Chapter Eighty-Four

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At Night...After Diner...

After dinner, everyone went to their rooms. Myra and Ranvijay went to Myra's room.

When Ranvijay entered her room, he was shocked to see that the room was painted in pink color. First, he thought that the paint did not suit her personality, but when he thought about how she behaved in front of her family members and her brothers, he was convinced that it was totally suited her really well because she was the princess of Singhania's.

"Nice room," Ranvijay said, looking at her room and her picture, which was hanging just above her bed in which was smiling with her beautiful smile.

"You can sleep on the bed, the couch is very small in my room, you will not be able to fit on that," Myra said.

"Are you trying to invite me, Mrs. Rawat?" Ranvijay asked with a smirk.

"Shut up, Do not think too much, I am just trying to be a little nice to you, understand," Myra said, glaring at him. She so wanted to punch his smirking face and wiped it from his face.

When Ranvjay saw that his wife was getting angry and if he teased her more, then he had to sleep on the couch, which would not be too good as he really could not fit on that.

"Alright, which side do you want?" He asked, looking at her.

"Right," Myra said and went to the washroom to change in her sleeping dress which Ranvijay changed in the room.

After changing, he went to bed and lay down on the left side. While Myra also came after changing and also lay down on the right side, facing her back to Ranvijay. Ranvijay also closed his eyes, and soon he slept.

When everyone was asleep, Singhania's siblings received a message in their private massage group along with Kia, it was sent by Myra.

After sending the message, she got up from the bed and started to go out.

"Where are you going at this time?" Ranvijay also woke up when he heard the sound of the door opening. He asked when he saw Myra was going out in the middle of the night.

"I have some work, you go back to sleep," Myra said and went out without turning to Ranvijay. She did not explain further.

Ranvijay also did not ask more as he knew that it was her house and she would not go outside the home alone because her brother would not let that happen, but he still did not sleep again and started to do his office and wait for her to come back. Still, he was worried about her. He thought that if she did not come back in one to two hours, then he would inform Aahil.

Everyone was sitting around the table in their secret meeting place.

"I know that you already know about him, Harry must have told all of you that he is coming back to India, 'we have waited for so long, and search for so long, and now the time is coming to make him pay for his sins," Myra said, her face was fool of anger if she hated Sameer and his friends then she hated that person more than anything.

"Do not worry, Doll, this time, he will not leave from here like in the past. At that time, we were not strong enough to face him but now it is different," Ayan assured her.

"Do you know when is he coming?" Aahil asked.

"Our people is keeping an eye on him, once he will reached here, we will know, I have also told Harry to pay an extra caution, he is cunning fox, do not know if we missed again," Myra explained.

"Alright let's put this matter aside for a while, we will take care of him once he reached India, right now, we have something else to discuss about," Karan said.

"Yes, and as we have discussed, I have already got the information about Ria's work and stopped all the projects on which she was working or get her to replace with other models, now she is very frustrated, and in very worried about her career, our plan is going on the right track right now, and I have also talked with Nishant's brother and warned him not to give Ria any project and gave whatever excuse he can, and he would not dare to go against us, or he can surely forget about her business, and now she is so desperate to find any work," Yash explained.

"Yes, and I have heard that her contract is going to expire in few days from V Entertainment. That was also the reason why Vishal agreed with us because he did not want to renew the contract with her. After all, he did not want to take any risk on his company's reputation. Ria had already given him damage by accepting Kriti's work request, he can not take the risk now, now she is in a very dire situation, and it is very difficult for her to come out from it until and unless she choose to take a short cut and that was the moment we are waiting for, once she decides to take that wrong step, it will be our time to take action, and she will be over," Vihaan said.

"Alright, let just wait for now and keep an eye on her," Myra said.

"Alright then, let go out now, it is already very late," Aahil said, and they all started to go out as it was already late night and everyone was sleeping.

"Good Night everyone," Myra said.

"Good Night," Everyone replied and started to go to their room.

Myra went to her room. When she entered the room, she found that Ranvijay was awake and doing something on his phone.

"You are still awake?" Myra asked.

"I had some work," Ranvijay replied as he could not sleep because he was worried about her. When he saw that she had come back, he put his phone back on the side table and lay down, closing his eyes again.

"Good Night," Myra said.

"Good night," Ranvijay also replied, looking at her.

"Myra, "Ranvijay called her.

"Hmmm?" Myra looked at him and asked.

"I want to talk to you about something," Ranvijay said, and he sat up and looked at her.

"What do you want to talk?" Myra also sat up and asked.

"Myra, I know that our marriage has happened without our wish and we both did not ready for this, but it happened, and we are married now, we have to spend our life with each other, and we can not do that like a stranger, right? and we also can not divorce before six months. To tell you the truth, I have never thought about marriage till now. I do not know what you think about this marriage and what are your future plans, but as I am married then I want to give this marriage a chance, I want to give a chance to us, so I thought that why do not we start to know each other, why do not we give our marriage this six months, and, after six months, if you find that we can not work together, then we can file a divorce as well, but I want us to try with all our heart. Can you give this marriage a chance? a chance to us?" Ranvijay asked, looking hopefully at her as he was very serious about whatever he said, and he really wanted them to try.

Myra was looking at him and thought about what he had said. He did not say anything wrong. They have to live together for at least six months as per the law.

"Okay," Myra replied after thinking for some time.

"Really, thank you," Ranvijay said with a smile.

"But I have a condition," Myra suddenly added.

"What condition?" Ranvijay asked with a frown.

"If in the future, something happened between your family member and me, and they do something wrong to me or my loved ones, and they were in the wrong, then do not ask me to be lenient towards them because I will not tolerate anything wrong, and do not interfere," Myra said with a very serious face because she did not want Ranvijay to come between her plans.

"Okay, If they were in the wrong, then do not worry, you will always find me beside you," Ranvijay said, assuring her.

"I do not want you to take my side, I just want you to not to interfere in between," Myra said again.

"Okay, I promise," Ranvijay promised to which Myra relief a little, but she could not say what the future holds for them and on which side Ranvijay will be.

"Okay, now let sleep, I am very sleepy," Myra said, and they both lay down again and slept with their thoughts running in their minds.

To Be Continued.........

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