Let's go, guys. I am feeling exhausted after this meeting, and why was Sameer not here? I already told him to come," Ranvijay asked them.

"Do not know Ranvijay. We tried to call him, but his number was also unreachable; maybe he was busy some work," Rishabh Said.

"Yeah, and I very well know what type of work he does t busy with," Ranvijay said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I tried every way to make him understand and to be responsible, but he never listens to me. I do not want him to do any wrong thing which leads him to his destruction," Ranvijay said, feeling a little emotional.

Still, he was not aware that his little brother already hurt someone to the point where no amount of apology can change his deeds, and that person already decided to make him pay for his acts in which he also will not be able to help his dear brother.

'Do not worry, Your mom has spiled him so much that now he is not ready to change his behaviors or lifestyle, but he will surely understand one day, may be after his marriage he will become responsible," Parth said, trying to make him understand because his both friends knew how much he loved his siblings and can do anything for them. Still, he did not want them to do something wrong.

"I wish he will understand soon because dad is also not happy with his behavior," Ranvijay said, thinking about the morning incident at the dining table.

"Let's go, guys," Ranvijay added, to which they nodded and went from there to their respective place.

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