Chapter Eighty-Eight

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Same Night...In a hotel room...

As Sameer said, he fixed a meeting with everyone, and right now, they were in a hotel room.

Sameer, Nishant, Kriti, and Ria were sitting with the drinks placed on the table before them.

"Why did you arranged this sudden meeting Sameer?" Nishant asked, looking at Sameer.

"Guys, I have a very important matter to talk to you all," Sameer said after gulping the whole glass of drink.

"What is it Sameer?" Kriti asked.

"Kriti, you know what had happened with you, right?" Sameer asked her.

"What do you mean Sameer? just tell clearly," Kriti asked, narrowing her eyes as she did not like to talk about that again and again. She always got angry if someone tried to talk about that incident to her because that whole incident destroyed her entire life of herd work, which she could not forget, and she also could not do anything about that, could she? she could just sit back and feel sad.

"Alright guys, as we all know that whatever happened with Kriti was all planned by someone, our going to jail and Kriti's incident, everything was planned, and who is the person? we still do not get any information about him/ her, and if this goes on like that, then we will be ruined, guys," Sameer explained the entire thing to them, making them think about the whole thing deeply.

"So what do you want us to do, we have every sorce, but we could not find any clue about those incidents," Nishant asked after thinking about some time.

"I know, guys, and that is why I want all of us to think and made a list of people with whom we have interacted in till now and think about all the significant events that happened in our life and if unknowingly we have offended someone who we should not have offended," Sameer said.

"I do think we have done anything which caused someone to hate us that he/ she wanted to destroy us at any cost," Ria stated ( according to her, she has never done anything wrong), making them look at her.

"Yeah I agree with Ria," Kriti said, also agreeing with Ria's statement.

"No, we are forgetting something," Nishant suddenly said, after thinking for some time, and he remembered something.

"What is it?" Ria asked, looking at him in confusion.

"Did you forget what happened that night?" Nishant said, looking at his friend, making their eyes widen in shock.

"No, this can not be true," Kriti got up from her seat and suddenly said in shock.

"Why not? It was a crime which we had committed and just ran away," Nishant said very calmly because, in all four of them, he was the only one who was a little guilty.

"But, if all of this happening because of that incident, then why did she wait of this long," Ria asked in more confusion, as she was not able to understand anything.

"I do not think so," Sameer, who was silent for a long time, suddenly said.

"Did you forget her identity, apart from her family, who can have this power to do that and to play with us," Sameer added.

"But she did not do anything and did not react when we met her at the wedding, she behaved like normal, and the most important thing is that she did not know that it was all happened because of us, she is still unaware about the culprit," Kriti shouted like crying.

"And we have removed all the evidence, right? then could anyone know about it," Kriti added in her statement?

"Yeah, you are correct that we have already removed every evidence about that incident but can you be sure that no one could find out about it?" Nishant asked, looking at Kriti, making her silent as she could able to process anything at that time.

"I think Kriti is right. She can not do that, and she is still the same naive and stupid girl," Ria said, trying to convince everyone or herself because Ria could believe that she could do something like that.

"There is no one stupid in that family," Sameer said, remembering her family members and their protectiveness towards her.

"I agree with Sameer," Nishant said.

"So what should we do?" Kriti asked in a scared tone.

"Let's keep an eyes on her, first we need to confirm that it is her, otherwise we will be in a big trouble, she is not some middle class girl now," Sameer made the suggestion.

"Sameer is right, we can only do that for now as we are not sure about it and we mistenly done anything wrong with her then this time we will not be able to escape from her family and we are also not in the position to fight with them," Nishant agreed with Sameer, hearing Nishant, everyone nodded in understanding. Because they also knew where they stood for now.

Alright, so let do that," Sameer said.

"What about my problem?" Ria asked Sameer thinking about her work and decreasing career.

"Do not worry. I have asked a friend. He is working in an advertisement company, they are auditioning for a female model for their advertisement, and I have recommended your name. I will give you his number, and you just need to contact him, he will schedule your meeting with the director, and then everything depends on you, you just need to impress the director," Sameer explained to her.

"Thank you Sameer, I will try my best," Ria said excitedly and hugged him and gave a kiss on his lips, to which he also hugged her.

"Alright, guys, be careful and do not fall in any trap for now, we do not what will happened the next minute," Sameer warned his friends.

"Sure, do not worry, we will be careful," Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Good, it is already late, let's go," Nishant said.

"Okay, good night,"

"Good night,"

To Be Continued...

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