Chapter Sixty-Eight

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Hey readers, 

I hope you are doing well, I have something to inform you all, I will not be able to update regularly for few days as I am very busy with some important work, sorry for that.


"Sir, Mr. Rawat is here to meet you," Aahil's P.A. informed him.

"Okay, let him come," Aahil ordered.

"Hey Buddy," Ranvijay said after entering the cabin, only to see that the other siblings were also sitting in his cabin, along with Kia, but only Myra was not there.

"Hey, you have come. We were just waiting for you," Aahil said, gesturing Ranvijay to take the seat.

"How are you all?" Ranvijay asked to everyone.

"We all are fine," Karan replied.

"You went to meat Myra?" Ayan asked, looking straight towards Ranvijay.

Ranvijay could guess that they already knew that he went to meet Myra because Kia already informed them about his visit.

That was also the reason Aahil did not deny to meet with Ranvijay as Kia already told him about Ranvijay's sudden visit, and he also wanted to know why he did not come to meet her and also what he talked with her about.

"I just wanted to talk with her, and I did not expect her to be your sister as you also never said anything about her when we were in college," Ranvijay said with a bit of hesitation as he did not know whether Aahil knew about his behavior and thought about Myra in the past or not, he also did not know how would he will face Aahil if he knew about it, but he was really guilty about it.

"Why did you agree to this marriage? I wanted to talk with you about it, but you were so busy and was not in here, so I did not get the time to speak with you about this," Aahil asked the question which they all wanted to know.

"I did not know anything about it, and it was Dadu's with so I agreed," Ranvijay said, but he did not want to tell the truth to them as he did not want them to think that it was all a misunderstanding which was created due to lack of conversation between him and his Harshwardhan.

If he tells them about that, he did not even know about the marriage just before his engagement, and his Dadu might not be able to face his friend, so he did not tell them anything.

"It is okay, and we just wanted to know," Aahil said.

Ranvijay did not whether he should ask Aahil about Myra in front of everyone or not. He thought about some time and decided to leave it for now, and he felt that he would ask some other time as the time was not suitable.

"Ranvijay, we did not tell anyone about Myra being our sister because her life was in danger and to protect her, we could only hide her identity from everyone, but it does not mean that we do not love her, she is our life, and we could not tolerate a single scratch on her, I hope you are understanding what I am trying to say," Aahil was Ranvijay's friend at that time but a brother who could go any length to protect his sister, she was not their sister but their child who they love a lot.

"I can understand, and rest assured that I will take care of her, and I hope that I can also expect from you that same for my sister," Ranvijay said the last sentence looking at Ayan.

"Do not worry, she will be happy there," Ayan said, hiding his actual motive.

Ayan did not want to do anything with Alia in the first place. He was just marrying her to confirm his sister's security in that family. Otherwise, Alia can do anything, and it has nothing to do with him, just she should not do anything with his loved ones.

"Thanks," Ranvijay said as he knew Alia's behavior towards Myra, but he did not know what Alia had done at the Singhania mansion the other day, so he was assured that Alia would be happy in the Singhania family as he had seen their love towards Kia so he could say that they will treat Alia in the same way.

"Okay, I should leave now," Ranvijay said.

"Why don't you join us for lunch?" Aahil asked him when he saw that Ranvijay is about to leave.

"Bhai, Why the hell did you tell Harry about my engagement, he is irritating me now?" Before Ranvijay could reply, he suddenly heard Myra's voice, who barged into Aahil's cabin without thinking twice.

She was so angry and was looking like she will murder anyone at that time.

"What happened, my angry princess? What did that idiot do now to irritate you?" Aahil said calmly, looking at Myra's angry face.

"Do not tell me that you do not know anything about it?" Myra narrowed her eyes, putting her hand on her waist and looking at Aahil like he was some culprit who commits a big crime which he should not have.

"I really do not know what you are talking about Princess," Aahil raised his hand in surrender as he did not do anything and also did not know what he had done.

"Why did you tell that jerk about my engagement? Now he has spread this news to everyone there, and I am fed receiving continuous massage from them," Myra said, making an irritating face.

"Princess I did not do anything, really," Aahil said, knowing well that his sister did not like her personal life known to everyone.

"Then how did he knew about it," Myra asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Actually, yesterday I accidentally tell him when I was talking to him," Vihaan, who was hiding behind Ayan, came in front with a nervous face and gave a faint smile to everyone.

"Vihaan Bhai, you," Myra said, greeting her teeth, pointing her finger towards Vihaan.

Vihaan becomes more nervous after seeing his sister's angry face.

"Cupcake, trust me, I did not mean to do that. It was just a slip of my tongue," Vihaan said.

"Really Bhai," Myra said, glaring at him.

"Yes, but I have warned him not to tell this to anyone but I did not expect him to tell this to everyone there," Vihaan said, justifying himself and putting all blame on Harry.

"I will kill that bloody jerk for sure," Myra said, stomping her feet in anger and walked from there.

"Doll, listen," Ayan tried to stop her, but she did not stop and just went from there.

Ayan just shook his hand while all the others did the same as they knew that she was not going to leave harry today. They just prayed for him.

In between all the conversation, she did not notice that someone was also present in that cabin and giving her an amused look, seeing her angry face.

It was as if he was seeing her for the first time cursing someone like that. He was feeling the same feeling which he felt the first time he saw Myra, but he actually forgot about that after hearing Alia's word about her, but now his mind is cleared, he was noticing Myra for the first time.

He actually found her cute, seeing her angry face and her cheek, which turned red in anger.

After that, he also left from there.

To Be Continued......

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