Chapter Ninety-Seven

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Ranvijay went home late tonight as he did not know how to face his wife after all the revelation. Still, he gathered all his courage and went to home.

When he entered his room, he saw his wife was in front of the mirror, and she had already changed as it seemed that she had just showered as the water was dripping from her wet hairs and she was drying her hair with the towel. She was so engrossed in her thought that she did not notice that he had already come.

He placed his bag on the sofa and towards his wife and hugged her from back, making her startled.

"What are doing Ranvijay, leave me," Myra said while trying to get free from his hug.

"Please, just for sometime Myra, I really need this," Ranvijay said, or we could say plead to her. He rested his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. He inhales the fragrance which was coming from her, which soothes his heart, making him calm down.

Myra stilled at her place after listening to his pleading voice, and she had never seen Ranvijay like that. He was always confident. She had never seen him this helpless.

"What had happened? Is there any business problem?" Myra asked softly.

"I am sorry, I am really really sorry, Myra," Ranvijay said, making Myra confused.

"Why are you saying sorry? what had actually happened Ranvijay?" Myra asked again. She was not able to understand the reason for his sudden change of behavior.

"Nothing, I just wanted to apologize for my behavior towards you. I still felt guilty that I have misunderstood you at the beginning, can you forgive me for that, Please?" Ranvijay asked, looking into her eyes through the mirror.

"You have already apologised for that and I have already forgiven you, that why we are here right?" Myra said, looking at Ranvijay.

"I know but still, I myself, not able to forgive myself," Ranvijay signed.

"Do not take too much tension for such a small matter, let the bygones be bygones," Myra said with a small smile.

Ranvijay held her by her shoulder and made her turn, and now she was facing him. He cupped her face and looked directly into her eyes, and said, "You are too good, Myra, that I felt like I am not worthy for you. You deserve someone better, but when I imagined you with someone else, my heart started to feel uneasy, and then a selfish thought came into my mind not to let you go at any cost and made you stay by my side always,"

"I do not know how to tell you that, but I do not know from when and how, but I like you. I like you so much, Myra, maybe from the first time when I saw you when we were both stuck in the lift, and you were so scared, and there was only one thought that came into my mind at that time, thought to protect you, to keep you by my side so that I can keep you away from every evil, at that, I did not realize about that feeling, but now I know what it is, I want us to be together till the end, right now, I just want to tell you that I really like you and I will do anything in my possession to protect you from anyone even if they are my family members, I just want you to trust me on this, will you?" Ranvijay asked.

Myra was stunned to hear everything, and she did not know how to reach at this, she had never thought that Ranvijay would say something like that, her heart was beating very fast, she was not able to react at all, she just nodded when Ranvijay asked her to trust him, she did not know why she did that, but it was like her body was not listening to her, and her mind was blank. Maybe her mind had listened to her heart, and she nodded.

"Thank you, I promise to never break your trust," Her reply crept a broad smile on Ranvijay's face, and he hugged her tightly as if he would never let her go, and it was correct because he had the thought not to let her go at least not in this lifetime.

After some time, he left her and gave a kiss on her forehead, and went to freshen up, leaving Myra, who was still trying to digest everything that had happened before.

Inside the Washroom, Ranvijay was also in his thoughts. He stood under the shower, placing both of his arms on the wall. He was thinking about his conversation with Myra, and he could not tell her why he was sorry for, because if he said to her that he knew some of the things that happened with her because of Sameer, or to be precise, Sameer and his gang did to her then she might not talk to him ever again, he was afraid that she might let him which he never want. For the first time in his life, Ranvijay Rawat was feeling scared, scared to lose her.

After the shower, Ranvijay changed his clothes into his nightwear.

In the room, Myra came out from her thought by the sound of the footsteps, and she quickly went to bed.

She lay down on her side of the bed and covered her with the duvet, and she closed her eyes quickly so that she did not have to face Ranvijay as she was still in confusion about his behavior.

Soon she felt the bed dipping on the other side, and it was sure that Ranvijay also lay down on his side. She felt him coming close to her, and she stilled in her place, not wanting to let him know that she was awake.

"Thank you for giving me this chance sweetheart," Ranvijay said and kissed on Myra's forehead.

"And I know that you are not asleep," He added huskily in her ear while going to his own side.

Myra felt a ticking sensation feeling Ranvijay's breathing in her ear. Her body trembled a little with the sudden closeness, Ranvijay who was not sleeping, observed her situation.

Ranvijay forwarded his arms and pulled her in his arms, " Sleep Sweetheart."

Seeing this action, Myra was unable to react. Her mind was already black, and now, it was as if it was totally dead, unable to respond. Her heart was beating so fast, like she would get a heart attack any time, but she was not feeling uncomfortable, whereas she was feeling secure in his arms. This feeling, she had never felt like before, it was something new to her, and it was also making her scared. She knew that Ranvijay was making his place in her heart slowly, and she was not able to do anything about it, which was scaring her so much.

Ranvijay was also not less nervous, and his heartbeats were as fast as Myra. He was a little scared that Myra would reject his touch, but to his surprise, she did not push him and was also not uncomfortable.

Next morning...

Ranvijay and Myra were sleeping with Myra in Ranvijay's arms, but today's deference was that Myra was the first one to wake up today.

Myra saw that she was tightly held by Ranvijay in his arms. Her cheeks turned red seeing it. She tried to free herself from his grip, and he tightened it more. She sighed and tapped Ranvijay's shoulder to wake him up, "Ranvijay, wake up,"

"Ummmm, no it is still early, let me sleep for some time more," Ranvijay satire in his sleep a little and said, but he did not wake up.

"If you want to sleep, then sleep, but let me leave, I have an early morning meeting," Myra said.

"Why?" Ranvijay opened his eyes and asked with a frown.

"What do mean by why?" Myra rolled her eyes, thinking that how could he have asked such a stupid question.

"No, I mean, you are never into early morning meetings, then why now? everytime your brothers handle all the early morning meetings right?" Ranvijay explained

"Yes, I never like the early morning meetings but tomorrow is Karwa Chauth, and your Mom told me to come early today as we have to go to Singhania mansion, for Mehandi and all, so I have to pre-poned all my late meeting to early morning and Badi Maa and Choti Maa decided that Alia and I should do the Puja together and it was also Kia's first and ours first Karwa Chauth so that everyone will gather together for Karwa Chauth there in the Singhania mansion," Myra explained his everything with a said sigh.

"What? you are saying that you will be fasting for the whole day, it will be without eating and drinking water?" Ranvijay asked with a shock.

"Yeah, unfortunately," Myra pouted while saying.

"You are keeping this fast," Ranvijay immediately denied. He did not like the thought of being Myra hungry and thirsty for the whole day for him.

"I wish I could do that but you do not know Badi Maa and Choti Maa, they personally told me to keep it and I can not deny them for anything and it is just a fast, does not matter," Myra shrugged as it does not matter to her. It was just to stay hungry for a day, nothing else.

"Okay," Ranvijay said, thinking about something.

"Hmmm, so I am going, if you want to sleep more then sleep," Myra said, getting up from the bed and going to the washroom to freshen up, leaving Ranvijay deep in thoughts.

Myra went to SGC after getting ready, and Today Ranvijay also went to his office early.


Singhania Group Of Companies.

Ayan's cabin...

Ayan was working when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," Ayan permitted the person to enter.

"Do you need some thing?" He asked when he saw that it was Alia who entered.

"No....I mean yes," She said while getting nervous, as she did not know how to ask.

"What happened? did someone did something to you or said anything?" Seeing her so much nervous, he got worried thinking about the previous incident, and He felt that something had happened again.

"No, I need your permission," Alia said, seeing his worried expression.

"Permission? for what?" Ayan asked in confusion.

"Actually, tomorrow is Karwa Chauth, and Mom and Badi decided to celebrate it together with Myra as it will be my and Myra's first Karwa Chauth and also Kia's, so they decided we will do the Puja at Singhania mansion together because Mom requested to my Mom for that, so I have to go early for Mehandi and shopping as the desshiner will also coming with the dresses, so I need your permission to leave early, can I?" Alia explained.

"Okay," Ayan said.

"Really?" Alia's eyes light up hearing that with excitement, as she was really excited for her first Karwa Chauth. She had never done something like that. She had never kept any fast in her entire life, but right now, she was so excited to do it for Ayan.

"Why are you so shocked, do you not want to go?" Ayan raised his eyebrow seeing her excitement.

"No, No, I did not mean it," Alia quickly said.

"Thank you," Alia said, and there was a broad smile on her face.

"Have you ever done any fast before?" Ayan asked, thinking about something. He knew that how Alia's personality before. She might have never kept any type of fast.

"No," Alia denied.

"Then, how will you be able to do that? I suggest you to not to do that, Alia, you have to stay hungry for the entire day, and you also can not even take a sip of water. Do you know that?" Ayan explained to her.

"I know and I really want to that that, please," Alia said and looked at Ayan with hopeful eyes, which melted Ayan.

"Okay, you can but make sure that if anytime you feel that you are not able to continue then just tell me okay?" Ayan said with a sigh seeing her stubborn behavior.

"I will, I promise," Alia was delighted to hear that, she was worried that Ayan would not let her keep the fast as he did not think about her as his wife by heart, but she was happy that he gave her permission and was also worried about her. There was a hope which got more by this.

"Alright then,"

"Okay, then I will take my leave," Alia said and went out of his cabin with a smile, but what she did not notice was that her smile also made Ayan smile. When she left, Ayan was just looking at her with a smile on his face.

To Be Continued...

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