Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Myra reached at the site within 30 minutes. She parked her car at the parking area and locked the car with the sensor lock. She went inside, where all the worker were doing their work.

She looked here and there to find Ranvijay as he said that he had already reached there when she did not find him, she chucked the thought to look for him and started to inspect the work while observing the worker.

She thought that the inspection should be uninformed so that we could check how the worker and the other supervisor actually work. If they were already informed about the sudden inspection, then they will be prepared themself beforehand, and we could not see where would be the fault.

She was walking inside while watching the worker who was working and also inspecting them without their knowledge.

While watching, she heard some noise from her right side, a little far from she was at that time, Myra looked at that side too and saw some crowd standing in a circle, and some was shouting from the middle of the circle, it was like he was shouting on someone and the group was watching it and whispering to each other.

Hearing the shouting she narrowed her eyes and walked towards the crowd.

She reached there but could not able to see anything due to the crowd.

"What is happening here," Myra shouted when she could not be able to see anything, and hearing her shout, everything becomes silent, and the crowd looked at her and also moved a little from their place.

Now she could see a boy around sixteen or seventeen years old was standing in the middle with tears filled his eyes.

A man in his 40s was also standing in front of that boy, and it was clear that he was the one who was shouting at that boy, but the reason was still unknown to her.

"What happening here?" Myra asked again.

"Who are you?" the man who was shouting at the boy asked her with an attitude.

"Who am I? you are not in the place to know that," she said in her stern voice, which scared him a little.

She moved towards the boy, who was still in tears "you tell me what happened?" Myra asked in a soft voice.

"Hey, girl, what the hell are you doing?" The man interrupted Myra from knowing anything.

"Shut up, and did I ask you anything? No right, then only speak when I asked you otherwise, keep your mouth shut," Myra glared at him and said in a very dangerous voice like if any word comes out from his mouth, then he will be dead for sure.

Seeing her dangerous eyes, that man quickly shut his mouth.

She again turned to the boy who was also looking at her with a little scared face, which made her face soften as she did not want to make scare that little boy.

Seeing the situation, anyone could tell that the man was bulling that little boy, and that was the thing which Myra hate the most. She did not like people bully the others.

"Do not worry, you can tell me," Myra said in her soft voice, which assures him that she will not scold him or harm him.

"Actually, he is the brother of the supervisor who was assigned to watch the work ( that boy pointed at the man who shouted at him ), but the supervisor always went missing in the work timing and assign his brother to watch on us, today I have to take a leave as I have to accompany my father to the hospital for his checkup because my mother went to work and could not go because she did not get a holiday from her work, so I came to him and asked for today's leave, but he denied and started to scold me saying that if I did not come to work today, then I do not have to go ever again, but I really need this job, because I am not adult so no one was ready to give me any job and this was the only place where I could work, I can not lose this job, I will not ask for leave if it was not urgent," The boy explained while his tears started to fall again from his eyes.

Hearing everything, Myra got more furious.

"Is he saying the truth that the supervisor always got absent in working hours?" Myra asked, looking at the crowd who was still standing at the same place, watching everything curiously.

"Why are you asking them, he is lying," The man said in a panic.

"Did I asked you?" Myra asked, greeting her teeth, looking at the man with the murderous glint.

"Yes, he is telling the truth, and we also tried to complain about him, but he always threatened us, saying that he will not let us work here if any of us said anything to the authorities, so we have to keep quiet and could not say anything," A person from the crowd said.

"Who allowed to you work, you are not an adult and as per the law you can not work before 18, you are supposed to focus on your studies at this age," Myra asked the boy.

"I know, but I do not have any choice either, My father met with an accident, and he got paralyzed from his lower body, he was the only earner in my family, and after the accident, my mother has to go out for work, but her salary is not sufficient for our living, so I also decided to help my mother," the boy said looking down.

"In which class are you in?" Myra asked

"I am in eleventh class, I study after work," That boy answers her, to which she nodded her head after listening to him.

"You will not work here from now on," Myra said to the boy, and the boy looked at her with shock, thinking that she was fairing him from the job as he already guessed her from some higher authority y her authoritative attitude in the situation.

"Please, do not do that. Please do not make me leave this job, and I do not have any other place to work," the boy started to plead to Myra while the crowd watching him with pity as they knew that boy and also liked him very much. He was very hardworking and never complained about the work.

"Stop now and come with me. I have a better job for you," Myra said to the boy, and hearing that she had a better job for him, his eyes started to shine, and he looked at her.

"Really?" he asked for confirmation if she was telling the truth.

"Yes, now come with me," Myra said and started to go with the boy, but she stopped in her track and turned to look at the man who was scolding the boy.

"You, go to your brother and tell him that he did not come to work now, he can enjoy his life well and you also do not have to come," Myra said with authority.

"Who are you to tell me that?" The man asked, getting furious but scared at the same time.

"I am Myra and it is enough for you to know," Myra said and went to the head department office with the boy.

They both left the place without noticing that someone was watching the whole situation and also heard everything. He also went behind Myra and that boy with curiosity without letting them detect his presence.

Myra entered the office without knocking, where a man was already sitting. That man looked at the person who entered in his office and was about to shout but swallow his words when he saw the person and stand up from his seat, he went towards Myra and greeted her and also offered her to sit.

Myra took the seat and also asked the boy who was standing beside her to sit, to which he obliged.

"Ma'am, you here, Ranvijay Sir has just left after he checked everything," That man said with a very polite voice sitting on his seat.

"Did you know that your supervisor always get absent in working hours and he also let a child work in this constriction site, did you ever check on your worker or ever asked if they are facing any problem or if they have any complaints regarding any superior, you know that child labor is a crime, and it is a government project you let a child work here, do you know the consequences for that," Myra said with an emotionless face and in a dangerous tone which was sending chills in the man's spine, and he started to sweat with her stern manner.

"I am sorry ma'am, I did not know about it," the man quickly apologized and explained.

"Then what are you here for? your work is to check each and everything here, but you just came from your home and sat in this Airconditioner room without doing your actual work, which is to look into the work and keep an eye on the workers," Myra shouted at him which made him looked down as he did not have any answer of her question because he was at mistake.

"Prepare his pay of up till now," Myra said, pointing at the boy who was looking at the whole situation curiously.

Soon the boy's payment was prepared, and she came out from the office after giving the warning to the man and also discussed about the work and the situation at the site.

When they both came outside, the boy stopped her holding her hand, to which Myra looked at him.

"What happened," Myra asked him.

"You said that you will give me a better job," the boy said, looking at her.

"Okay, first tell me, what do you want to become in the future?" Myra asked him while the boy narrowed his eyes, hearing her question.

"Why, do you want to know?" The boy asked with suspicion.

"Oho, just tell me, did I not say that I have a better job for you, then why this suspicion?" Myra asked

"I want to become a lawyer like my father," The boy answered truthfully, and Myra smiled at him.

She had already decided what she wanted to do for this little boy, who was so honest and ready to do anything for his family.

"Yes, I will, and your job is to study, and you will only focus on your study from now on and leave everything on me. I will take care of your father's medical expenses and give a better job to your mother and her job will be to take care of your father, so you do not need to worry, and your only focus should be on your study from now on," Myra said.

"I do not need your sympathy, and If I would have known that you will show your pity on me after learning my situation, then I will never agree to this," The boy said, getting angry at Myra, to which Myra looked at him with a smile.

"Do not worry; I am not showing any pity on you. I am making a deal with you, we will sign a ten years contract, in which you will first complete your study, and after completing your study you will have to work for my company, and after ten years the contract will be null so you will be free to work anywhere, and if you want to renew it then you can also do that, and once you will sign the contract you will be started to get your pay as your salary, but you have to work hard in your study and scored best if your scores fall then it will be considered as breaching the contract, with your salary, you can pay your father's madical expence and i do not think that your mother has to work because your salary should be sufficient for all the expence and your mother can only focus on take care of your father, so tell me are you agree with this deal," Myra explained, and the boy was just looking at her getting lost in his thoughts not knowing what to answer her.

"Come on. it is a win win situation for you, you do not need to work and you can also help your father to recover quickly, your father is a lawyer so you must have some knowledge about law, like you must have in harit it from your father," Myra said, looking at the little boy who was looking at her with suspicion-filled eyes.

"Okay, I agree to sign a ten years contract with you," The boy said after thinking a lot about it.

"Great, so let's go to your house and take your father to the hospital. Till then, I will ask my lawyer to prepare a contract to sign, but remember one thing that you have to work hard on your studies and score well. If I can give you a chance to you, then I can also take it back any time," Myra said in her bossy tone, to which the boy nodded.

"Do not worry, I will do my best and will not let you down," the boy said with a determination filled in his eyes.

"Good, why the way I have not asked your name and you also did not introduce yourself to me, now we are employees of the same company, so let's introduced ourselves,

Hey, I am Myra, COO of the Singhania group of companies," Myra said, forwarding her hand towards the boy.

"Hey, my name is Rishi Dixit," The boy said, taking her forwarded hand for a handshake.

"Nice name Rishi, now come on let's go," Myra said with a smile, and Rishi also gave her a sweet smile.

He was thinking, how lucky was he to met this angel who gave him this opportunity which no one can even think of.

He will always remember this day where he met his benefactor and will give all his life to work for her, he had already decided then and there that he will not break this contract even after ten years and will work under her all his life.

On the other end, the person who came behind Myra and Rishi listened to all their conversation and was stunned to know what Myra had done or Rishi.

She did not show any pity on him after knowing his condition. Still, she gave him a chance to change his life for the better without the burden of taking help from others. With this contract, he will work more hard so that he will not breach the contract and will also be successful in the future. He will not feel burden by knowing that someone was showing pity in his situation.

"Ranvijay, Sir, you are still here. I thought you already left," The head officer came out from his office and said, looking at Ranvijay, who was still watching the retreating figure of Myra and Rishi and was lost in his own thoughts.

"Do I need your permission, or do I obliged to answer your questions?" Ranvijay said, glaring at the officer, to which he shook his head left and right in denial.

Ranvijay went from there with lots of thought in his mind.

He was thinking that if he judged Myra wrongly by just hearing Alia and the detective's report because he never feels like she was someone who could stoop so low just for money, she never behaved with him like that apart from the closeness with the Singhania Brothers and today's incident also gave him to get a clear view of her character. It made him to judge the whole situation from the new side.

He was thinking that it might be Alia, and the detective could also be wrong because no one was available at that time when that incident between Sameer and Myra has happened.

He had to think from a new perspective.

To be continued...........

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