Chapter Twenty Three

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Next day......

Singhania Mansion........

Everyone was sitting at the dining table and having their breakfast with chit-chatting with each other.

Myra and Aahil were sitting together, and Myra was saying something in Aahil's ear in a whisper.

"What you two are whispering to each other?" Myra's Dadu asked, seeing his two grandchildren talking some secret.

Hearing Dadu's voice, everyone looked at them, and they both sat straight.

"No...nothing Dadu," Aahil said in shutter to which everyone looked at him in suspicion because The Aahil Singhania was shuttering while saying something which was very rare to him.

"Bhai, why are you shuttering?" Ayan asked, looking at Aahil.

"When did I shutter? It is nothing like that," Aahil said, digging his head in his plate, eating the food.

"Is anything bothering you Aahil, you are not looking good," Sharda asked, caressing his head.

"Actually Mom, Wo,........" Aahil was not able to form words to tell them.

He was so worried that how they all will react to his sudden confession about his love and that too with Kia.

"Actually, Aahil Bhai has something very important to discuss with all of you," seeing Aahil's situation, Myra took the lead and said to them after taking a deep breath.

"what is it Myra, at least you tell us, why you both are so tensed, is everything alright?" Mradula asked her.

"There is nothing to worry Choti Maa, it is just something very important, and it is related to Aahil Bhai's life, so he should be the one to share it with all of you, and you all will be delighted after hearing the news, Trust me," Myra said assuring them.

"So you mean to say that, it is a good news," Vihaan asked her.

"Of course it is," Myra said, grinning and looking at Aahil, who was just looking here and there, because everyone's eyes were only focused on his at that moment.

He was not sure how he should be reacting or behave.

Soon after having their breakfast, they all gathered in the living room.

"Okay, now we all are here, so tell them what you want to share," Vishwajeet asked.

"Guys, First of all, I am really sorry that I did not share it with you earlier, please forgive me for that ( He said, looking at his brothers first, to which they looked at him in confusion, then he looked at everyone and continue ) Actually, I love someone, and I want to marry her," And that was enough for them to give the biggest shock for them.

Because anyone from them everything about this news, they never think that Aahil can be in love with someone seeing his personality.

"Oh My God, Am I dreaming? Can someone pinch me, please I think I have something wrong? Abhivanth, can you please pinch me?" Sharda was the first one to react after hearing the shocking news.

In shock, Abhivanth also pinched Sharda's arms, to which she shouted in pain.

"Ahhh, why did you pinched me so hard?" Sharda asked Abhivanth, glaring at him; she was rubbing the place where he pinched her.

"You asked me to do that," Abhivanth said casually, and he again got a death glare from his wife, to which he smiled sheepishly while the others were giggling at them.

"Guys, can you please stop ( Vishawajeet said, looking at them, and then he looked at Aahil ). Who is she?" He asked Aahil.

He was also shocked hearing the news, but he came out from his shock and asked him.

Everyone was also looking at him for the answer because they also want to know about the girl whom he loved.

"You all already know her," Aahil said, looking at them, and they made a confused face.

"She is Kia, we both love each other, and I want to marry her," Aahil said after taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.

And that was more shocked for them hearing Kia's name, because they never expected her to be the girl as they have never seen both of them talked to each other.

"Bhai, why did you never tell us about it," Karan said, a little hurt.

"Bhai, they both are so stupid; they both love each other but never confess, and it would have never happened if Kia's parents were not looking for an alliance for her," Myra said, seeing the hurt in his brother's eyes.

"Can you explain us everything," Abhivanth asked Aahil.

And then he explained everything to them that how they love each other since childhood but never express their feeling for each other and why they both scared to confess, and at last how they confessed the previous night.

"Her parents want her to marry, so I want to talk to them, and I want to marry her," Aahil. explained to them

"Are you serious Son, you loved her and never confessed to her; just look at me, I met your mom in college, and after seeing her first time, I got to know that she is the one for me then I did even take a day to tell her that I fell for her the same time when I saw her, Myra was right you are so stupid," Abhivanth said shaking his head in disbelief at his son.

"Dad, I was scared to lose her," Aahil said, making a sad face at his father's comment.

"Oh really, then why did you confess now?" Rajesh asked

"Actually, she was the one who tells me first that she loved me since childhood," Aahil said, scratching the back of his neck with his hand in nervousness, to which everyone looked at him with open mouth.

"Oh God, You seriously made me disappoint Aahil," Abhivanth said

"Dad," Aahil whined like a child hearing his father's statement.

"What, dad ha, your dad is right, you were supposed to be the one who should propose, not her, but she was the one wh tell you that she loved you," Sharda said, looking at her dearest son, who was lacking some sense at that time.

"Mom, you too," Aahil said.

"What, Mom, at least look at your brother, don't know how many girls he had proposed till now and how many casual flings he had till now," Mradula said.

"Mom, why are you bringing me in that? I have just dated five girls, and I have already broken up with my last girlfriend, and now I am single and not ready to mingle, ( he said to her mother, to which she rolled her eyes and then looked at Aahil) Bhai why do you get me in trouble?" Vihaan asked, making a sad pout.

"It happens, Bhai, do ask you to date so many girls," Myra said, patting Vihaan's shoulder, and he shot a glare at her.

"Okay, everyone, it is enough now, now we have to talk with Kia's parents as they are looking for the alliance, so we have to give a marriage proposal for Aahil and Kia before they look for any other boy," Vishawajeet said to which they all nodded in agreement.

"But Dadu, I have not proposed to her for marriage yet and also did not talk with her as we did not get time to talk about it, first let me talk to her and proposed her them we will go to her parents and talk," Aahil said.

"So what are you waiting for, go and proposed her before anyone else does that," Sharda said

"Yeah, do propose her today itself so that we can go and talk to her parents," Abhivanth said.

"You all are happy with that, right?" Aahil asked them.

"Of course we are happy for you son, Kia is such a nice girl, and we will be really happy to make her our daughter-in-law," Sharda said, cupping Aahil's face, to which he smiled at her mother.

"Yes, we are really happy," Everyone said in unison, and the youngers ponced on Aahil to congratulate him.

"Okay, Bhai, now you go and talk with Kia and prepare a date for her," Myra said.

"Thank you, everyone," Aahil said

"Okay, now I going," Aahil added and went to work on his proposal and planned a date for Kia.

And the other people also left to do their work.


Same Day at night............

Ranvijay was still in his office and engrossed in his work when he got a call from his mother.


"Ranvijay, Sa.....Sameer.........who......," She Sutter and crying from the other side of the phone, which made Ranvijay panicked.

"Mom, what happened? Why are you crying?" Ranvijay asked her

"Ranvijay. Sameer and his friends have been arrested by the police, turn on the television and see, do something Ranvijay and make him release from there," Priya said in her cry voice.

"Do not cry, mom, let me see what happened, and do not worry, I will make him release from there," Ranvijay said, assuring his mother ad then cut the call.

He turns on the television and put the news channel which was telecasting the live news and saw the police taking Sameer and his friends and some other people with them.

'Hello India, this is IBB News, and right now we are in front of the L8n8t Club, and we got the news that there were some illegal business was running inside this Club so today the police got the evidence and secretly rade here to arrest the people involve in it so that they will not be able to run away, so we are here to give the live telecast, and here we could see that there are some famous faces within the people who got arrested by the police, there is Mr. Sameer Rawat with his fiance and friends who were also there, and whether they were involved in it or not it will be known after the investigation, so the police are taking all of them with them for the investigation if you all want to know more about this incident so be bear with us and we will give you each and every detail about this news, till then take care and Good Night.'

All the news channels were showing the same news.

Seeing the news and understanding the situation, Ranvijay stood up from his seat, grabbed his jacket, and went out of his cabin.

He reached to his car and dialed his lawyer's number.

He talked with his lawyer and asked him to come to the police station directly.

He also called his friends and explained the whole situation to them, and they also said that they were coming there and will meet him at the police station.

Soon after some time, he reached at the police station where his friends and lawyer were already waiting for them.

They all went inside, where they found the other's family members were also sitting there and talking with the police officer.

Soon, the police commissioner came to greet him as he also called him while coming there and talked to him about Sameer and his friends.

"Hello, Mr. Rawat," The police commissioner said, forwarding his hand for shaking.

"Hello, Mr. Pathak," Ranvijay said, shaking his hand with him.

"What is this, Mr. Pathak? Why did you arrest Sameer and his friends? They are innocent; how could your officers arrest anyone without any proof," Ranvijay said.

"Mr. Rawat, Calm down, whether they are innocent or not it will prove after the investigation and as for the proof so we have found drugs from them and that was the reason we have arrested them; otherwise we have already released many people who were innocent," Mr. Pathak said calmly to which Ranvijay and the others looked at him in shock.

"Are you kidding me? How can you say that they were involved in drugs? They can never do such things; I want my brother to be released right now," Ranvijay shouted at him.

"You can apply for the bail, but as it is Friday and the court will be closed on Saturday and Sunday, so you can apply for it on Monday till then, they have to be under investigation," Mr. Pathak said, not bothered about his attitude.

"Hello, Mr. Pathak, I am their lawyer; I want to meet them," Lawyer said, to which he nodded and permitted them to meet their relative.

They all went towards the sale where the four were kept.

Sameer, Ria, Nishant, and Kriti were passing back and forth as there was no bench to sit on, and they could not sit on the floor.

To be continued......................

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