Chapter Twenty-Six

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A day before the engagement day.........

They should have gone shopping the next day when their engagement was fixed, but due to some urgent work, they were not able to go. Still, Myra already made all the preparation fr their dresses, and now they just need to go for the trial, Myra and Kia went to trial as the engagement was tomorrow, and there were no more days left for their engagement.

They both were in their casual outfit as Myra did not like to show off.

She was a very down-to-earth person.

They both went to the high-profile Mall of Mumbai. Myra already talked with the designer for Kia's and Aahil's outfits.

So now they were going to the store of designer for the dress trial.

She wanted them to wear a couple dress.

Which complement each other. They were in the car, and Myra was talking with Kia and was teasing her a lot.

"So, my dear would-be sister-in-law, how are you feeling when you are going to get engaged to the love of your life?" Myra asked in a teasing tone.

"Myra please yaar, you already know how I am feeling still you are asking me," Kia said, glaring at her friend who was busy in teasing her.

"What did I do, I am just asking you about your feeling, do you have to be that much irritated, you know that I love you," Myra said looking with an innocent face which Kia know that was a fake one.

"Yeah Yeah, I know how much you love me, witch," Kia said, getting irritated.

"Okay, stop all this and tell me seriously, you are happy right, I mean, I know that you are happy to be with Aahil Bhai, but I am asking about this sudden engagement and marriage, if you need more time to spend with Bhai then we can postpone all this," Maya said.

"Myra, you have asked me the same question from the very first day; I am very happy with this marriage, Myra and I love Aahil so much, and you know that, and there is nothing important than to be with him for the rest of my life," Kia said looking at Myra with a serious face which had a small smile.

"That is good to hear. But I can not help it, you know Aahil Bhai is so happy about this marriage, but you both just had confessed your feeling, and now you both are getting married in some days. I was slightly worried that you both did not get time to spend like boyfriend and girlfriend," Myra explained her worries to Kia.

"Do not worry, Myra, we both are very happy to become husband and wife," Kia said, holding her best friend's hand.

"I am happy for both of you," Myra said to Kia.

"Okay, now, tell me one thing, why did you release them?" Kia asked suddenly as she remembered about that.

"They have already got the torchered behind bars, and they did not get physical torched but mentally, do not worry, I do not want them to face my wrath at once, I will make them feel hell bit by bit and crushed their confidence and proud of being rich which they proud the most and because of it they bully the lower one, they like to stand at the top right, I will make them fall very hard from the top, but I will not do that at once but one step at a time, so that they can feel how it feel to be in hell, and crossing path with Myra Singhania," Myra said gritting her teeth.

Kia looked at her best friend's eyes which showing only hatred for them, nothing else, how much they have hurt her to make her feel hatred towards them, only she knew about it, and she could feel the pain which she faced at that time.

Kia squeezed her hand to give her assurance that she will always with her at each and every moment and her every decision.

"You know, we are always with you right," Kia said, looking at her.

"Yeah, I know," Myra said with a smile.

"Ma'am, we have reached," they were talking about random things when they heard the voice of the diver.

Myra nodded to the driver and came out of the car along with Kia.

"Uncle, you parked the car, and we will call you when we are free with shopping," Myra said.

After saying that and ordering the bodyguards not to come with them, they both went inside the mall.

They both went towards the store for the trail.

They both were checking some dresses casually, waiting for the designer to come so that they could go for the trial.

It was when a beautiful dress caught Myra's attention.

"Excuse me, can you show me that dress?" Myra said to the salesgirl, to which she nodded and went to take the dress.

"It is beautiful, Myra, and will suit you perfectly; let's just take it, and you can wear it at the engagement party," Kia suggested.

Myra was about to get the dress from the salesgirl when someone snatched the dress from her hand.

Myra and Kia turn to see the person who snatched the dress from Myra's hand.

They turn and see that the person was none other than Alia, who also came for shopping with her friends.

Alia was feeling very sad for her brother for the past few days, and her brother was just released from the police station yesterday night, so to change her mind, she came for shopping with her friends.

Myra and Kia were just looking at Alia with an expressionless face as they knew who he was; on the other end, Alia was a little shocked to see Myra there as she knew what her brother and his friends had done to Myra and not wholly, she knew a few things like how her brother's gang always bully her because she was from a low-income family, she also does not like poor people as she was taught by her brother like that, But she loved her family a lot there was no doubt in it.

"Oh My God, look who is here, Ms. Myra, long time no see Myra, how are you," Alia asked but did not got any reply as Myra was less concerned to talk to her.

Getting offended by seeing Myra's attitude towards her, Alia was getting frustrated. She never liked Myra, and only God knew the reason, and that was the reason she never felt any pity for whatever her brother did with her.

"Why the way, what are you doing here, and how did they allow such a low-class people like you in this store, Oh let me guess, you worked here as the salesgirls, I should have known that already; otherwise how could they allow you here in such an expensive store, you will only dirty these clothes by touching with your dirty hands," Alia said a little loud and hearing her voice the customers who were available in the store looked at their direction and heard Alia's talk.

Hearing Alia'a words, they all looked at Myra and Kia with a little disgust, and the salesgirl who was going to gave the dress to Myra also looked at her with the same disgusted look on her face.

"Ma'am, she is not the employee; she is also a customer," The same salesgirl said to Alia, hearing that she was thinking of Myra as an employee here.

"Oh, why did you allow such people in here? When did your reputation go this much low, so you are allowing such down-market people to shop from here? Did she even have that much money to buy this dress? I can tell you that she is just here to fool around, and if you do not pay attention to her, she may be steel the dress," Alia said to her, the salesgirl.

All the time, Myra was just listening to Alia; she did not even open her mouth to say anything and was also. She was holding Kia's hand to stopping her from doing anything.

Kia was about to lash out at Alia when Myra. Stopped her holding her hand and indicated her not to do anything to her.

The other customers started to murmuring while looking at Myra and Kia while Myra had an expressionless face and Kia was fuming with anger.

"You should take them out from here, or else we will not purchase anything from here," Alia said, crossing her hand around her chest; she was in full attitude, and hearing it, Myra narrowed her eyes towards her.

"Yes, she is right; you should not be allowed people like them to enter," one customer said.

"Yes, if they do not leave right now, then we will leave from here," the other customer also agreed with the first one.

Soon everyone started to say some or other things, and Alia was getting happy with this; she never likes Myr attitude and calm behavior.

"You both leave, we do not have any dress which could suit your budget, and I do not think that you can afford the dresses from here," The salesgirl said with full of attitude and arrogance as she knew Alia very well because she was their regular customer. She could not offend Alia, knowing that she was the Rawat family's only daughter.

Myra looked at the head salesgirl, and she could see the disgust in her eyes.

All the people wanted Myra and Kia to leave the store and insult them, asking them to go while on the other end, Myra was calm and composed, like she was not at all offended by their words or she did not want to give them any importance.

"What is happening here?" Alia was enjoying the show when they all heard someone shouting from behind.

They all turned around and saw a man coming towards them with a confused face.

He came towards them, and that was the time when he noticed Myra was standing while surrounded by the crowd.

He quickly went towards her and greeted her.

"I am really sorry to make you wait, ma'am. I was just doing the last touch-up of the dress; I hope you did not wait for long," He said with a sweet smile on his face, but his smile got vanished when he saw the expressionless face of Myra.

When the people around heard him talking politely with Myra, they all were shocked and were able to understand what was happening there.

"Why are you talking to her like that? Like she is some prestigious guest of yours, and how could you allow such middle-class people here," Alia asked the man who was talking to Myra. She was not able to grab all that things.

She thought that he would throw them out from there, but here he was talking to them like they were some high-profile guest, and he also forgets about her presence like she never exists there.

The man turned to look at Alia and narrowed his eyes, thinking did he know her or not.

"Whom are you talking about, miss? whom should I throw out of my store?" The man asked politely.

"I am talking about her, Myra," Alia said with an attitude like now he will do what she was thinking.

"Are you out of your mind? Do you have any idea who you are talking about? why will I throw them out of my store, and who are you decide that? Do I even know you miss?" The man asked, looking at Alia strangely like she was some mad woman.

Alia was shocked to know that he did not remember her as she was their regular customer, and everyone knew her because she was Alia Rawat.

"I am Alia Rawat, the only daughter of the Rawat family," She said with an attitude crossing her hands around her chest.

"Whoever you are, I do not care, and do you even know who she is whom you want me to throw out from here? She is Myra Singhania, the COO of SGC; if she wants, she can purchase this whole store within a blink of an eye and not even the store. She is one of the major shareholders of this mall, and you can not even compare yourself to her, so it should be you who should throw out from here for creating such racks in my store, not her and you, ( he turned towards the salesgirl who was telling Myra to leave from there ) you do not know how to work, you are fired, pack your things and leave from here right not," He shouted on that girls.

"Ma'am, let's go to the dressing room, and you can try your dress; and if there is any issue, please let me know, and we will fix it at the same time," He said to Myra very politely, to which he nodded and she along with Kia went towards the dressing room leave a shocked Alia behind with the people who were mocking some time ago on her.

Alia was very shocked by the new information; she never in her wildest dream thought that the poor girl who was bullied by her brother would turn out to be the COO of SGC and the shareholder of the biggest mall in Mumbai.

She left with the sullen face, and Myra and Kia also tried the dress and left after their work.

Kia was a little sad by whatever happened in the store, but Myra cared less about all of that.

To Be Continued...........

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