Chapter Twenty Nine

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Next-Day at Singhania mansion...

Everyone was sitting in the main hall to discuss the marriage date, and a priest was looking at Aahil's and Kia's horoscope to fix a perfect date for their marriage.

Both Singhania and Malhotra families were available there, and they were patiently waiting for the priest to announce the date.

Singhania family never believes in such things, but the Malhotra family believes in all auspicious and spiritual stuff, so they had to give in for their happiness and belief.

"How much time he will take to select a date Bhai, I am getting frustrated just by looking at him; if someone allows me to select, I will do that before him," Myra whisper in Ayan's ear, to which he smiled at his young sister's cute angry face.

"Chill, Baby Doll, it will be done soon," Ayan said to his cute sister, who was looking totally pissed.

"There are two dates, one is after five days, and the other one is after two months; if they do not get married on these two dates, then they have to wait for three years for the auspicious date," The priest announced.

"What, three years, no way," It was Aahil who shouted, hearing the priest, but soon he realized that how he reacted.

Hearing his shout, everyone started to laugh, making him embarrassed.

"We can fix the wedding. On the first date, which was after five days means on Sunday," Myra suggested looking at her brother.

"But how will we do the arrangements? It is very little time," Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra said.

"Do not worry about the arrangements, and We will help you with all the arrangements; after all, it is the first marriage in our family, we will not leave any small things," Sharda said

"Didi is right, we can not wait to make Kia our daughter-in-law, and I can see that our Aahil is so eager to marry her. If he gets a chance, he will marry her here at this instant," Mradula said, giggling at Aahil.

"Choti maa, it is not like that," Aahil tried to hide his embarrassed face with the excuses, but whom he was kidding, he forgot that he has a crazy family.

"Oh, So you do not want to marry soon, then we can finalize the date, which is after three years, what say?" Abhivanth said casually while hiding his laugh, looking at his son's sullen face after his comment.

"What no date, the first date is perfect, and I do not want any changes, end of the discussion," Aahil shouted while the others started to laugh. Kia smiled, looking at Aahil, and she was trying to hide her red cheeks, which were getting redder and redder with Aahil's eagerness.

"Bhai, are you really excited about the marriage or the post-marriage rituals?" Vihaan asked with a mischievous smile.

"Vihaan," Aahil glared at him.

"What Vihaan, and why are you glaring at Vihaan Aahil Bhai? I mean, everyone had that ritual after their marriage; he was talking about reception and Muh Dikhai, right Vihaan?" Yash said innocently, but he very well knew about what rituals Vihaan was talking about.

The others started to laugh seeing Aahil's embarrassed face.

"Mom," Aahil whined like a baby.

"Oh My God, Kia, what have you done with my son, who always has a straight face," Sharda said dramatically, looking at Aahil with a faked shock.

"Okay, it is enough now," Vishwajeet said, stoping their teasing session.

"So it is decided that the marriage will be held on Sunday; you all can select the date for the other functions," Vishwajeet said.

"Okay, so as the date is already decided, then let's decide other things like Mehandi, Sangeet, and Haldi," Mradula said.

"Yes, so the first one is Mehandi, so as the wedding is on Sunday so we will do the Mehandi on Thursday means the day after tomorrow.

"And the next day will be Sangeet and after that haldi so that the bride and groom take proper rest before their wedding; otherwise it will be very hectic for them," Mrs. Malhotra said.

"Okay, so everything is decided then; Thursday will be Mehandi, Friday will be Sangeet, and Saturday will be Haldi, and Sunday is the wedding," Sharda said.

"Okay, so just leave all the preparation on us, we will do everything, and you all just sit and enjoy the wedding and, yes, make yourself beautiful; I want each and everyone to look in their best look on my brother's and best friend's wedding," Myra ordered all of them.

"And the reception will be on Monday," Mradula added.

"But how you will manage alone," Rajesh asked.

"Oh Dad, do not worry, our friend is the best wedding planner, and we have already talked with him yesterday about Bhai's wedding, and he is very much free and happy to plan it, so we will leave it all on him and will also help me in arrangements," Karan said assuring them.

"So guys, as now everything is decided and I have already asked the designer to design the clothes for all of us for every function so you will get your clothes on time, no need to worry about them," Myra said.

"Okay, so we will also take our leave as we also have sent invitations, and the time is limited," Mr. Malhotra said, to which everyone nodded.

"Yes, we also have to send invitations and all, and you people started to do your work from this instant as we do not have much time," Abhiwanth said.

"Aye, Aye Captain," all the youngsters made a salute pose except Kia and Aahil.

The elders shook their heads at their antics and said, ' you all will not change.'

Soon Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra left the Singhania mansion along with Kia.

Now everyone is engrossed in their work. Myra and her brothers divided the work between them so that there would be no confusion except Aahil, who was ordered to rest only. He can also go to the office but only for some important work otherwise no office once the wedding functions will start.


Time skipped............

Mehandi Day......

"Come on, Myra, we are getting late," Sharda shouted from downstairs.

"Yes, Badi Maa, I am coming," Myra replied from her room.

Today was the Mehandi of Aahil and Kia, and the whole Singhania Family was going to Kia's place as they decided to do Mehandi at Kia's home and Sangeet at Singhania Mansion and Haldi will be done at their own places.

Now everyone was ready to go, and they were waiting for Myra, who was taking lots of time.

After few minutes, they all saw Myra coming downstairs looking heavenly beautiful in her Green dress, which she wore for the Mehandi function.

"How am I looking?" Myra asked everyone.

"Cupcake, It's is Kia's Mehandi, not yours," Vihaan said, to which Myra looked at him in confusion.

"What are you saying Bhai, I know that it is Kia's Mehandi," Myra said.

"Then why do you have to take so much time to get ready and why the way you are so beautiful that I have to stay by your side to make all the males stay away from my Cupcake," Vihaan said, and hearing his compliment, Myra smiled.

"Vihaan is right, and you are looking beautiful, Baby Doll; we all have to be very careful," Ayan said, caressing her hairs.

"Okay, you all possessive, brother, let's go now; we are getting late," Mradula said, interrupting their conversation.


At Kia's place.....

The house was decorated very beautifully, and it was looking like a bride, and why not? The only daughter of Malhotra was getting married, so it has to be looked beautiful. Both parents ensured that they could provide their daughter a dream wedding and not be left with anything.

Soon the Singhania family reached Kia's house with lots of gifts and Shagun.

Mr. and Mrs. Singhania welcome them warmly with their relatives.

Myra moved directly towards Kia, who was sitting on the small stool, and the Mehandi designers were designing Mehandi on her hands.

Seeing Myra's arrival, Kia hugged her with a huge smile on her face.

Seeing her beautiful smile, anyone could tell that how much happy she was with her wedding.

"Finally, your wedding functions have been started; I still can not believe that you both are getting. Married, I am so happy for you, Babe," Myra said, breaking the hug.

"Okay, so did you tell them to write Aahil Bhai's name on your hands?" Myra asked Kia.

"No," Kia replied, blushing a little.

"What, why?" Myra asked with a shocked face.

"Come with me, let me tell them," Myra said and dragged Kia to the Mehandi artist who was waiting for her.

They both went to the artist and told them to write Aahil in Kia's Mehandi.

Mradula and Sharda went to Kia after meeting with Molhotra's relatives.

"You are looking so beautiful, Beta," Sharda said, caressing Kia's head, to which Kia gave her best smile.

"Yes, we can see that just by looking at Aahil Bhai, who can not even take his eyes off from Kia," Myra said teasingly, looking at Aahil.

The ladies looked at Aahil, who was still staring at Kia, and Kia blushed hard, hearing Myra's comment.

"Thank you, Mom," Kia said.

Aahil was just staring at Kia without blinking his eyes. For him, it was like the time has stopped, and only he and Kia was there in this whole world.

"Bhai, stop staring at her; it is looking creepy; she will soon going to be your wife, just wait for some days and control your hormones," Yash said, making Aahil come back to his sense.

"She is my would-be wife; why do I need to stop from looking at my wife? I have every right to look at her the way I want," Aahil snapped at Yash.

Everyone laughed, hearing Aahil's replied.

"Oh My God, Bhai, you have changed after confessing your love to her; you are becoming romantic," Karan also teases him.

"Shut up, you idiots," Aahil shouted at them for teasing him, but he was not able to hide his red cheeks from the which was making them laugh more.

They gave Shagun to Kia and put a little Mehandi on her hand as Shagun.

The Mehandi Function was completed with lots of dance and enjoyment.

After the function, the Singhania family returned to the Singhania Mansion from Kia's place.

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