Chapter Twenty Five

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There was a different situation in Sighania Mansion and the Rawat mansion.

In The Singhania Mansion, everyone was happy thinking about the upcoming function that was going to be held in the mansion.

Aahil, at last, proposed to Kia for marriage, and she also accepted his proposal because she did not want to left this change and could not take any risk about it.

She thought that what if her parents find someone for her and get her married so it would be best to accept Aahil's proposal as she could not live without him? He also promised to talk to her parents about marriage and also said that he had already spoken with his family, and they all are agreed with their relationship.

Now that was called for the celebration which was going on in the Singhania mansion.

It was a double celebration for the youngsters because the first reason was that their plan was successful, and the other thing was that Aahil proposed to Kia for marriage to which she accepted greatly.

On the other end, in the Rawat mansion, everyone was worried and sad for their Sameer, who was still behind bars.

Ranvijay tried every possible reason and called each and every person, but no one was ready to respond, and he was now getting more frustrated.

He did not know who has this much power to make all the higher authorities to work as per her/his wish.

Rawat Groups was one of the biggest company but if we have to compare it with SGC for their power, if we talk that who holds the most power in the country, then the answer will be SGC. It was all because of Myra, who is the most significant source of energy for SGC, and no one has the power to deny any of her decisions; if she wants, she could make the country upside down with the click of her finger, and no one will say anything.

It was her secret, which no one knows other than her brothers and Kia. She has the biggest secret of her life, making her the most powerful person in the country.

That was the reason, and no one wanted to go against her as they all know that if they go against her decision and do something which she did not like, then it will be the end of their life.

She was not like this before, but she changed herself and made her the most powerful so that anyone will think for thousands of time before hurting her and her family.

It was also given to her by her father to protect her.

Ranvijay was doing something on his laptop when he got a call from his detective.

"Speak," He said after picking up the call.

"Sir, you were right there is someone behind in all the happenings at L8N8T Club, Someone deliberately framed Sameer sir and his friends but we could not able to get any information about the person, we tried our best to find out, but it was as if all the information's are vanished or destroyed by someone, and sir we have already checked all your business rival and we can be confident that it was not done by any of your business rivals, there must be someone more powerful, who wants to destroy Sameer Sir and his friends," The person said from the other side of the phone.

Hearing that, Ranvijay started to getting more furious, and he was not able to think about any such person who had this much grudges from Sameer and his friends. Who could it be that someone that even the higher authorities were not wanted to go against?

"Is there anyone who can give me the information about that person?" Ranvijay asked

"Yes, there is, sir, but I can not confirm if they will accept this work or not," That person said.

"Who are they," Ranvijay asked with a furrow on his face.

"There is an organization, Sir, who worked for the all-powerful authorities of the country, and they also provide information to them which no one can find out," Detective replied to him.

"Are you talking about 'The Devils' ?" Ranvijay asked

"Yes, Sir, they are the only ones who can give this information to you," Detective said.

"Okay, tell me their contact details," Rabvijay asked.

"I will share it with you, sir, and you can drop your message and work and offer there, and they will themself contact you if they accept your work; otherwise, you will get to know that they have rejected your work and offer," Detective told him everything.

"Okay, share it with me," Ranvijay said and disconnected the call.

Now he was thinking about the only question: ' Who is behind all this and why.'

He just wanted to know so that he could do something so that his brother will not face more problems because he already concludes that it was not the end of all this, it was just the start, and he was very anxious for him.

Soon he got the contact information about 'The Devils.'

He sent all the information and now was waiting for their answer.

At Night........

In Singhania mansion......

There was silence in the living room, and everyone was sitting on the sofa and was looking at their elders.

There was the silence that was suffocating to one to his death.

Today the elders went to Kia's home to fix Aahil and Kia's marriage. That was the first time when they were meeting them for a marriage proposal.

"Bade Papa, can you please tell us what happened at Kia's place? I am telling you if you do not tell me everything in this instant, then I am not gonna talk to you anymore," Myra said, getting irritated by their behavior.

It has been more than half an hour, but the elder was not ready to say anything. They were sitting in the living room without any expression.

"What, why is that Jaan, why will you not talk to me? This not fair," Abhivanth said with a shocked expression.

"Bade papa, the matter is very serious here, and you all are just keeping your mouth shut, which was making us tenser," Myra said, glaring at them.

Aahil was sitting all the time quietly, and the brothers were also getting tense looking at him. They were worried about him.

"Dad, Please say no; what did they say? Why are you creating suspense here," Vihaan said irritatedly to his father?

"Jaan, We do not know how to say and how you will all react after hearing this news; we went to talk to and they....." He stopped saying further.

"And they what Chote Papa," Yash asked, getting worried.

"And they said yes," Mradula added with a serious face.

"What they said yes, how could they? I will go and talk to them again," Aahil said, getting stand up to go to Kia's house, but he suddenly stopped when he registered the words again and got shocked and happy.

He turned around and looked at his parents and family to confirm it again.

"What did they say?" He said again to confirm

"They said yes, son, they are agree and happy with this marriage proposal," Rajesh said with a smile on his face.

"Oh My God, I am so happy for you, Bhai," Myar said jumped on Aahil to hugged him.

Soon all the youngsters got up and jumped on the couches and started to dance in joy; they got down and hugged each other and the elders in happiness.

"Congratulations, Bhai, we are so happy for you," They all said and hugged Aahil.

"Yes, and this will be the first wedding In Singhania Mansion; it should be grand," Myra said.

"So is the marriage," Vihaan asked excitedly.

"First will be the engagement, and we will fix a date for the wedding with Kia's parents," Vishwanth Said.

"Then when is the engagement?" Yash asked.

"Mr. ad Mrs. Malhotra wants it as per Aahil's and Kia's wish," Abhivanth replied to them.

"Okay, so we will do all the preparation for it, and as for the date so we can fix it, right?" Myra asked.

"Yes, and we are thinking of doing the engagement next week on Monday," Vishwanath suggested.

"Means after four days?" Ryan asked.

"Yes, you all can do the arrangements for that after the engagement; we will decide the marriage date," Rajesh said.

"That is okay with us, do not worry, we will do everything, and the venue is already fixed, our own hotel, so there is nothing to arrange," Yash said.

"Okay, so, you informed Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra, and we will start our work from tomorrow; I will take Kia shopping for the engagement, and Aahil Bhai, I will fix your outfit, so you do not have to worry about it," Myra said.

"Okay, so it is time to party, guys," Myra said, getting very excited, thinking that her best friend is going to get married to her brother.

Everyone smile looking at her happy face.

"Aahil Bhai, I want a gift from you as I am the reason that you met Kia and made your love story," Myra said, looking at Aahil with a serious face.

"Of course, princess, you can ask anything from it because you are the soal reason that I got to met Kia in this life and is going to get her as my wife soon," Aahil said, caressing her head, to which she smiled.

"I do not want anything, Bhai, and I was just kidding. I am just happy that you are happy," Myra said, smiling at Aahil.

"I know that you are happy, but I am giving you a promise that when you want anything from me, I will not think twice to give you," Aahil said.

"I love you, Bhai," Myra said and hugged Aahil.

"And what about us, baby sister?" the other brothers said, making a sad pout looking at Myra and Aahil hugging each other.

Hearing them, Myra broke the hug and looked at her brothers, who were sulking like a child, and she chuckled.

"I love you all," Myra said went to hug them all, to which they reciprocated with a happy smile.

The elders were looking at the bond of the siblings which they have for each other and were praying to God that it will remain the same in every situation and we never break at any cost.

Soon the elders went to their own room after chatting for some time and discussing about the arrangements.

Now only the young generation of the Singhania mansion was left in the living room.

They all went to the terrace and sat on the chairs.

"So today is the double celebration. First, our plan was successful, and the good news about Aahil Bhai's marriage," Vihaan said excitedly.

"Yes, Bhai, it is called for the double celebration," Myra said.

She was happy about the marriage news, not because of her plan because she already knew that it would be successful at anyhow.

"We already knew that it was going to be a success. Does anyone has the guts to go against you after knowing your identity," Yash said with a smirk on his face.

"Hmm, Yash is right," Karan also agreed with it.

"Ranvijay is trying every possible way to make Sameer out of jail," Aahil said, looking at Myra.

"I know that not only that, he also asked someone to investigate the situation that happened at the club as he is suspicious that someone deliberately feared his brother and his friend and I am sure till now he got confirm about his suspicious," Myra said calmly.

"So what you intended to do with him," Aahil asked as he was also worried about his friend, but he could not do anything because his sister is more precious than anything.

"I am not doing anything to him, Bhai, do not worry," Myra assured him as she was known about his thoughts and worries about his friend.

"Okay, so time to party," Myra announced, changing the topic before Aahil could say anything more on that topic.

Soon they all started to enjoy, and after that, they all went to their respective room to sleep.

To Be Continued.........

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