Chapter One hundred Eight

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The night was so dark, and It started to rain heavily. There was a thundering and lighting sound everywhere in the sky.

"Ahhhh," Myra shouted with the voice of thunder, and she woke up with a jolt. When she opened her eyes, she could only see the darkness everywhere. She remembered that she had put the night lights on when she was sleeping. She always left the lights on when she slept alone.

"What happened to the lights?" She said, confused, she checked the switch, but it was on, which means that there was no power. She started to get scared. She already had a fear of darkness.

The raindrops tapping on the glass window leaving a trail behind. A bright thunder illuminated again.

"Bhaaaaiii," Myra screamed with the voice of thunder. Her entire body started to shiver. She pulled the quilt over her head and shivered underneath.

She was so scared that her tears started to fall, she thought to call her brothers and began to search for her phone, " is my phone?"

"Why can't I find my phone?" She shouted when she could not find her phone.

"Ahhhh Bhaaaii," Another voice of the lighting came. Hearing the sound, she felt like her heart was about to come out from her chest. Her heart started to beat fast. She was feeling difficulty in her breath. She somehow dialed Aahil's number, and soon the call was picked.

"He..hello...Bha..bhai," Before Aahil could say anything, Myra started to cry badly.

"Princess, what happened to you? Why are you crying? Tell me bacha," Aahil panicked after hearing her cry.

"Bha..bhai...rai..raining..Thunder.. it is dark here...I am scared," She was so scared that she was even not able to complete a single sentence without shutter.

"Shit, you are alone there, where is everyone and where is Ranvijay?" Aahil was also started to scared for her. He ran his hand in his hair in frustration.

"No one is here Bhai, Ranvijay is in office, Please come here Bhai, I am very scared," Myra was sobbing.

"Do not be scared, Princess, I am coming, Do one thing, turn on the flashlight on your phone and do not cut the call, okay? I will be there soon. Remember, you are not alone. Your brother is with you, okay." Aahil tried to comfort her.

"Bhai please come soon," Myra said.

"Yes, Princess, I will, just wait for sometime, okay," Aahil said, then he turned towards Kia, who was listening to Aahil. She knew that something must have happened to Myra.

"Kia go and call the others and tell them to come here right now, and do not tell anything to the elders," Aahil stood up from the bed and got ready to leave. Kia also went to the other's room to call them.

Soon everyone came to Aahil's room in a rush.

"Bhai what happened?" Karan asked as soon as he entered the room.

"We have to go to Rawat mansion, let's go," Aahil said and started to walk out.

"What happened suddenly?" Ayan asked as he followed him.

"Princess is alone there, and you know she scared of thunders in the past, and on top of that, she said that it was dark there. I do know what had happened. I thought that she had already overcome her fear. I do not know what had happened that her fear triggered her again," Aahil explained a little as he was just running out of the mansion.

Soon they all reached to the car. They sat in the car while Karan was in the driving seat. He started to the car and drove towards the Rawat mansion.

"Shit, Karan drive fast," Ayan said in frustration.

"Bhai, I can not drive faster, it is raining heavily, and it will be dangerous to speed up," Karan said, he was also very worried for Myra, but he could not drive faster as the roads were slippery.

"Doll, do not be afraid. We are on the way." Ayan said on the phone, which was still on. They could still hear her sobbing sound.

"Bhai, Mom, Dad, they are going....tell them not to go anywhere...I miss them Bhai," Myra was so scared that she started to hallucinate.

"Stop, Mom, Dad,....Bhai they are not listening to me, they are leaving me, Please do something Bhai," They all could hear her shout, which made them panic. Their eyes were also teared hearing her. They could feel her pain.

"No..No, they are not going anywhere, Doll, and they are with us...with you, you always said that they are watching us, right?" Ayan tried to comfort her, which she needed the most in that situation.

"Yes," She replied softly.

"Hmm....then why are you crying? Wipe your tears, Princess, otherwise, they will not feel happy after seeing you crying, and then they will scold us for not taking care of you. Do you want your brothers to get scolded?" Aahil asked as if he was talking to a 4-year-old child, and it could not be wrong to say that because she was a child for him, for all of them.

"No..I do not," She quickly denied with a pout as if she could feel her brothers getting scolded by her parents, and it made the brothers smile with a sad face.

They kept talking to her to distract her so that she would not get scared, and it was working.

Their car entered the Rawat mansion as the watchman opened the door who was in his small watch cabin beside the gate to prevent him from the rain. They did not have the time to say or ask anything to the watchman.

They all entered the mansion only to find that it was dark everywhere.

"Why is so much dark here and what happened with the lights?" Vihaan asked as soon as they entered.

"Shit, the call is disconnected," Aahil said when he looked at his phone.

"Fuck, that's why she was so scared. She had already somehow overcome her fear. She had worked so hard to overcome with it, and it must be because of the darkness here that she triggered from her fear again," Karan cursed when he saw the darkness. It was really scary at that time.

"You are right, let's go to her, and Yash, you call the electrician and tell him to come here right now, and Vihaan call the doctor and tell him to come at the Rawat mansion right now," Aahil instructed Yash and Vihaan.

"Okay Bhai," They both said and went to make the calls.

"Princess, where are you bacha?" Aahil shouted as he started climbing the stairs with Ayan and Karan.

"Doll, See your brothers are here, open the door Doll," Ayan and the others reached to the room, but the door was locked from inside. They knocked on the door. But it did not open.

"Bhai, I think she is not in the situation to open the door, let's just break it," Karan said to which Aahil and Ayan nodded. They soon broke the door.

"Munchkin," Karan called her when he saw her sitting beside her bed. She was hugging her leg, her lips were shivering, and so was her whole body. She was covered with a quilt, and only her face and her right hand were out. She was clenching the phone in her hand in which the flashlight was on. which was showing her scared face in the darkroom.

"Bhai," Myra raised her head called.

"Princess," Aahil called, and they all rushed towards her, bend on their knees, and pulled her shivering body in their arms.

"Bhai," Myra said, hugged her brothers tightly.

"Yes, we am here, do not be afraid," Ayan said, caressing her back to stop her crying.

"Bhai..I...I was so sca..scared, There was no light, It was so dark Bhai and Mom and Dad they were going, leaving me alone," She said while crying.

"There is nothing to scared now, we are here, right?" Karan said softly, to which she nodded like a child.

"Good girl...Come, let's go to bed now, we have called the electrician, the light will be back in some time, so do not afraid, okay," Ayan said, made her stand up and took her towards the bed, and they made her lay on the bed while sitting beside her.

"Okay, Munchkin, do not worry, now close your eyes and sleep, we will be by your side," Karan said, closing her eyes with her hand.

"No, no, I do not want to," She clutched Aahil's hand tightly, not wanting to let it go as if she felt that once she left his hand, he would also leave her.

"Okay then don't but do you want to listen a song?" Aahil asked, and she nodded. She always loved to hear her brother sing for her.

"Okay, so tell us which song is our Doll want to listen?" Ayan asked.

"I do not know," Myra pouted and shook her head left and right.

"Okay, no problem.....let me think....hmmmm..I know now," Karan said and smiled at her, and she looked at him with curious eyes making everyone chuckle at her expression.

Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight

Karan started to sing, wiping the tear stains from her face. He forwarded his hand towards her, and she held it with her other hand as she was still holding Aahil'shand in other.

I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry

Ayan sang, caressing her cheeks, and smiled.

For one so small
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken

Aahil sand pointing at his heart as he wanted to tell her that she was always in his heart.

I will be here don't you cry
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart

They all sang together.

No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart

At the end of the song, the power came back, and the room brightened with the lights. Myra also fell asleep when the song finished.

"Thank God, She is asleep now," Aahil said, sighing.

"Bhai there is something I need to tell you," Yash entered in the room with Vihaan and said to Aahil and others.

"What is it Yash?" Ayan asked, looking at him confused because Yash had a very serious expression on his face which was a little rare.

"Bhai, when the electrician was checking the problem with the light connection, he found that the wires of the main circuits were cut out because of which there was no light," Yash explained what he had seen. His hands were clenched in a fist, and he was looking furious.

"What, how is that possible?" Karan was shocked to know that.

"I think, someone purposely did that," Vihaan said.

"And we know who could do that," Ayan gritted his teeth in anger, standing up from the bed.

"I will kill that bastard, how dare he tried to Munchkin," Karan was so angry that he could the person any moment. He stood up from the bed and turned towards the door, and was about to run outside when Aahil stopped him.

"Stop, Karan, and we have to think it through. We can not make any impulsive decisions. Do not forget that he is still Ranvijay's brother," Aahil tried to make him understand.

"So what, Bhai? What if he is Ranvijay's brother? I do not care about it. I just care about my sister who is in this state just because of that bastard," Karan shouted in a whisper as he did not want to wake his sister up.

"I also do not care about it, but our Princess do," Aahil said with a sigh, making everyone confused.

"What are you talking about Bhai?" Yash asked the question which the others also had in their mind.

"Nothing, for now just do as I say, let wait for her to wake up, and then we will talk about it, till then we will be by her side," Aahil did not explain further as he did not know how he should tell them that their little sister had started to fall for her husband. If they do anything in their impulsiveness, and if it hurt Ranvijay, then she would also be the one who would get hurt with him.

"Okay," They did not know why Aahil said something like that, but they still agreed with him.

They were all sitting on the couches in the room and were talking, and Aahil was with Myra because she was holding her hand and was not leaving it. When they saw Ranvijay rushing inside the room with a worried expression, he was breathing heavily and was sweating, and it is evident that he ran here.

"What happened to her? Is she alright? Did you call the Doctor?" He asked when he saw her sleeping on the bed. He went towards her. He cared her head and pecked on her forehead, and sat beside her on the other side of the bed.

"Yeah, the doctor is on the way and, she is fine now, she is sleeping," Aahil replied.

"Thank God, I was so worried when Alia called me saying something happened to her," Ranvijay sighed in relief when he heard Aahil that she was alright. He was in his office when he got a call from Alia, saying that something had happened with Myra. He felt like his heart fell apart when he heard that. He did not take a minute to run towards his home. All in the way, he was just praying to God to make her safe.

"But what happened to her suddenly? She was alright when I called her a few hours ago," He asked as he remembered that she was perfectly fine when he talked to her a few hours ago.

"She is feared of thunder and lighting and also from the darkness. She had overcome from her fear of thunder and lighting in the past, but today was unexpected. We do not know why it triggered her again, maybe because of the darkness," Aahil explained.

"What? A phobia? I did not know. And what are you saying, darkness?" Ranvijay was shocked to hear the new information about his wife, and he knew that she was scared of the darkness, but he did not know that she had some type of phobia.

"Yes, there was no light when we came here so we called the electrician to check," Ayan said.

"What are you saying? How can there be no light? I mean, we have never faced any problem with lights in the past, so how can it be now? and we have always get it checked every week," Ranvijay got confused. There was nothing like that that happened in the past.

"Actually," Aahil tried to say something but stopped himself from saying.

"Aahil, please tell me if there is anything I should know. Even if it is related to my family and why did she have that phobia? There must be a reason behind it, right? because no one fears of anything for no reason, Please tell me, I want to know, so that I can protect her, I can not see her hurt. Please," Ranvijay could feel that Aahil stopped himself from saying. He got frustrated seeing that.

Seeing the restlessness on Ranvijay's face, Aahil could tell that he was genuinely worried for Myra. He was happy to see that Ranvijay cared about her. He took a deep breath and told him everything that had happened with Myra and why she had that type of fear, "Actually, when Myra's parents met with the accident, she was with them, they were coming from a birthday party, it was late in the night, and the weather was also not good, it started to rain heavily when they were coming back home, But in the middle of the way they met with an accident, There was no one to help them, they were lying in the pool of blood and Myra was beside them crying, she was also injured but not that much as her mother secured her in her arms, she was only three years old back then, when we got to know about it, it was already hours passed, and it left a trauma at her, from then on she started to afraid of thunder and lightning and also from the darkness. At that time she always hallucinate that her parents were leaving her, and she started to call her parents, stopping them from leaving her. She would always shout at them not to leave her alone, that she will miss them a lot and cry. We took to Doctor and then we got to know about it. We could not imagine what she had suffered in those hours, alone, in the middle of the road, no one was beside her, her parents were lying in front of her. It took her so much time and effort to overcome this phobia, but she still could not overcome her fear of darkness, and it got worse because of them and today both of her fears triggered her together."

"Because of whom? Because of whom it got worse Aahil, tell me," This was the sentence that caught Ranvijay's attention in the end, and he asked with suspicion.

"Just tell me fucking everything Aahil, she is my wife, and I have every right to know everything about her," Ranvijay almost shouted at Aahil when he saw his not saying anything.

"Currently is not the time for that. Let's meet tomorrow, I will tell you everything, and then it will be your decision what you need to do," Aahil said.

"Alright, I will come to your office tomorrow," Ranvijay said. He looked at Myra, who was sleeping peacefully now, and took a deep breath to calm himself down. He was also getting suspicious when he heard the issue with the power supply because it had never happened before. He wanted to find out everything as soon as possible, and now he felt like his wait was going to be over tomorrow.

To Be Continued...


Hey guys, 

I know you all have waited for it so long and your wait is going to be an end in the next chapter. Thanks for being so patient with my story.

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