Chapter Forty-Five

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  The flight landed in Paris in the night around 9 PM.

Yash went outside along with Meera after taking their luggage while Kriti and her team with Ria also came out simultaneously.

Kriti looked at Yash, who was with Meera with the angry face to which Yash did not give any importance and went from there.

Yash and Meera took the car, which was already waiting for them at the gate of the Airport, and reached Myrash Hotel.

Kriti and her team also left for the Hotel, which was arranged by the organizer for the participants.

Yash already informed Myra about his arrival. Yash went to the suite which was arranged for him and Meera.

Yash entered in his suite, along with Meera.

"You also go and take rest, and we will meet at 10 AM here for discussing about the project," Yash ordered Meera, to which she nodded and went to her room which was booked by Yash for her.



As instructed, Meera went to Yash's suite before 10 AM with a notepad and pen for the discussion.

"Good Morning Sir," Meera greeted Yash, to which he nodded and took the seat on the couch and also asked her to sit.

"Did you have your breakfast?" Yash asked her.

"No Sir, I will after the discussion," Meera replied politely.

"You will not have time as we need to leave just after the discussion. You should have your breakfast by now, we will have the breakfast at the restaurant," Yash said, and Meera did not say anything and just nodded.

Meera did not say anything or denied the request because she also wanted to spend more time with Yash.

When she first went for the interview and was selected as the P.A. of Yash, she was not able to believe it.

She had heard from everyone that he was a rude person, but when she worked with him and spent time with him, she got to know that he is only rude when he works and he was such a caring person, it was when she started to like him and not only like she started to love him slowly.

Yes, she loves him, but she did not dare to tell him about her feelings as she did not know if he also likes her or not.

It was the reason which was stopping her from confessing her love for him.

She came out of her thoughts when she heard the ring of his phone.

Yash got up from his seat and went towards the balcony to receive the call.

At the same time, the door of the suite opened, and someone entered.

Meera heard the noise of opening the door and looked in that direction, and furrowed.

Seeing the person entered inside, Meera stood up from her seat and started to shout at her / his, and she did not even give any chance to the person to explain or to introduce.

"Who the hell are you? and how could you enter in someone else room like that? Did you not have the manner to knock on the door, and how did you even enter inside without anyone's permission? who gave you the keys of this suite, wait let me call the security to throw you outside from here," Meera said in her angry voice.

She was thinking that the person was also like Kriti, who came here to approach Yash for something.

She was really angry and jealous as well.

Hearing her shout, the person raised her/ his eyebrows and looked at Meera in amusement, as the person knew that Meera was Yash's P.A., but Meera did not know the person's identity.

"Really, you will do that?" the person asked Meera while smiling a little at her.

Seeing her smile, Meera looked at her/ his and narrowed her eyes as she did not know the meaning of the smile.

She thought that the person would be scared if she tells that she will call security.

"Yes, of course, I will," Meera did not bulge but said in a challenging tone.

In the meanwhile, Yash, who was on call, also heard some noise and came inside to check.

"Bhai," Yash heard the voice and looked in the direction.

( I hope that you all already predicted the person, and yes, it was Myra )

"Angel, when did you come, and why did you not inform me? I was about to call you for the breakfast but received the call from the client," Yash said, going towards Myra and hugged her, to which she reciprocated.

On the other end, Meera was looking at both of them with shock, and her mouth was wide open with the new heard news from which she was totally unaware.

She never thought that the person on whom she was just shouting and asking to leave would be his sister.

But wait, she never heard that Yash has a sister; thinking of this she became confused.

"What happened to you and why are you looking like that?" Yash asked, looking at Meera, who was still not able to digest the news.

Myra also looked at her and gave her a smile which made Meera more nervous.

And why not? If Myra wants, she can also fire her from this Job because of her behavior towards her.

"I am so sorry, and I did not know that you are Sir's sister. I thought that someone came to his room without permission," Meera said, getting more and more nervous.

"What happened Angel?" Yash asked in confusion when he saw Meera's behavior and heard her saying sorry.

"Nothing Bhai, it just that I came to invite you for breakfast and....." Myra explained everything to Yash.

"I am really sorry for that, Ma'am," Meera said, looking down.

"It is Okay, you were doing your job, but still, you should at least give the other party a chance to explain or introduced himself," Myra said, shrugging off the topic and also advised Meera to be careful from next time.

Myra already knew about Meera's personality, so she did not make a fuss over it.

As Myra did not say anything about it, Yash also did not say anything, but he also did not like the way Meera talked to Myra, but as Myra also said, Meera did not know about her identity.

"Miss Meera, you should be careful with your way of talking," Yash said in his stern voice. He did not say anything to her, but it did not mean that he was not angry.

"I am really sorry, Sir, it will not happen again," Meera said, apologizing again to them.

"Leave it na Bhai, I am hungry," Myra tried to divert Yash from the topic now as she her brother's anger.

"Okay, let's go," Yash said, to which Myra nodded.

"But Sir, You said that we need to discuss something about the project," Meera said when she saw Yash and Myra going.

"We will do that while having breakfast, Miss Meera," Yash said, and Meera nodded obediently as she did not want to make him angrier.

They went to the restaurant, which was on the ground floor of the Hotel, and went to the private cabin which was already arranged by Myra before coming to call Yash.

"So, what do you want to have Angel?" Yash asked after settling down on the seat.

"You order Bhai," Myra said

"Okay, and Miss Meera, what about you?" Yash looked at Meera, who was sitting quietly in her seat.

"Anything is fine with me, Sir," Meera said in her low voice.

Yash nodded and ordered for three of them.

Soon the food arrived, and they started to have while Yash was feeding Myra as usual.

"What happened, Miss Meera?" Myra asked, looking at Meera, who was just playing with her food.

"Nothing Ma'am," Meera said and gave a small smile to her.

"Then why are you not eating and only playing with your food," Myra said, raising her eyebrows.

"I am not feeling hungry, Ma'am that's it," Meera said.

"Forget about that incident Miss Meera and just focus on your work. I really like your professional behavior. That was the reason I did take it to my heart. If I am not thinking about it, then why are you? So just chill and have your food," Maya said, and Meera was looking at her with admiration.

Meera liked Myra's behavior and easy-going nature.

Meera also started to have her food after listening to Myra's words, and it was like a burden lifted from her heart. She was really scared that what if Myra did anything to Meera for her insult.

Yash was also admiring his sister and feeling proud of his sister.

She always knew when to take action and when not.

While having breakfast, Myra's phone rang. She received the call after checking the caller Id.

"Speak," Myra said in her serious tone.

"Ma'am, today is the dress rehearsal, and everyone is going to the venue. Everything is going as per the plan Ma'am," The person said from the other side of the phone.

"Good, keep an eye on everything and update me," Myra said and hung up the call without giving any chance to the other party to say more.

"How is everything going Angel," Yash asked while feeding her as he knew what the call was regarding.

"Yes, Bhai, everything is going well, and as per the plan," Myra replied to him.

"Good, tell me, if there is any problem and do not forget to take the bodyguards whenever you are going as I need to go to meet the clients and from tomorrow I will accompany you," Yash said when everyone finished the breakfast and ready to leave.

"Okay Bhai, I will," Myra said.

"Bye, Take care," Yash said and gave a hug to Myra and left with Meera.

Myra also left to work and to check the arrangements for her plan.

To Be Continued........

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